from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import codecs
class MarkdownTablesOutput():
def __init__(self, groups):
result = ("# Parameter Reference\n"
"> **Note** **This list is auto-generated from the source code** and contains the most recent parameter documentation.\n"
for group in groups:
result += '## %s\n\n' % group.GetName()
#Check if scope (module where parameter is defined) is the same for all parameters in the group.
# If so then display just once about the table.
scope_set = set()
for param in group.GetParams():
if len(scope_set)==1:
result+='\nThe module where these parameters are defined is: *%s*.\n\n' % list(scope_set)[0]
result += '
result += ' \n'
result += ' \n'
result += ' Name | Description | Min > Max (Incr.) | Default | Units |
result += ' \n'
result += '\n'
for param in group.GetParams():
code = param.GetName()
name = param.GetFieldValue("short_desc") or ''
long_desc = param.GetFieldValue("long_desc") or ''
min_val = param.GetFieldValue("min") or ''
max_val = param.GetFieldValue("max") or ''
increment = param.GetFieldValue("increment") or ''
def_val = param.GetDefault() or ''
unit = param.GetFieldValue("unit") or ''
type = param.GetType()
reboot_required = param.GetFieldValue("reboot_required") or ''
#board = param.GetFieldValue("board") or '' ## Disabled as no board values are defined in any parameters!
#decimal = param.GetFieldValue("decimal") or '' #Disabled as is intended for GCS not people
#field_codes = param.GetFieldCodes() ## Disabled as not needed for display.
#boolean = param.GetFieldValue("boolean") # or '' # Disabled - does not appear useful.
# Format values for display.
# Display min/max/increment value based on what values are defined.
max_min_combined = ''
if min_val or max_val:
if not min_val:
if not max_val:
max_min_combined+='%s > %s ' % (min_val, max_val)
if increment:
max_min_combined+='(%s)' % increment
if long_desc is not '':
long_desc = 'Comment: %s
' % long_desc
if name == code:
name = ""
code='%s' % (code, code)
if reboot_required:
reboot_required='Reboot required: %s
\n' % reboot_required
if not len(scope_set)==1 or len(scope_set)==0:
scope = param.GetFieldValue("scope") or ''
if scope:
scope='Module: %s
\n' % scope
enum_codes=param.GetEnumCodes() or '' # Gets numerical values for parameter.
# Format codes and their descriptions for display.
if enum_codes:
for item in enum_codes:
enum_output+='\n- %s: %s
\n' % (item, param.GetEnumValue(item))
bitmask_list=param.GetBitmaskList() #Gets bitmask values for parameter
#Format bitmask values
if bitmask_list:
for bit in bitmask_list:
bit_text = param.GetBitmaskBit(bit)
bitmask_output+=' - %s: %s
\n' % (bit, bit_text)
result += '\n %s (%s) | \n %s %s %s %s %s %s | \n %s | \n %s | \n %s | \n
\n' % (code,type,name, long_desc, enum_output, bitmask_output, reboot_required, scope, max_min_combined,def_val,unit)
#Close the table.
result += '
self.output = result
def Save(self, filename):
with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: