# helper methods & common code for the uorb message templates msg.{cpp,h}.template # Another positive effect of having the code here, is that this file will get # precompiled and thus message generation will be much faster import genmsg.msgs import gencpp type_map = { 'int8': 'int8_t', 'int16': 'int16_t', 'int32': 'int32_t', 'int64': 'int64_t', 'uint8': 'uint8_t', 'uint16': 'uint16_t', 'uint32': 'uint32_t', 'uint64': 'uint64_t', 'float32': 'float', 'float64': 'double', 'bool': 'bool', 'char': 'char', } type_serialize_map = { 'int8': 'char', 'int16': 'int16_t', 'int32': 'int32_t', 'int64': 'int64_t', 'uint8': 'uint8_t', 'uint16': 'uint16_t', 'uint32': 'uint32_t', 'uint64': 'uint64_t', 'float32': 'float', 'float64': 'double', 'bool': 'bool', 'char': 'char', } type_idl_map = { 'int8': 'octet', 'int16': 'short', 'int32': 'long', 'int64': 'long long', 'uint8': 'octet', 'uint16': 'unsigned short', 'uint32': 'unsigned long', 'uint64': 'unsigned long long', 'float32': 'float', 'float64': 'double', 'bool': 'boolean', 'char': 'char', } msgtype_size_map = { 'int8': 1, 'int16': 2, 'int32': 4, 'int64': 8, 'uint8': 1, 'uint16': 2, 'uint32': 4, 'uint64': 8, 'float32': 4, 'float64': 8, 'bool': 1, 'char': 1, } type_printf_map = { 'int8': '%d', 'int16': '%d', 'int32': '%" PRId32 "', 'int64': '%" PRId64 "', 'uint8': '%u', 'uint16': '%u', 'uint32': '%" PRIu32 "', 'uint64': '%" PRIu64 "', 'float32': '%.4f', 'float64': '%.6f', 'bool': '%u', 'char': '%c', } def bare_name(msg_type): """ Get bare_name from /[x] format """ bare = msg_type if '/' in msg_type: # removing prefix bare = (msg_type.split('/'))[1] # removing suffix return bare.split('[')[0] def sizeof_field_type(field): """ Get size of a field, used for sorting """ bare_name_str = bare_name(field.type) if bare_name_str in msgtype_size_map: return msgtype_size_map[bare_name_str] return 0 # this is for non-builtin types: sort them at the end def get_children_fields(base_type, search_path): (package, name) = genmsg.names.package_resource_name(base_type) tmp_msg_context = genmsg.msg_loader.MsgContext.create_default() spec_temp = genmsg.msg_loader.load_msg_by_type(tmp_msg_context, '%s/%s' %(package, name), search_path) sorted_fields = sorted(spec_temp.parsed_fields(), key=sizeof_field_type, reverse=True) return sorted_fields def add_padding_bytes(fields, search_path): """ Add padding fields before the embedded types, at the end and calculate the struct size returns a tuple with the struct size and padding at the end """ struct_size = 0 align_to = 8 # this is always 8, because of the 64bit timestamp i = 0 padding_idx = 0 while i < len(fields): field = fields[i] if not field.is_header: a_pos = field.type.find('[') array_size = 1 if field.is_array: array_size = field.array_len if field.is_builtin: field.sizeof_field_type = sizeof_field_type(field) else: # embedded type: may need to add padding num_padding_bytes = align_to - (struct_size % align_to) if num_padding_bytes != align_to: padding_field = genmsg.Field('_padding'+str(padding_idx), 'uint8['+str(num_padding_bytes)+']') padding_idx += 1 padding_field.sizeof_field_type = 1 struct_size += num_padding_bytes fields.insert(i, padding_field) i += 1 children_fields = get_children_fields(field.base_type, search_path) field.sizeof_field_type, unused = add_padding_bytes(children_fields, search_path) struct_size += field.sizeof_field_type * array_size i += 1 # add padding at the end (necessary for embedded types) num_padding_bytes = align_to - (struct_size % align_to) if num_padding_bytes == align_to: num_padding_bytes = 0 else: padding_field = genmsg.Field('_padding'+str(padding_idx), 'uint8['+str(num_padding_bytes)+']') padding_idx += 