from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import codecs
import os
class MarkdownTablesOutput():
def __init__(self, groups, board, image_path):
result = ("# Airframes Reference\n"
"> **Note** **This list is auto-generated from the source code**.\n"
"> \n"
"> The **AUX** channels are only available on Pixhawk Boards (labeled with **AUX OUT**).\n"
"> \n"
result += """This page lists all supported airframes and types including
the motor assignment and numbering. The motors in **green** rotate clockwise,
the ones in **blue** counterclockwise.\n\n"""
type_set = set()
if len(image_path) > 0 and image_path[-1] != '/':
image_path = image_path + '/'
for group in groups:
if group.GetClass() not in type_set:
result += '## %s\n\n' % group.GetClass()
result += '### %s\n\n' % group.GetName()
# Display an image of the frame
image_name = group.GetImageName()
result += '
image_name = image_path + image_name
result += '

\n' % (image_name)
# check if all outputs are equal for the group: if so, show them
# only once
outputs_prev = ['', ''] # split into MAINx and others (AUXx)
outputs_match = [True, True]
for param in group.GetParams():
if not self.IsExcluded(param, board):
outputs_current = ['', '']
for output_name in param.GetOutputCodes():
value = param.GetOutputValue(output_name)
if output_name.lower().startswith('main'):
idx = 0
idx = 1
outputs_current[idx] += '
%s: %s' % (output_name, value)
for i in range(2):
if len(outputs_current[i]) != 0:
if outputs_prev[i] == '':
outputs_prev[i] = outputs_current[i]
elif outputs_current[i] != outputs_prev[i]:
outputs_match[i] = False
for i in range(2):
if len(outputs_prev[i]) == 0:
outputs_match[i] = False
if not outputs_match[i]:
outputs_prev[i] = ''
if outputs_match[0] or outputs_match[1]:
result += '
result += ' \n'
result += ' \n'
result += ' Common Outputs |
result += ' \n'
result += '\n'
result += '\n | \n
\n' % (outputs_prev[0], outputs_prev[1])
result += '
result += '
result += '