# GDB/Python functions for dealing with NuttX from __future__ import print_function import gdb, gdb.types parse_int = lambda x: int(str(x), 0) class NX_register_set(object): """Copy of the registers for a given context""" v7_regmap = { 'R13': 0, 'SP': 0, 'PRIORITY': 1, 'R4': 2, 'R5': 3, 'R6': 4, 'R7': 5, 'R8': 6, 'R9': 7, 'R10': 8, 'R11': 9, 'EXC_RETURN': 10, 'R0': 11, 'R1': 12, 'R2': 13, 'R3': 14, 'R12': 15, 'R14': 16, 'LR': 16, 'R15': 17, 'PC': 17, 'XPSR': 18, } v7em_regmap = { 'R13': 0, 'SP': 0, 'PRIORITY': 1, 'R4': 2, 'R5': 3, 'R6': 4, 'R7': 5, 'R8': 6, 'R9': 7, 'R10': 8, 'R11': 9, 'EXC_RETURN': 10, 'R0': 27, 'R1': 28, 'R2': 29, 'R3': 30, 'R12': 31, 'R14': 32, 'LR': 32, 'R15': 33, 'PC': 33, 'XPSR': 34, } regs = dict() def __init__(self, xcpt_regs): if xcpt_regs is None: self.regs['R0'] = self.mon_reg_call('r0') self.regs['R1'] = self.mon_reg_call('r1') self.regs['R2'] = self.mon_reg_call('r2') self.regs['R3'] = self.mon_reg_call('r3') self.regs['R4'] = self.mon_reg_call('r4') self.regs['R5'] = self.mon_reg_call('r5') self.regs['R6'] = self.mon_reg_call('r6') self.regs['R7'] = self.mon_reg_call('r7') self.regs['R8'] = self.mon_reg_call('r8') self.regs['R9'] = self.mon_reg_call('r9') self.regs['R10'] = self.mon_reg_call('r10') self.regs['R11'] = self.mon_reg_call('r11') self.regs['R12'] = self.mon_reg_call('r12') self.regs['R13'] = self.mon_reg_call('r13') self.regs['SP'] = self.mon_reg_call('sp') self.regs['R14'] = self.mon_reg_call('r14') self.regs['LR'] = self.mon_reg_call('lr') self.regs['R15'] = self.mon_reg_call('r15') self.regs['PC'] = self.mon_reg_call('pc') #self.regs['XPSR'] = self.mon_reg_call('xPSR') else: for key in self.v7em_regmap.keys(): self.regs[key] = int(xcpt_regs[self.v7em_regmap[key]]) def mon_reg_call(self,register): """ register is the register as a string e.g. 'pc' return integer containing the value of the register """ str_to_eval = "info registers "+register resp = gdb.execute(str_to_eval,to_string = True) content = resp.split()[-1] try: return int(content) except: return 0 @classmethod def with_xcpt_regs(cls, xcpt_regs): return cls(xcpt_regs) @classmethod def for_current(cls): return cls(None) def __format__(self, format_spec): return format_spec.format( registers = self.registers ) @property def registers(self): return self.regs class NX_task(object): """Reference to a NuttX task and methods for introspecting it""" def __init__(self, tcb_ptr): self._tcb = tcb_ptr.dereference() self._group = self._tcb['group'].dereference() self.pid = tcb_ptr['pid'] @classmethod def for_tcb(cls, tcb): """return a task with the given TCB pointer""" pidhash_sym = gdb.lookup_global_symbol('g_pidhash') pidhash_value = pidhash_sym.value() pidhash_type = pidhash_sym.type for i in range(pidhash_type.range()[0],pidhash_type.range()[1]): pidhash_entry = pidhash_value[i] if pidhash_entry['tcb'] == tcb: return cls(pidhash_entry['tcb']) return None @classmethod def for_pid(cls, pid): """return a task for the given PID""" pidhash_sym = gdb.lookup_global_symbol('g_pidhash') pidhash_value = pidhash_sym.value() pidhash_type = pidhash_sym.type for i in range(pidhash_type.range()[0],pidhash_type.range()[1]): pidhash_entry = pidhash_value[i] if pidhash_entry['pid'] == pid: return cls(pidhash_entry['tcb']) return None @staticmethod def pids(): """return a list of all PIDs""" pidhash_sym = gdb.lookup_global_symbol('g_pidhash') pidhash_value = pidhash_sym.value() pidhash_type = pidhash_sym.type result = [] for i in range(pidhash_type.range()[0],pidhash_type.range()[1]): entry = pidhash_value[i] pid = parse_int(entry['pid']) if pid is not -1: result.append(pid) return result @staticmethod def tasks(): """return a list of all tasks""" tasks = [] for pid in NX_task.pids(): tasks.append(NX_task.for_pid(pid)) return tasks def _state_is(self, state): """tests the current state of the task against the passed-in state name""" statenames = gdb.types.make_enum_dict(gdb.lookup_type('enum tstate_e')) if self._tcb['task_state'] == statenames[state]: return True return False @property def stack_used(self): """calculate the stack used by the thread""" if 'stack_used' not in self.