############################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ # Enforce the presence of the GIT repository # # We depend on our submodules, so we have to prevent attempts to # compile without it being present. ifeq ($(wildcard .git),) $(error YOU HAVE TO USE GIT TO DOWNLOAD THIS REPOSITORY. ABORTING.) endif CMAKE_VER := $(shell Tools/check_cmake.sh; echo $$?) ifneq ($(CMAKE_VER),0) $(warning Not a valid CMake version or CMake not installed.) $(warning On Ubuntu, install or upgrade via:) $(warning ) $(warning 3rd party PPA:) $(warning sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x -y) $(warning sudo apt-get update) $(warning sudo apt-get install cmake) $(warning ) $(warning Official website:) $(warning wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.4/cmake-3.4.3-Linux-x86_64.sh) $(warning chmod +x cmake-3.4.3-Linux-x86_64.sh) $(warning sudo mkdir /opt/cmake-3.4.3) $(warning sudo ./cmake-3.4.3-Linux-x86_64.sh --prefix=/opt/cmake-3.4.3 --exclude-subdir) $(warning export PATH=/opt/cmake-3.4.3/bin:$$PATH) $(warning ) $(error Fatal) endif # Help # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Don't be afraid of this makefile, it is just passing # arguments to cmake to allow us to keep the wiki pages etc. # that describe how to build the px4 firmware # the same even when using cmake instead of make. # # Example usage: # # make px4fmu-v2_default (builds) # make px4fmu-v2_default upload (builds and uploads) # make px4fmu-v2_default test (builds and tests) # # This tells cmake to build the nuttx px4fmu-v2 default config in the # directory build_nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default and then call make # in that directory with the target upload. # explicity set default build target all: px4fmu-v2_default # Parsing # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # assume 1st argument passed is the main target, the # rest are arguments to pass to the makefile generated # by cmake in the subdirectory ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS)) j ?= 4 NINJA_BUILD := $(shell ninja --version 2>/dev/null) ifdef NINJA_BUILD PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR ?= "Ninja" PX4_MAKE = ninja PX4_MAKE_ARGS = else ifdef SYSTEMROOT # Windows PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR ?= "MSYS Makefiles" else PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR ?= "Unix Makefiles" endif PX4_MAKE = make PX4_MAKE_ARGS = -j$(j) --no-print-directory endif # Functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # describe how to build a cmake config define cmake-build +@if [ $(PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR) = "Ninja" ] && [ -e $(PWD)/build_$@/Makefile ]; then rm -rf $(PWD)/build_$@; fi +@if [ ! -e $(PWD)/build_$@/CMakeCache.txt ]; then Tools/check_submodules.sh && mkdir -p $(PWD)/build_$@ && cd $(PWD)/build_$@ && cmake .. -G$(PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR) -DCONFIG=$(1) || (cd .. && rm -rf $(PWD)/build_$@); fi +@Tools/check_submodules.sh +@(echo "PX4 CONFIG: $@" && cd $(PWD)/build_$@ && $(PX4_MAKE) $(PX4_MAKE_ARGS) $(ARGS)) endef define cmake-build-other +@if [ $(PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR) = "Ninja" ] && [ -e $(PWD)/build_$@/Makefile ]; then rm -rf $(PWD)/build_$@; fi +@if [ ! -e $(PWD)/build_$@/CMakeCache.txt ]; then Tools/check_submodules.sh && mkdir -p $(PWD)/build_$@ && cd $(PWD)/build_$@ && cmake $(2) -G$(PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR) || (cd .. && rm -rf $(PWD)/build_$@); fi +@(cd $(PWD)/build_$@ && $(PX4_MAKE) $(PX4_MAKE_ARGS) $(ARGS)) endef # create empty targets to avoid msgs for targets passed to cmake define cmake-targ $(1): @# .PHONY: $(1) endef define colorecho @tput setaf 6 @echo $1 @tput sgr0 endef # ADD CONFIGS HERE # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not put any spaces between function arguments. px4fmu-v1_default: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4fmu-v1_default) px4fmu-v2_default: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default) px4fmu-v2_test: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4fmu-v2_test) px4fmu-v4_default: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4fmu-v4_default) px4-stm32f4discovery_default: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4-stm32f4discovery_default) px4fmu-v2_ekf2: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_px4fmu-v2_ekf2) mindpx-v2_default: $(call cmake-build,nuttx_mindpx-v2_default) posix_sitl_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_sitl_test: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_sitl_replay: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_sitl_broadcast: $(call