#! /usr/bin/env bash # detect if running in docker if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then echo "Running within docker, installing initial dependencies"; apt-get --quiet -y update && apt-get --quiet -y install \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg \ gosu \ lsb-core \ sudo \ wget \ ; fi # script directory DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) # check ubuntu version # instructions for 16.04, 18.04 # otherwise warn and point to docker? UBUNTU_RELEASE=`lsb_release -rs` if [[ "${UBUNTU_RELEASE}" == "14.04" ]] then echo "Ubuntu 14.04 unsupported, see docker px4io/px4-dev-base" exit 1 elif [[ "${UBUNTU_RELEASE}" == "16.04" ]] then echo "Ubuntu 16.04" elif [[ "${UBUNTU_RELEASE}" == "18.04" ]] then echo "Ubuntu 18.04" fi export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get update -yy --quiet sudo apt-get -yy --quiet --no-install-recommends install \ astyle \ bzip2 \ ccache \ cmake \ cppcheck \ doxygen \ file \ g++ \ gcc \ gdb \ git \ lcov \ make \ ninja-build \ python-pip \ python-pygments \ python-setuptools \ rsync \ shellcheck \ unzip \ wget \ xsltproc \ zip # python dependencies if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then # in docker install requirements system wide sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel sudo python -m pip install -r ${DIR}/requirements.txt else # otherwise only install for the user python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip setuptools wheel python -m pip install --user -r ${DIR}/requirements.txt fi # java (jmavsim or fastrtps) # TODO: only install when necessary sudo apt-get -y --quiet --no-install-recommends install \ default-jre-headless \ default-jdk-headless # TODO: nuttx, raspberrypi, armhf generic # TODO: gazebo or ROS optional