__dict__: stack_base = self._tcb['stack_alloc_ptr'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('unsigned char').pointer()) if stack_base == 0: self.__dict__['stack_used'] = 0 else: stack_limit = self._tcb['adj_stack_size'] for offset in range(0, parse_int(stack_limit)): if stack_base[offset] != 0xff: break self.__dict__['stack_used'] = stack_limit - offset return self.__dict__['stack_used'] @property def name(self): """return the task's name""" return self._tcb['name'].string() @property def state(self): """return the name of the task's current state""" statenames = gdb.types.make_enum_dict(gdb.lookup_type('enum tstate_e')) for name,value in statenames.items(): if value == self._tcb['task_state']: return name return 'UNKNOWN' @property def waiting_for(self): """return a description of what the task is waiting for, if it is waiting""" if self._state_is('TSTATE_WAIT_SEM'): try: waitsem = self._tcb['waitsem'].dereference() waitsem_holder = waitsem['holder'] holder = NX_task.for_tcb(waitsem_holder['htcb']) if holder is not None: return '{}({})'.format(waitsem.address, holder.name) else: return '{}(<bad holder>)'.format(waitsem.address) except: return 'EXCEPTION' if self._state_is('TSTATE_WAIT_SIG'): return 'signal' return "" @property def is_waiting(self): """tests whether the task is waiting for something""" if self._state_is('TSTATE_WAIT_SEM') or self._state_is('TSTATE_WAIT_SIG'): return True @property def is_runnable(self): """tests whether the task is runnable""" if (self._state_is('TSTATE_TASK_PENDING') or self._state_is('TSTATE_TASK_READYTORUN') or self._state_is('TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING')): return True return False @property def file_descriptors(self): """return a dictionary of file descriptors and inode pointers""" filelist = self._group['tg_filelist'] filearray = filelist['fl_files'] result = dict() for i in range(filearray.type.range()[0],filearray.type.range()[1]): inode = parse_int(filearray[i]['f_inode']) if inode != 0: result[i] = inode return result @property def registers(self): if 'registers' not in self.__dict__: registers = dict() if self._state_is('TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING'): registers = NX_register_set.for_current().registers else: context = self._tcb['xcp'] regs = context['regs'] registers = NX_register_set.with_xcpt_regs(regs).registers self.__dict__['registers'] = registers return self.__dict__['registers'] def __repr__(self): return "<NX_task {}>".format(self.pid) def __str__(self): return "{}:{}".format(self.pid, self.name) def showoff(self): print("-------") print(self.pid,end = ", ") print(self.name,end = ", ") print(self.state,end = ", ") print(self.waiting_for,end = ", ") print(self.stack_used,end = ", ") print(self._tcb['adj_stack_size'],end = ", ") print(self.file_descriptors) print(self.registers) def __format__(self, format_spec): return format_spec.format( pid = self.pid, name = self.name, state = self.state, waiting_for = self.waiting_for, stack_used = self.stack_used, stack_limit = self._tcb['adj_stack_size'], file_descriptors = self.file_descriptors, registers = self.registers ) class NX_show_task (gdb.Command): """(NuttX) prints information about a task""" def __init__(self): super(NX_show_task, self).__init__("show task", gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): t = NX_task.for_pid(parse_int(arg)) if t is not None: my_fmt = 'PID:{pid} name:{name} state:{state}\n' my_fmt += ' stack used {stack_used} of {stack_limit}\n' if t.is_waiting: my_fmt += ' waiting for {waiting_for}\n' my_fmt += ' open files: {file_descriptors}\n' my_fmt += ' R0 {registers[R0]:#010x} {registers[R1]:#010x} {registers[R2]:#010x} {registers[R3]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R4 {registers[R4]:#010x} {registers[R5]:#010x} {registers[R6]:#010x} {registers[R7]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R8 {registers[R8]:#010x} {registers[R9]:#010x} {registers[R10]:#010x} {registers[R11]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R12 {registers[PC]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' SP {registers[SP]:#010x} LR {registers[LR]:#010x} PC {registers[PC]:#010x} XPSR {registers[XPSR]:#010x}\n' print(format(t, my_fmt)) class NX_show_tasks (gdb.Command): """(NuttX) prints a list of tasks""" def __init__(self): super(NX_show_tasks, self).