#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # # Copyright 2017 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ################################################################################ # This script can generate the client and agent code based on a set of topics # to sent and set to receive. It uses fastrtpsgen to generate the code from the # IDL for the topic messages. The PX4 msg definitions are used to create the IDL # used by fastrtpsgen using templates. import sys, os, argparse, shutil import px_generate_uorb_topic_files import subprocess, glob import errno def get_absolute_path(arg_parse_dir): root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) if isinstance(arg_parse_dir, list): dir = arg_parse_dir[0] else: dir = arg_parse_dir if dir[0] != '/': dir = root_path + "/" + dir return dir default_client_out = get_absolute_path("src/modules/micrortps_bridge/micrortps_client") default_agent_out = get_absolute_path("src/modules/micrortps_bridge/micrortps_agent") default_uorb_templates_dir = "/templates/uorb_microcdr" default_urtps_templates_dir = "/templates/urtps" default_package_name = px_generate_uorb_topic_files.PACKAGE parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--send", dest='send', metavar='*.msg', type=str, nargs='+', help="Topics to be sended") parser.add_argument("-r", "--receive", dest='receive', metavar='*.msg', type=str, nargs='+', help="Topics to be received") parser.add_argument("-a", "--agent", dest='agent', action="store_true", help="Flag for generate the agent, by default is true if -c is not specified") parser.add_argument("-c", "--client", dest='client', action="store_true", help="Flag for generate the client, by default is true if -a is not specified") parser.add_argument("-i", "--no-idl", dest='idl', action="store_false", help="Flag for generate idl files for each msg, by default is true if -i is not specified") parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic-msg-dir", dest='msgdir', type=str, nargs=1, help="Topics message dir, by default msg/", default="msg") parser.add_argument("-b", "--uorb-templates-dir", dest='uorb_templates', type=str, nargs=1, help="uORB templates dir, by default msg_dir/templates/uorb_microcdr", default=default_uorb_templates_dir) parser.add_argument("-q", "--urtps-templates-dir", dest='urtps_templates', type=str, nargs=1, help="uRTPS templates dir, by default msg_dir/templates/urtps", default=default_urtps_templates_dir) parser.add_argument("-p", "--package", dest='package', type=str, nargs=1, help="Msg package naming, by default px4", default=default_package_name) parser.add_argument("-o", "--agent-outdir", dest='agentdir', type=str, nargs=1, help="Agent output dir, by default src/modules/micrortps_bridge/micrortps_agent", default=default_agent_out) parser.add_argument("-u", "--client-outdir", dest='clientdir', type=str, nargs=1, help="Client output dir, by default src/modules/micrortps_bridge/micrortps_client", default=default_client_out) parser.add_argument("-f", "--fastrtpsgen-dir", dest='fastrtpsgen', type=str, nargs='?', help="fastrtpsgen installation dir, only needed if fastrtpsgen is not in PATH, by default empty", default="") parser.add_argument("--delete-tree", dest='del_tree', action="store_true", help="Delete dir tree output dir(s)") if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.print_usage() exit(-1) # Parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() msg_folder = get_absolute_path(args.msgdir) msg_files_send = [] msg_files_receive = [] if args.send: msg_files_send = [get_absolute_path(msg) for msg in args.send] if args.receive: msg_files_receive = [get_absolute_path(msg) for msg in args.receive] if args.package[0] != px_generate_uorb_topic_files.PACKAGE: package = args.package[0] else: package = px_generate_uorb_topic_files.PACKAGE agent = args.agent client = args.client # If not specified, auto generate the idl filename_send_msgs if args.idl is None or args.idl == "": idl = True else: idl = args.idl del_tree = args.del_tree px_generate_uorb_topic_files.append_to_include_path({msg_folder}, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, package) agent_out_dir = get_absolute_path(args.agentdir) client_out_dir = get_absolute_path(args.clientdir) if args.fastrtpsgen is None or args.fastrtpsgen == "": # Assume fastrtpsgen is in PATH fastrtpsgen_path = "fastrtpsgen" else: # Path to fastrtpsgen is explicitly specified fastrtpsgen_path = get_absolute_path(args.fastrtpsgen) + "/fastrtpsgen" # If nothing specified it's generated both if agent == False and client == False: agent = True client = True if del_tree: if agent: _continue = str(raw_input("\nFiles in " + agent_out_dir + " will be erased, continue?[Y/n]\n")) if _continue == "N" or _continue == "n": print("Aborting execution...") exit(-1) else: if agent and os.path.isdir(agent_out_dir): shutil.rmtree(agent_out_dir) if client: _continue = str(raw_input("\nFiles in " + client_out_dir + " will be erased, continue?