#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################################ # @File MissionCheck.py # Automated mission loading, execution and monitoring # for Continuous Integration # # @author Sander Smeets # # Code partly based on DroneKit (c) Copyright 2015-2016, 3D Robotics. ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ # Settings ################################################################################################ connection_string = '' import_mission_filename = 'VTOL_TAKEOFF.mission' max_execution_time = 200 alt_acceptance_radius = 5 ################################################################################################ # Init ################################################################################################ # Import DroneKit-Python from dronekit import connect, Command from pymavlink import mavutil import time, sys, argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--connect", help="connection string") parser.add_argument("-f", "--filename", help="mission filename") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", help="execution timeout", type=float) parser.add_argument("-a", "--altrad", help="altitude acceptance radius", type=float) args = parser.parse_args() if args.connect: connection_string = args.connect if args.filename: import_mission_filename = args.filename if args.timeout: max_execution_time = args.timeout if args.altrad: alt_acceptance_radius = args.altrad mission_failed = False MAV_MODE_AUTO = 4 # start time counter start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # Connect to the Vehicle print "Connecting" vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True) while not vehicle.system_status.state == "STANDBY" or vehicle.gps_0.fix_type < 3: if time.time() - start_time > 20: print "FAILED: SITL did not reach standby with GPS fix within 20 seconds" sys.exit(98) print "Waiting for vehicle to initialise... %s " % vehicle.system_status.state time.sleep(1) # Display basic vehicle state print " Type: %s" % vehicle._vehicle_type print " Armed?: %s" % vehicle.armed print " System status: %s" % vehicle.system_status.state print " GPS: %s" % vehicle.gps_0 print " Alt: %s" % vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt ################################################################################################ # Functions ################################################################################################ def readmission(aFileName): """ Load a mission from a file into a list. The mission definition is in the Waypoint file format (http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/waypoint_protocol#waypoint_file_format). This function is used by upload_mission(). """ cmds = vehicle.commands missionlist=[] with open(aFileName) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if i==0: if not line.startswith('QGC WPL 110'): raise Exception('File is not supported WP version') else: linearray=line.split('\t') ln_index=int(linearray[0]) ln_currentwp=int(linearray[1]) ln_frame=int(linearray[2]) ln_command=int(linearray[3]) ln_param1=float(linearray[4]) ln_param2=float(linearray[5]) ln_param3=float(linearray[6]) ln_param4=float(linearray[7]) ln_param5=float(linearray[8]) ln_param6=float(linearray[9]) ln_param7=float(linearray[10]) ln_autocontinue=int(linearray[11].strip()) cmd = Command( 0, 0, 0, ln_frame, ln_command, ln_currentwp, ln_autocontinue, ln_param1, ln_param2, ln_param3, ln_param4, ln_param5, ln_param6, ln_param7) missionlist.append(cmd) return missionlist def upload_mission(aFileName): """ Upload a mission from a file. """ #Read mission from file missionlist = readmission(aFileName) #Clear existing mission from vehicle cmds = vehicle.commands cmds.clear() #Add new mission to vehicle for command in missionlist: cmds.add(command) print ' Uploaded mission with %s items' % len(missionlist) vehicle.commands.upload() return missionlist def download_mission(): """ Downloads the current mission and returns it in a list. It is used in save_mission() to get the file information to save. """ print " Download mission from vehicle" missionlist=[] cmds = vehicle.commands cmds.download() cmds.wait_ready() for cmd in cmds: missionlist.append(cmd) return missionlist def save_mission(aFileName): """ Save a mission in the Waypoint file format (http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/waypoint_protocol#waypoint_file_format). """ print "\nSave mission from Vehicle to file: %s" % aFileName #Download mission from vehicle missionlist = download_mission() #Add file-format information output='QGC WPL 110\n' #Add home location as 0th waypoint home = vehicle.home_location output+="%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n\n\n" % (0,1,0,16,0,0,0,0,home.lat,home.lon,home.alt,1) #Add commands for cmd in missionlist: commandline="%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (cmd.seq,cmd.current,cmd.frame,cmd.command,cmd.param1,cmd.param2,cmd.param3,cmd.param4,cmd.x,cmd.y,cmd.z,cmd.autocontinue) output+=commandline with open(aFileName, 'w') as file_: print " Write mission to file" file_.write(output) def printfile(aFileName): """ Print a mission file to demonstrate "round trip" """ print "\nMission file: %s" % aFileName with open(aFileName) as f: for line in f: print ' %s' % line.strip() ################################################################################################ # Listeners ################################################################################################ current_sequence = -1 current_sequence_changed = False current_landed_state = -1 home_position_set = False #Create a message listener for mission sequence number @vehicle.on_message('MISSION_CURRENT') def listener(self, name, mission_current): global current_sequence, current_sequence_changed if (current_sequence <> mission_current.seq): current_sequence = mission_current.seq; current_sequence_changed = True print 'current mission sequence: %s' % mission_current.seq #Create a message listener for mission sequence number @vehicle.on_message('EXTENDED_SYS_STATE') def listener(self, name, extended_sys_state): global current_landed_state if (current_landed_state <> extended_sys_state.landed_state): current_landed_state = extended_sys_state.landed_state; #Create a message listener for home position fix @vehicle.on_message('HOME_POSITION') def listener(self, name, home_position): global home_position_set home_position_set = True ################################################################################################ # Start mission test ################################################################################################ while not home_position_set: if time.time() - start_time > 30: print "FAILED: getting home position 30 seconds" sys.exit(98) print "Waiting for home position..." time.sleep(1) #Upload mission from file missionlist = upload_mission(import_mission_filename) time.sleep(2) # set mission mode the hard way vehicle._master.mav.command_long_send(vehicle._master.target_system, vehicle._master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, 0, MAV_MODE_AUTO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) time.sleep(1) # Arm vehicle vehicle.armed = True while not vehicle.system_status.state == "ACTIVE": if time.time() - start_time > 30: print "FAILED: vehicle did not arm within 30 seconds" sys.exit(98) print "Waiting for vehicle to arm..." time.sleep(1) # Wait for completion of mission items while (current_sequence < len(missionlist)-1 and elapsed_time < max_execution_time): time.sleep(.2) if current_sequence > 0 and current_sequence_changed: if missionlist[current_sequence-1].z - alt_acceptance_radius > vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt or missionlist[current_sequence-1].z + alt_acceptance_radius < vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt: print "waypoint %s out of bounds altitude %s gps altitude: %s" % (current_sequence, missionlist[current_sequence-1].z, vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt) mission_failed = True current_sequence_changed = False elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time < max_execution_time: print "Mission items have been executed" # wait for the vehicle to have landed while (current_landed_state != 1 and elapsed_time < max_execution_time): time.sleep(1) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time < max_execution_time: print "Vehicle has landed" # Disarm vehicle vehicle.armed = False # count elapsed time elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # Close vehicle object before exiting script vehicle.close() time.sleep(2) # Validate time constraint if elapsed_time <= max_execution_time and not mission_failed: print "Mission succesful time elapsed %s" % elapsed_time sys.exit(0) if elapsed_time > max_execution_time: print "Mission FAILED to execute within %s seconds" % max_execution_time sys.exit(99) if mission_failed: print "Mission FAILED out of bounds" sys.exit(100) print "Mission FAILED something strange happened" sys.exit(101)