__init__('show tasks', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, args, from_tty): tasks = NX_task.tasks() print ('Number of tasks: ' + str(len(tasks))) for t in tasks: #t.showoff() print(format(t, 'Task: {pid} {name} {state} {stack_used}/{stack_limit}')) NX_show_task() NX_show_tasks() class NX_show_heap (gdb.Command): """(NuttX) prints the heap""" def __init__(self): super(NX_show_heap, self).__init__('show heap', gdb.COMMAND_USER) struct_mm_allocnode_s = gdb.lookup_type('struct mm_allocnode_s') preceding_size = struct_mm_allocnode_s['preceding'].type.sizeof if preceding_size == 2: self._allocflag = 0x8000 elif preceding_size == 4: self._allocflag = 0x80000000 else: raise gdb.GdbError('invalid mm_allocnode_s.preceding size %u' % preceding_size) self._allocnodesize = struct_mm_allocnode_s.sizeof def _node_allocated(self, allocnode): if allocnode['preceding'] & self._allocflag: return True return False def _node_size(self, allocnode): return allocnode['size'] & ~self._allocflag def _print_allocations(self, region_start, region_end): if region_start >= region_end: raise gdb.GdbError('heap region {} corrupt'.format(hex(region_start))) nodecount = region_end - region_start print ('heap {} - {}'.format(region_start, region_end)) cursor = 1 while cursor < nodecount: allocnode = region_start[cursor] if self._node_allocated(allocnode): state = '' else: state = '(free)' print( ' {} {} {}'.format(allocnode.address + self._allocnodesize, self._node_size(allocnode), state)) cursor += self._node_size(allocnode) / self._allocnodesize def invoke(self, args, from_tty): heap = gdb.lookup_global_symbol('g_mmheap').value() nregions = heap['mm_nregions'] region_starts = heap['mm_heapstart'] region_ends = heap['mm_heapend'] print( '{} heap(s)'.format(nregions)) # walk the heaps for i in range(0, nregions): self._print_allocations(region_starts[i], region_ends[i]) NX_show_heap() class NX_show_interrupted_thread (gdb.Command): """(NuttX) prints the register state of an interrupted thread when in interrupt/exception context""" def __init__(self): super(NX_show_interrupted_thread, self).__init__('show interrupted-thread', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self, args, from_tty): regs = gdb.lookup_global_symbol('current_regs').value() if regs == 0: raise gdb.GdbError('not in interrupt context') else: registers = NX_register_set.with_xcpt_regs(regs) my_fmt = '' my_fmt += ' R0 {registers[R0]:#010x} {registers[R1]:#010x} {registers[R2]:#010x} {registers[R3]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R4 {registers[R4]:#010x} {registers[R5]:#010x} {registers[R6]:#010x} {registers[R7]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R8 {registers[R8]:#010x} {registers[R9]:#010x} {registers[R10]:#010x} {registers[R11]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' R12 {registers[PC]:#010x}\n' my_fmt += ' SP {registers[SP]:#010x} LR {registers[LR]:#010x} PC {registers[PC]:#010x} XPSR {registers[XPSR]:#010x}\n' print (format(registers, my_fmt)) NX_show_interrupted_thread() class NX_check_tcb(gdb.Command): """ check the tcb of a task from a address """ def __init__(self): super(NX_check_tcb,self).