@############################################### @# @# EmPy template for generating microRTPS_client.cpp file @# @############################################### @# Start of Template @# @# Context: @# - msgs (List) list of all msg files @# - multi_topics (List) list of all multi-topic names @# - ids (List) list of all RTPS msg ids @############################################### @{ import os import genmsg.msgs from px_generate_uorb_topic_helper import * # this is in Tools/ from px_generate_uorb_topic_files import MsgScope # this is in Tools/ topic_names = [s.short_name for s in spec] send_topics = [(alias[idx] if alias[idx] else s.short_name) for idx, s in enumerate(spec) if scope[idx] == MsgScope.SEND] send_base_types = [s.short_name for idx, s in enumerate(spec) if scope[idx] == MsgScope.SEND] recv_topics = [(alias[idx] if alias[idx] else s.short_name) for idx, s in enumerate(spec) if scope[idx] == MsgScope.RECEIVE] receive_base_types = [s.short_name for idx, s in enumerate(spec) if scope[idx] == MsgScope.RECEIVE] }@ /**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2017 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima). * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "microRTPS_transport.h" #include "microRTPS_client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include @[for topic in list(set(topic_names))]@ #include #include @[end for]@ void* send(void *data); uint8_t last_remote_msg_seq = 0; uint8_t last_msg_seq = 0; @[if recv_topics]@ // Publishers for received messages struct RcvTopicsPubs { @[ for idx, topic in enumerate(recv_topics)]@ uORB::Publication<@(receive_base_types[idx])_s> @(topic)_pub{ORB_ID(@(topic))}; @[ end for]@ }; @[end if]@ @[if send_topics]@ // Subscribers for messages to send struct SendTopicsSubs { @[ for idx, topic in enumerate(send_topics)]@ uORB::Subscription @(topic)_sub{ORB_ID(@(topic))}; @[ end for]@ }; @[end if]@ @[if send_topics]@ void* send(void* /*unused*/) { char data_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {}; uint64_t sent = 0, total_sent = 0; int loop = 0, read = 0; uint32_t length = 0; size_t header_length = 0; SendTopicsSubs *subs = new SendTopicsSubs(); // ucdrBuffer to serialize using the user defined buffer ucdrBuffer writer; header_length = transport_node->get_header_length(); ucdr_init_buffer(&writer, reinterpret_cast(&data_buffer[header_length]), BUFFER_SIZE - header_length); struct timespec begin; px4_clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &begin); while (!_should_exit_task) { @[for idx, topic in enumerate(send_topics)]@ { @(send_base_types[idx])_s @(topic)_data; if (subs->@(topic)_sub.update(&@(topic)_data)) { @[if topic == 'Timesync' or topic == 'timesync']@ if(@(topic)_data.sys_id == 0 && @(topic)_data.seq != last_remote_msg_seq && @(topic)_data.tc1 == 0) { last_remote_msg_seq = @(topic)_data.seq; @(topic)_data.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); @(topic)_data.sys_id = 1; @(topic)_data.seq = last_msg_seq; @(topic)_data.tc1 = hrt_absolute_time() * 1000ULL; @(topic)_data.ts1 = @(topic)_data.ts1; last_msg_seq++; @[end if]@ // copy raw data into local buffer. Payload is shifted by header length to make room for header serialize_@(send_base_types[idx])(&writer, &@(topic)_data, &data_buffer[header_length], &length); if (0 < (read = transport_node->write(static_cast(@(rtps_message_id(ids, topic))), data_buffer, length))) { total_sent += read; ++sent; } @[if topic == 'Timesync' or topic == 'timesync']@ } @[end if]@ } } @[end for]@ px4_usleep(_options.sleep_ms * 1000); ++loop; } struct timespec end; px4_clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end); double elapsed_secs = end.tv_sec - begin.tv_sec + (end.tv_nsec - begin.tv_nsec) / 1e9; PX4_INFO("SENT: %" PRIu64 " messages in %d LOOPS, %" PRIu64 " bytes in %.03f seconds - %.02fKB/s", sent, loop, total_sent, elapsed_secs, total_sent / (1e3 * elapsed_secs)); delete subs; return nullptr; } static int launch_send_thread(pthread_t &sender_thread) { pthread_attr_t sender_thread_attr; pthread_attr_init(&sender_thread_attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&sender_thread_attr, PX4_STACK_ADJUSTED(2250)); struct sched_param param; (void)pthread_attr_getschedparam(&sender_thread_attr, ¶m); param.sched_priority = SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT; (void)pthread_attr_setschedparam(&sender_thread_attr, ¶m); pthread_create(&sender_thread, &sender_thread_attr, send, nullptr); if (pthread_setname_np(sender_thread, "micrortps_client_send")) { PX4_ERR("Could not set pthread name (%d)", errno); } pthread_attr_destroy(&sender_thread_attr); return 0; } @[end if]@ void micrortps_start_topics(struct timespec &begin, uint64_t &total_read, uint64_t &received, int &loop) { @[if recv_topics]@ char data_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {}; int read = 0; uint8_t topic_ID = 255; RcvTopicsPubs *pubs = new RcvTopicsPubs(); // Set the main task name to 'micrortps_client_rcv' in case there is // data to receive px4_prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "micrortps_client_rcv", px4_getpid()); // ucdrBuffer to deserialize using the user defined buffer ucdrBuffer reader; ucdr_init_buffer(&reader, reinterpret_cast(data_buffer), BUFFER_SIZE); @[end if]@ px4_clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &begin); _should_exit_task = false; @[if send_topics]@ // create a thread for sending data to the simulator pthread_t sender_thread; launch_send_thread(sender_thread); @[end if]@ while (!_should_exit_task) { @[if recv_topics]@ while (0 < (read = transport_node->read(&topic_ID, data_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE))) { total_read += read; switch (topic_ID) { @[for idx, topic in enumerate(recv_topics)]@ case @(rtps_message_id(ids, topic)): { @(receive_base_types[idx])_s @(topic)_data; deserialize_@(receive_base_types[idx])(&reader, &@(topic)_data, data_buffer); pubs->@(topic)_pub.publish(@(topic)_data); ++received; } break; @[end for]@ default: PX4_WARN("Unexpected topic ID\n"); break; } } @[end if]@ // loop forever if informed loop number is negative if (_options.loops >= 0 && loop >= _options.loops) break; px4_usleep(_options.sleep_ms * 1000); ++loop; } @[if recv_topics]@ delete pubs; @[end if]@ @[if send_topics]@ _should_exit_task = true; pthread_join(sender_thread, nullptr); @[end if]@ }