############################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2018 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ #============================================================================= # # px4_add_board # # This function creates a PX4 board. # # Usage: # px4_add_board( # PLATFORM # VENDOR # MODEL # [ LABEL ] # [ TOOLCHAIN ] # [ ARCHITECTURE ] # [ ROMFSROOT ] # [ IO ] # [ BOOTLOADER ] # [ UAVCAN_INTERFACES ] # [ DRIVERS ] # [ MODULES ] # [ SYSTEMCMDS ] # [ EXAMPLES ] # [ SERIAL_PORTS ] # [ DF_DRIVERS ] # [ CONSTRAINED_FLASH ] # [ TESTING ] # ) # # Input: # PLATFORM : PX4 platform name (posix, nuttx, qurt) # VENDOR : name of board vendor/manufacturer/brand/etc # MODEL : name of board model # LABEL : optional label, set to default if not specified # TOOLCHAIN : cmake toolchain # ARCHITECTURE : name of the CPU CMake is building for (used by the toolchain) # ROMFSROOT : relative path to the ROMFS root directory (currently NuttX only) # IO : name of IO board to be built and included in the ROMFS (requires a valid ROMFSROOT) # BOOTLOADER : bootloader file to include for flashing via bl_update (currently NuttX only) # UAVCAN_INTERFACES : number of interfaces for UAVCAN # DRIVERS : list of drivers to build for this board (relative to src/drivers) # MODULES : list of modules to build for this board (relative to src/modules) # SYSTEMCMDS : list of system commands to build for this board (relative to src/systemcmds) # EXAMPLES : list of example modules to build for this board (relative to src/examples) # SERIAL_PORTS : mapping of user configurable serial ports and param facing name # DF_DRIVERS : list of DriverFramework device drivers (includes DriverFramework driver and wrapper) # CONSTRAINED_FLASH : flag to enable constrained flash options (eg limit init script status text) # TESTING : flag to enable automatic inclusion of PX4 testing modules # # # Example: # px4_add_board( # PLATFORM nuttx # VENDOR px4 # MODEL fmu-v5 # TOOLCHAIN arm-none-eabi # ARCHITECTURE cortex-m7 # ROMFSROOT px4fmu_common # IO px4_io-v2_default # SERIAL_PORTS # GPS1:/dev/ttyS0 # TEL1:/dev/ttyS1 # TEL2:/dev/ttyS2 # TEL4:/dev/ttyS3 # DRIVERS # barometer/ms5611 # gps # imu/bmi055 # imu/mpu6000 # magnetometer/ist8310 # px4fmu # px4io # rgbled # MODULES # commander # ekf2 # land_detector # mavlink # mc_att_control # mc_pos_control # navigator # sensors # MODULES # mixer # mtd # param # perf # pwm # reboot # shutdown # top # topic_listener # tune_control # ) # function(px4_add_board) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_board ONE_VALUE PLATFORM VENDOR MODEL LABEL TOOLCHAIN ARCHITECTURE ROMFSROOT IO BOOTLOADER UAVCAN_INTERFACES MULTI_VALUE DRIVERS MODULES SYSTEMCMDS EXAMPLES SERIAL_PORTS DF_DRIVERS OPTIONS CONSTRAINED_FLASH TESTING REQUIRED PLATFORM VENDOR MODEL ARGN ${ARGN}) set(PX4_BOARD_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} CACHE STRING "PX4 board directory" FORCE) include_directories(${PX4_BOARD_DIR}/src) set(PX4_BOARD ${VENDOR}_${MODEL} CACHE STRING "PX4 board" FORCE) # board name is uppercase with no underscores when used as a define string(TOUPPER ${PX4_BOARD} PX4_BOARD_NAME) string(REPLACE "-" "_" PX4_BOARD_NAME ${PX4_BOARD_NAME}) set(PX4_BOARD_NAME ${PX4_BOARD_NAME} CACHE STRING "PX4 board define" FORCE) set(PX4_BOARD_VENDOR ${VENDOR} CACHE STRING "PX4 board vendor" FORCE) set(PX4_BOARD_MODEL ${MODEL} CACHE STRING "PX4 board model" FORCE) if(LABEL) set(PX4_BOARD_LABEL ${LABEL} CACHE STRING "PX4 board label" FORCE) else() set(PX4_BOARD_LABEL "default" CACHE STRING "PX4 board label" FORCE) endif() set(PX4_CONFIG "${PX4_BOARD_VENDOR}_${PX4_BOARD_MODEL}_${PX4_BOARD_LABEL}" CACHE STRING "PX4 config" FORCE) # set OS, and append specific platform module path set(PX4_PLATFORM ${PLATFORM} CACHE STRING "PX4 board OS" FORCE) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/platforms/${PX4_PLATFORM}/cmake) # platform-specific include path include_directories(${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/platforms/${PX4_PLATFORM}/src/px4/common/include) if(ARCHITECTURE) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ${ARCHITECTURE} CACHE INTERNAL "system processor" FORCE) endif() if(TOOLCHAIN) set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE Toolchain-${TOOLCHAIN} CACHE INTERNAL "toolchain file" FORCE) endif() if(BOOTLOADER) set(config_bl_file ${BOOTLOADER} CACHE INTERNAL "bootloader" FORCE) endif() if(SERIAL_PORTS) set(board_serial_ports ${SERIAL_PORTS} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() # ROMFS if(ROMFSROOT) set(config_romfs_root ${ROMFSROOT} CACHE INTERNAL "ROMFS root" FORCE) # IO board (placed in ROMFS) if(IO) set(config_io_board ${IO} CACHE INTERNAL "IO" FORCE) endif() endif() if(UAVCAN_INTERFACES) set(config_uavcan_num_ifaces ${UAVCAN_INTERFACES} CACHE INTERNAL "UAVCAN interfaces" FORCE) endif() # OPTIONS if(CONSTRAINED_FLASH) set(px4_constrained_flash_build "1" CACHE INTERNAL "constrained flash build" FORCE) add_definitions(-DCONSTRAINED_FLASH) endif() if(TESTING) set(PX4_TESTING "1" CACHE INTERNAL "testing enabled" FORCE) endif() include(px4_impl_os) px4_os_prebuild_targets(OUT prebuild_targets BOARD ${PX4_BOARD}) ########################################################################### # Modules (includes drivers, examples, modules, systemcmds) set(config_module_list) if(DRIVERS) foreach(driver ${DRIVERS}) list(APPEND config_module_list drivers/${driver}) endforeach() endif() if(MODULES) foreach(module ${MODULES}) list(APPEND config_module_list modules/${module}) endforeach() endif() if(SYSTEMCMDS) foreach(systemcmd ${SYSTEMCMDS}) list(APPEND config_module_list systemcmds/${systemcmd}) endforeach() endif() if(EXAMPLES) foreach(example ${EXAMPLES}) list(APPEND config_module_list examples/${example}) endforeach() endif() # DriverFramework drivers if(DF_DRIVERS) set(config_df_driver_list) foreach(driver ${DF_DRIVERS}) list(APPEND config_df_driver_list ${driver}) if(EXISTS "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/drivers/driver_framework_wrapper/df_${driver}_wrapper") list(APPEND config_module_list drivers/driver_framework_wrapper/df_${driver}_wrapper) endif() endforeach() set(config_df_driver_list ${config_df_driver_list} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() # add board config directory src to build modules file(RELATIVE_PATH board_support_src_rel ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${PX4_BOARD_DIR}) list(APPEND config_module_list ${board_support_src_rel}/src) set(config_module_list ${config_module_list} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()