__init__('show tcb', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def invoke(self,args,sth): tasks = NX_task.tasks() print("tcb int: ",int(args)) print(tasks[int(args)]._tcb) a = tasks[int(args)]._tcb['xcp']['regs'] print("relevant registers:") regmap = NX_register_set.v7em_regmap for reg in regmap: hex_addr= hex(int(a[regmap[reg]])) eval_string = 'info line *'+str(hex_addr) print(reg,": ",hex_addr,) NX_check_tcb() class NX_tcb(object): def __init__(self): pass def is_in(self,arg,list): for i in list: if arg == i: return True return False def find_tcb_list(self,dq_entry_t): tcb_list = [] tcb_ptr = dq_entry_t.cast(gdb.lookup_type('struct tcb_s').pointer()) first_tcb = tcb_ptr.dereference() tcb_list.append(first_tcb) next_tcb = first_tcb['flink'].dereference() while not self.is_in(parse_int(next_tcb['pid']),[parse_int(t['pid']) for t in tcb_list]): tcb_list.append(next_tcb) old_tcb = next_tcb next_tcb = old_tcb['flink'].dereference() return [t for t in tcb_list if parse_int(t['pid'])<2000] def getTCB(self): list_of_listsnames = ['g_pendingtasks','g_readytorun','g_waitingforsemaphore','g_waitingforsignal','g_inactivetasks'] tcb_list = [] for l in list_of_listsnames: li = gdb.lookup_global_symbol(l) print(li) cursor = li.value()['head'] tcb_list = tcb_list + self.find_tcb_list(cursor) class NX_check_stack_order(gdb.Command): """ Check the Stack order corresponding to the tasks """ def __init__(self): super(NX_check_stack_order,self).__init__('show check_stack', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def is_in(self,arg,list): for i in list: if arg == i: return True return False def find_tcb_list(self,dq_entry_t): tcb_list = [] tcb_ptr = dq_entry_t.cast(gdb.lookup_type('struct tcb_s').pointer()) first_tcb = tcb_ptr.dereference() tcb_list.append(first_tcb) next_tcb = first_tcb['flink'].dereference() while not self.is_in(parse_int(next_tcb['pid']),[parse_int(t['pid']) for t in tcb_list]): tcb_list.append(next_tcb) old_tcb = next_tcb next_tcb = old_tcb['flink'].dereference() return [t for t in tcb_list if parse_int(t['pid'])<2000] def getTCB(self): list_of_listsnames = ['g_pendingtasks','g_readytorun','g_waitingforsemaphore','g_waitingforsignal','g_inactivetasks'] tcb_list = [] for l in list_of_listsnames: li = gdb.lookup_global_symbol(l) cursor = li.value()['head'] tcb_list = tcb_list + self.find_tcb_list(cursor) return tcb_list def getSPfromTask(self,tcb): regmap = NX_register_set.v7em_regmap a =tcb['xcp']['regs'] return parse_int(a[regmap['SP']]) def find_closest(self,list,val): tmp_list = [abs(i-val) for i in list] tmp_min = min(tmp_list) idx = tmp_list.index(tmp_min) return idx,list[idx] def find_next_stack(self,address,_dict_in): add_list = [] name_list = [] for key in _dict_in.keys(): for i in range(3): if _dict_in[key][i] < address: add_list.append(_dict_in[key][i]) if i == 2: # the last one is the processes stack pointer name_list.append(self.check_name(key)+"_SP") else: name_list.append(self.check_name(key)) idx,new_address = self.find_closest(add_list,address) return new_address,name_list[idx] def check_name(self,name): if isinstance(name,(list)): name = name[0] idx = name.find("\\") newname = name[:idx] return newname def invoke(self,args,sth): tcb = self.getTCB() stackadresses={} for t in tcb: p = [] #print(t.name,t._tcb['stack_alloc_ptr']) p.append(parse_int(t['stack_alloc_ptr'])) p.append(parse_int(t['adj_stack_ptr'])) p.append(self.getSPfromTask(t)) stackadresses[str(t['name'])] = p address = int("0x30000000",0) print("stack address : process") for i in range(len(stackadresses)*3): address,name = self.find_next_stack(address,stackadresses) print(hex(address),": ",name) NX_check_stack_order() class NX_run_debug_util(gdb.Command): """ show the registers of a task corresponding to a tcb address""" def __init__(self): super(NX_run_debug_util,self).__init__('show regs', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def printRegisters(self,task): regmap = NX_register_set.v7em_regmap a =task._tcb['xcp']['regs'] print("relevant registers in ",task.name,":") for reg in regmap: hex_addr= hex(int(a[regmap[reg]])) eval_string = 'info line *'+str(hex_addr) print(reg,": ",hex_addr,) def getPCfromTask(self,task): regmap = NX_register_set.v7em_regmap a =task._tcb['xcp']['regs'] return hex(int(a[regmap['PC']])) def invoke(self,args,sth): tasks = NX_task.tasks() if args == '': for t in tasks: self.printRegisters(t) eval_str = "list *"+str(self.getPCfromTask(t)) print("this is the location in code where the current threads $pc is:") gdb.execute(eval_str) else: tcb_nr = int(args) print("tcb_nr = ",tcb_nr) t = tasks[tcb_nr] self.printRegisters(t) eval_str = "list *"+str(self.getPCfromTask(t)) print("this is the location in code where the current threads $pc is:") gdb.execute(eval_str) NX_run_debug_util() class NX_search_tcb(gdb.Command): """ shot PID's of all running tasks """ def __init__(self): super(NX_search_tcb,self).__init__('show alltcb', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def is_in(self,arg,list): for i in list: if arg == i: return True return False def find_tcb_list(self,dq_entry_t): tcb_list = [] tcb_ptr = dq_entry_t.cast(gdb.lookup_type('struct tcb_s').pointer()) first_tcb = tcb_ptr.dereference() tcb_list.append(first_tcb) next_tcb = first_tcb['flink'].dereference() while not self.is_in(parse_int(next_tcb['pid']),[parse_int(t['pid']) for t in tcb_list]): tcb_list.append(next_tcb) old_tcb = next_tcb next_tcb = old_tcb['flink'].dereference() return [t for t in tcb_list if parse_int(t['pid'])<2000] def invoke(self,args,sth): list_of_listsnames = ['g_pendingtasks','g_readytorun','g_waitingforsemaphore','g_waitingforsignal','g_inactivetasks'] tasks = [] for l in list_of_listsnames: li = gdb.lookup_global_symbol(l) cursor = li.value()['head'] tasks = tasks + self.find_tcb_list(cursor) # filter for tasks that are listed twice tasks_filt = {} for t in tasks: pid = parse_int(t['pid']) if not pid in tasks_filt.keys(): tasks_filt[pid] = t['name'] print('{num_t} Tasks found:'.format(num_t = len(tasks_filt))) for pid in tasks_filt.keys(): print("PID: ",pid," ",tasks_filt[pid]) NX_search_tcb() class NX_my_bt(gdb.Command): """ 'fake' backtrace: backtrace the stack of a process and check every suspicious address for the list arg: tcb_address$ (can easily be found by typing 'showtask'). """ def __init__(self): super(NX_my_bt,self).__init__('show mybt', gdb.COMMAND_USER) def readmem(self,addr): ''' read memory at addr and return nr ''' str_to_eval = "x/x "+hex(addr) resp = gdb.execute(str_to_eval,to_string = True) idx = resp.find('\t') return int(resp[idx:],16) def is_in_bounds(self,val): lower_bound = int("08004000",16) upper_bound = int("080ae0c0",16) #print(lower_bound," ",val," ",upper_bound) if val>lower_bound and val<upper_bound: return True else: return False def get_tcb_from_address(self,addr): addr_value = gdb.Value(addr) tcb_ptr = addr_value.cast(gdb.lookup_type('struct tcb_s').pointer()) return tcb_ptr.dereference() def resolve_file_line_func(self,addr,stack_percentage): gdb.write(str(round(stack_percentage,2))+":") str_to_eval = "info line *"+hex(addr) #gdb.execute(str_to_eval) res = gdb.execute(str_to_eval,to_string = True) # get information from results string: words = res.split() if words[0] != 'No': line = int(words[1]) block = gdb.block_for_pc(addr) func = block.function if str(func) == "None": func = block.superblock.function return words[3].strip('"'), line, func def invoke(self,args,sth): try: addr_dec = parse_int(args) # Trying to interpret the input as TCB address except ValueError: for task in NX_task.tasks(): # Interpreting as a task name if task.name == args: _tcb = task._tcb break else: _tcb = self.get_tcb_from_address(addr_dec) print("found task with PID: ",_tcb["pid"]) up_stack = parse_int(_tcb['adj_stack_ptr']) curr_sp = parse_int(_tcb['xcp']['regs'][0]) #curr stack pointer other_sp = parse_int(_tcb['xcp']['regs'][8]) # other stack pointer stacksize = parse_int(_tcb['adj_stack_size']) # other stack pointer print("tasks current SP = ",hex(curr_sp),"stack max ptr is at ",hex(up_stack)) item = 0 for sp in range(other_sp if curr_sp == up_stack else curr_sp, up_stack, 4): mem = self.readmem(sp) #print(hex(sp)," : ",hex(mem)) if self.is_in_bounds(mem): # this is a potential instruction ptr stack_percentage = (up_stack-sp)/stacksize filename,line,func = self.resolve_file_line_func(mem, stack_percentage) print('#%-2d ' % item, '0x%08x in ' % mem, func, ' at ', filename, ':', line, sep='') item += 1 NX_my_bt()