#include #pragma once // converts Tait-Bryan 312 sequence of rotations from frame 1 to frame 2 // to the corresponding rotation matrix that rotates from frame 2 to frame 1 // rot312(0) - First rotation is a RH rotation about the Z axis (rad) // rot312(1) - Second rotation is a RH rotation about the X axis (rad) // rot312(2) - Third rotation is a RH rotation about the Y axis (rad) // See http://www.atacolorado.com/eulersequences.doc matrix::Dcmf taitBryan312ToRotMat(const matrix::Vector3f &rot312); // Use Kahan summation algorithm to get the sum of "sum_previous" and "input". // This function relies on the caller to be responsible for keeping a copy of // "accumulator" and passing this value at the next iteration. // Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm float kahanSummation(float sum_previous, float input, float &accumulator); // calculate the inverse rotation matrix from a quaternion rotation // this produces the inverse rotation to that produced by the math library quaternion to Dcmf operator matrix::Dcmf quatToInverseRotMat(const matrix::Quatf &quat); namespace ecl{ inline float powf(float x, int exp) { float ret; if (exp > 0) { ret = x; for (int count = 1; count < exp; count++) { ret *= x; } return ret; } else if (exp < 0) { return 1.0f / ecl::powf(x, -exp); } return 1.0f; } }