uint64 timestamp # timestamp, UNIX epoch (GPS synced) uint8 est_capabilities # Flags to indicate which quantities the tracker knows about: (POS, VEL, ACCEL, ATT + RATES) uint32 lat # target position (deg * 1e7) uint32 lon # target position (deg * 1e7) float32 alt # target position float32[3] velocity # target velocity (AMSL, meters) # target position (0 0 0 for unknown) float32[3] accel # target acceleration (linear) in earth frame. float32[4] attitude_q # where the target is facing. float32[3] rates # (0 0 0 for unknown) float32[3] pos_cov # uncertainly in earth frame for X, Y and Z. We will need to agree on the exact format here -1 for unknown uint64 custom_state # A custom vector, can be used to transmit e.g. button states or switches of a tracker device