[Y/n]\n")) if _continue == "N" or _continue == "n": print("Aborting execution...") exit(-1) else: if client and os.path.isdir(client_out_dir): shutil.rmtree(client_out_dir) if agent and os.path.isdir(agent_out_dir + "/idl"): shutil.rmtree(agent_out_dir + "/idl") uorb_templates_dir = msg_folder + get_absolute_path(args.uorb_templates) urtps_templates_dir = msg_folder + get_absolute_path(args.urtps_templates) uRTPS_CLIENT_TEMPL_FILE = 'microRTPS_client.cpp.template' uRTPS_AGENT_TOPICS_H_TEMPL_FILE = 'RtpsTopics.h.template' uRTPS_AGENT_TOPICS_SRC_TEMPL_FILE = 'RtpsTopics.cpp.template' uRTPS_AGENT_TEMPL_FILE = 'microRTPS_agent.cpp.template' uRTPS_AGENT_CMAKELIST_TEMPL_FILE = 'microRTPS_agent_CMakeLists.txt.template' uRTPS_PUBLISHER_SRC_TEMPL_FILE = 'Publisher.cpp.template' uRTPS_PUBLISHER_H_TEMPL_FILE = 'Publisher.h.template' uRTPS_SUBSCRIBER_SRC_TEMPL_FILE = 'Subscriber.cpp.template' uRTPS_SUBSCRIBER_H_TEMPL_FILE = 'Subscriber.h.template' def generate_agent(out_dir): if msg_files_send: for msg_file in msg_files_send: if idl: px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_idl_file(msg_file, out_dir + "/idl", urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_topic_file(msg_file, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_PUBLISHER_SRC_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_topic_file(msg_file, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_PUBLISHER_H_TEMPL_FILE) if msg_files_receive: for msg_file in msg_files_receive: if idl: px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_idl_file(msg_file, out_dir + "/idl", urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_topic_file(msg_file, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_SUBSCRIBER_SRC_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_topic_file(msg_file, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_SUBSCRIBER_H_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_uRTPS_general(msg_files_send, msg_files_receive, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_AGENT_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_uRTPS_general(msg_files_send, msg_files_receive, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_AGENT_TOPICS_H_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_uRTPS_general(msg_files_send, msg_files_receive, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_AGENT_TOPICS_SRC_TEMPL_FILE) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_uRTPS_general(msg_files_send, msg_files_receive, out_dir, urtps_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_AGENT_CMAKELIST_TEMPL_FILE) # Final steps to install agent mkdir_p(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen") os.chdir(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen") for idl_file in glob.glob(agent_out_dir + "/idl/*.idl"): ret = subprocess.call(fastrtpsgen_path + " -d " + agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen -example x64Linux2.6gcc " + idl_file, shell=True) if ret: raise Exception("fastrtpsgen not found. Specify the location of fastrtpsgen with the -f flag") rm_wildcard(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/*PubSubMain*") rm_wildcard(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/makefile*") rm_wildcard(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/*Publisher*") rm_wildcard(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/*Subscriber*") for f in glob.glob(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/*.cxx"): os.rename(f, f.replace(".cxx", ".cpp")) cp_wildcard(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen/*", agent_out_dir) if os.path.isdir(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen"): shutil.rmtree(agent_out_dir + "/fastrtpsgen") cp_wildcard(urtps_templates_dir + "/microRTPS_transport.*", agent_out_dir) os.rename(agent_out_dir + "/microRTPS_agent_CMakeLists.txt", agent_out_dir + "/CMakeLists.txt") mkdir_p(agent_out_dir + "/build") return 0 def rm_wildcard(pattern): for f in glob.glob(pattern): os.remove(f) def cp_wildcard(pattern, destdir): for f in glob.glob(pattern): shutil.copy(f, destdir) def mkdir_p(dirpath): try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dirpath): pass else: raise def generate_client(out_dir): # Rename work in the default path if default_client_out != out_dir: def_file = default_client_out + "/microRTPS_client.cpp" if os.path.isfile(def_file): os.rename(def_file, def_file.replace(".cpp", ".cpp_")) def_file = default_client_out + "/microRTPS_transport.cpp" if os.path.isfile(def_file): os.rename(def_file, def_file.replace(".cpp", ".cpp_")) def_file = default_client_out + "/microRTPS_transport.h" if os.path.isfile(def_file): os.rename(def_file, def_file.replace(".h", ".h_")) px_generate_uorb_topic_files.generate_uRTPS_general(msg_files_send, msg_files_receive, out_dir, uorb_templates_dir, package, px_generate_uorb_topic_files.INCL_DEFAULT, uRTPS_CLIENT_TEMPL_FILE) # Final steps to install client cp_wildcard(urtps_templates_dir + "/microRTPS_transport.*", out_dir) return 0 if agent: generate_agent(agent_out_dir) print("\nAgent created in: " + agent_out_dir) if client: generate_client(client_out_dir) print("\nClient created in: " + client_out_dir)