cmake-build,$@) ros_sitl_default: @echo "This target is deprecated. Use make 'posix_sitl_default gazebo' instead." qurt_eagle_travis: $(call cmake-build,$@) qurt_eagle_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_eagle_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) eagle_default: posix_eagle_default qurt_eagle_default eagle_legacy_default: posix_eagle_legacy_driver_default qurt_eagle_legacy_driver_default qurt_eagle_legacy_driver_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_eagle_legacy_driver_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) qurt_excelsior_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_excelsior_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) excelsior_default: posix_excelsior_default qurt_excelsior_default posix_rpi2_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_rpi2_release: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix_bebop_default: $(call cmake-build,$@) posix: posix_sitl_default broadcast: posix_sitl_broadcast sitl_deprecation: @echo "Deprecated. Use 'make posix_sitl_default jmavsim' or" @echo "'make posix_sitl_default gazebo' if Gazebo is preferred." run_sitl_quad: sitl_deprecation run_sitl_plane: sitl_deprecation run_sitl_ros: sitl_deprecation # Other targets # -------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: gazebo_build uavcan_firmware check check_format unittest tests qgc_firmware package_firmware clean submodulesclean distclean .NOTPARALLEL: gazebo_build uavcan_firmware check check_format unittest tests qgc_firmware package_firmware clean submodulesclean distclean gazebo_build: @mkdir -p build_gazebo @if [ ! -e $(PWD)/build_gazebo/CMakeCache.txt ];then cd build_gazebo && cmake -Wno-dev -G$(PX4_CMAKE_GENERATOR) $(PWD)/Tools/sitl_gazebo; fi @cd build_gazebo && $(PX4_MAKE) $(PX4_MAKE_ARGS) @cd build_gazebo && $(PX4_MAKE) $(PX4_MAKE_ARGS) sdf uavcan_firmware: ifeq ($(VECTORCONTROL),1) $(call colorecho,"Downloading and building Vector control (FOC) firmware for the S2740VC and PX4ESC 1.6") @(rm -rf vectorcontrol && git clone --quiet --depth 1 https://github.com/thiemar/vectorcontrol.git && cd vectorcontrol && BOARD=s2740vc_1_0 make --silent --no-print-directory && BOARD=px4esc_1_6 make --silent --no-print-directory && ../Tools/uavcan_copy.sh) endif checks_defaults: \ check_px4fmu-v1_default \ check_px4fmu-v2_default \ check_mindpx-v2_default \ check_px4-stm32f4discovery_default \ checks_bootloaders: \ checks_tests: \ check_px4fmu-v2_test checks_alts: \ check_px4fmu-v2_ekf2 \ checks_uavcan: \ check_px4fmu-v4_default_and_uavcan checks_sitls: \ check_posix_sitl_default \ check_posix_sitl_test \ checks_last: \ check_unittest \ check_format \ check: checks_defaults checks_tests checks_alts checks_uavcan checks_bootloaders checks_sitls checks_last check_format: $(call colorecho,"Checking formatting with astyle") @./Tools/fix_code_style.sh @./Tools/check_code_style_all.sh check_%: @echo $(call colorecho,"Building" $(subst check_,,$@)) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(subst check_,,$@) @echo check_px4fmu-v4_default: uavcan_firmware check_px4fmu-v4_default_and_uavcan: check_px4fmu-v4_default @echo ifeq ($(VECTORCONTROL),1) @echo "Cleaning up vectorcontrol firmware" @rm -rf vectorcontrol @rm -rf ROMFS/px4fmu_common/uavcan endif unittest: posix_sitl_test $(call cmake-build-other,unittest, ../unittests) @(cd build_unittest && ctest -j2 --output-on-failure) test_onboard_sitl: @HEADLESS=1 make posix_sitl_test gazebo_iris # QGroundControl flashable firmware qgc_firmware: \ check_px4fmu-v1_default \ check_px4fmu-v2_default \ check_mindpx-v2_default \ check_px4fmu-v4_default_and_uavcan package_firmware: @zip --junk-paths Firmware.zip `find . -name \*.px4` clean: @rm -rf build_*/ @(cd NuttX/nuttx && make clean) submodulesclean: @git submodule sync --recursive @git submodule deinit -f . @git submodule update --init --recursive --force distclean: submodulesclean @git clean -ff -x -d -e ".project" -e ".cproject" # targets handled by cmake cmake_targets = test upload package package_source debug debug_tui debug_ddd debug_io debug_io_tui debug_io_ddd check_weak \ run_cmake_config config gazebo gazebo_gdb gazebo_lldb jmavsim replay \ jmavsim_gdb jmavsim_lldb gazebo_gdb_iris gazebo_lldb_tailsitter gazebo_iris gazebo_iris_opt_flow gazebo_tailsitter \ gazebo_gdb_standard_vtol gazebo_lldb_standard_vtol gazebo_standard_vtol gazebo_plane gazebo_solo gazebo_typhoon_h480 $(foreach targ,$(cmake_targets),$(eval $(call cmake-targ,$(targ)))) .PHONY: clean CONFIGS:=$(shell ls cmake/configs | sed -e "s~.*/~~" | sed -e "s~\..*~~") #help: # @echo # @echo "Type 'make ' and hit the tab key twice to see a list of the available" # @echo "build configurations." # @echo