# Message to stream ULog data from the logger. Corresponds to the LOGGING_DATA
# mavlink message

uint64 timestamp		# time since system start (microseconds)

# flags bitmasks
uint8 FLAGS_NEED_ACK = 1	# if set, this message requires to be acked.
				# Acked messages are published synchronous: a
				# publisher waits for an ack before sending the
				# next message

uint8 length			# length of data
uint8 first_message_offset	# offset into data where first message starts. This
				# can be used for recovery, when a previous message got lost
uint16 msg_sequence		# allows determine drops
uint8 flags			# see FLAGS_*
uint8[249] data		# ulog data

uint8 ORB_QUEUE_LENGTH = 14	# TODO: we might be able to reduce this if mavlink polled on the topic