# Excelsior is the code name of a board currently in development. include(px4_git) px4_add_git_submodule(TARGET git_cmake_hexagon PATH "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/boards/atlflight/cmake_hexagon") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/boards/atlflight/cmake_hexagon" "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/boards/atlflight/cmake_hexagon/toolchain" ) # Get $QC_SOC_TARGET from environment if existing. if (DEFINED ENV{QC_SOC_TARGET}) set(QC_SOC_TARGET $ENV{QC_SOC_TARGET}) else() set(QC_SOC_TARGET "APQ8074") endif() # Disable the creation of the parameters.xml file by scanning individual # source files, and scan all source files. This will create a parameters.xml # file that contains all possible parameters, even if the associated module # is not used. This is necessary for parameter synchronization between the # ARM and DSP processors. set(DISABLE_PARAMS_MODULE_SCOPING TRUE) set(CONFIG_SHMEM "1") add_definitions(-DORB_COMMUNICATOR) # atlflight toolchain doesn't properly set the compiler, so these aren't set automatically add_compile_options($<$:-std=gnu99>) add_compile_options($<$:-std=gnu++11>) add_definitions( -D__PX4_POSIX_EXCELSIOR -D__PX4_LINUX # For DriverFramework -D__DF_LINUX ) px4_add_board( PLATFORM posix VENDOR atlflight MODEL excelsior LABEL default TESTING TOOLCHAIN arm-oemllib32-linux-gnueabi DRIVERS #barometer # all available barometer drivers batt_smbus camera_trigger differential_pressure # all available differential pressure drivers distance_sensor # all available distance sensor drivers gps #imu # all available imu drivers lights/rgbled linux_sbus #magnetometer # all available magnetometer drivers pwm_out_sim qshell/posix #telemetry # all available telemetry drivers MODULES muorb/krait muorb/test attitude_estimator_q camera_feedback commander dataman ekf2 events fw_att_control fw_pos_control_l1 rover_pos_control land_detector landing_target_estimator load_mon local_position_estimator logger mavlink mc_att_control mc_rate_control mc_pos_control navigator sensors sih simulator vmount vtol_att_control airspeed_selector SYSTEMCMDS #bl_update #config #dumpfile esc_calib #hardfault_log led_control mixer motor_ramp #mtd #nshterm param perf pwm reboot sd_bench shutdown tests # tests and test runner top topic_listener tune_control ver work_queue EXAMPLES bottle_drop # OBC challenge fixedwing_control # Tutorial code from https://px4.io/dev/example_fixedwing_control hello #hwtest # Hardware test px4_mavlink_debug # Tutorial code from http://dev.px4.io/en/debug/debug_values.html px4_simple_app # Tutorial code from http://dev.px4.io/en/apps/hello_sky.html rover_steering_control # Rover example app )