1 padding_field.sizeof_field_type = 1 struct_size += num_padding_bytes fields.append(padding_field) return (struct_size, num_padding_bytes) def convert_type(spec_type): """ Convert from msg type to C type """ bare_type = spec_type if '/' in spec_type: # removing prefix bare_type = (spec_type.split('/'))[1] msg_type, is_array, array_length = genmsg.msgs.parse_type(bare_type) c_type = msg_type if msg_type in type_map: c_type = type_map[msg_type] if is_array: return c_type + "[" + str(array_length) + "]" return c_type def print_field(field): """ Echo printf line """ # check if there are any upper case letters in the field name assert not any(a.isupper() for a in field.name), "%r field contains uppercase letters" % field.name # skip padding if field.name.startswith('_padding'): return bare_type = field.type if '/' in field.type: # removing prefix bare_type = (bare_type.split('/'))[1] msg_type, is_array, array_length = genmsg.msgs.parse_type(bare_type) field_name = "" if is_array: c_type = "[" if msg_type in type_map: p_type = type_printf_map[msg_type] else: for i in range(array_length): print("PX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\t" + field.type + " " + field.name + "[" + str(i) + "]\");") print(" print_message(message." + field.name + "[" + str(i) + "]);") return for i in range(array_length): if i > 0: c_type += ", " field_name += ", " if "float32" in field.type: field_name += "(double)message." + field.name + "[" + str(i) + "]" else: field_name += "message." + field.name + "[" + str(i) + "]" c_type += str(p_type) c_type += "]" else: c_type = msg_type if msg_type in type_map: c_type = type_printf_map[msg_type] field_name = "message." + field.name # cast double if field.type == "float32": field_name = "(double)" + field_name elif field.type == "bool": c_type = '%s' field_name = "(" + field_name + " ? \"True\" : \"False\")" else: print("PX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\n\\t" + field.name + "\");") print("\tprint_message(message."+ field.name + ");") return if field.name == 'timestamp': print("if (message.timestamp != 0) {\n\t\tPX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\t" + field.name + \ ": " + c_type + " (%.6f seconds ago)\\n\", " + field_name + \ ", hrt_elapsed_time(&message.timestamp) / 1e6);\n\t} else {\n\t\tPX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\n\");\n\t}" ) elif field.name == 'device_id': print("char device_id_buffer[80];") print("device::Device::device_id_print_buffer(device_id_buffer, sizeof(device_id_buffer), message.device_id);") print("PX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\tdevice_id: %d (%s) \\n\", message.device_id, device_id_buffer);" ) else: print("PX4_INFO_RAW(\"\\t" + field.name + ": " + c_type + "\\n\", " + field_name + ");" ) def print_field_def(field): """ Print the C type from a field """ # check if there are any upper case letters in the field name assert not any(a.isupper() for a in field.name), "%r field contains uppercase letters" % field.name type_name = field.type # detect embedded types sl_pos = type_name.find('/') type_appendix = '' type_prefix = '' if (sl_pos >= 0): type_name = type_name[sl_pos + 1:] type_prefix = 'struct ' type_appendix = '_s' # detect arrays a_pos = type_name.find('[') array_size = '' if (a_pos >= 0): # field is array array_size = type_name[a_pos:] type_name = type_name[:a_pos] if type_name in type_map: # need to add _t: int8 --> int8_t type_px4 = type_map[type_name] else: type_px4 = type_name comment = '' if field.name.startswith('_padding'): comment = ' // required for logger' print('\t%s%s%s %s%s;%s'%(type_prefix, type_px4, type_appendix, field.name, array_size, comment))