#!/bin/bash # # Run container and start test execution # # License: according to LICENSE.md in the root directory of the PX4 Firmware repository set -e if [ -z "$WORKSPACE" ]; then echo "\$WORKSPACE not set" exit 1 fi # Pulling latest image echo "===> pull latest Docker image" docker pull px4io/px4-dev-ros # removing some images might fail set +e docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) set -e echo "<===" # # Running SITL testing container # Assuming that necessary source projects, including this one, are cloned in the build server workspace of this job. # echo "===> run container" docker run --rm -v "$WORKSPACE:/job:rw" px4io/px4-dev-ros bash "/job/Firmware/integrationtests/run_tests.bash" /job/Firmware echo "<==="