px4_add_board( PLATFORM nuttx TOOLCHAIN arm-none-eabi ARCHITECTURE cortex-m7 ROMFSROOT px4fmu_common IO px4_io-v2_default UAVCAN_INTERFACES 2 UAVCAN_TIMER_OVERRIDE 6 CRYPTO sw_crypto KEYSTORE stub_keystore SERIAL_PORTS GPS1:/dev/ttyS0 TEL1:/dev/ttyS1 TEL2:/dev/ttyS2 TEL4:/dev/ttyS3 DRIVERS adc/ads1115 adc/board_adc barometer # all available barometer drivers batt_smbus camera_capture camera_trigger differential_pressure # all available differential pressure drivers distance_sensor # all available distance sensor drivers dshot gps heater #imu # all available imu drivers imu/analog_devices/adis16448 imu/bosch/bmi055 imu/invensense/icm20602 imu/invensense/icm20689 imu/invensense/icm20948 # required for ak09916 mag irlock lights # all available light drivers lights/rgbled_pwm magnetometer # all available magnetometer drivers optical_flow # all available optical flow drivers osd pca9685 pca9685_pwm_out power_monitor/ina226 #protocol_splitter pwm_input pwm_out_sim pwm_out px4io rc_input roboclaw smart_battery/batmon rpm safety_button telemetry # all available telemetry drivers tone_alarm uavcan MODULES airspeed_selector attitude_estimator_q battery_status camera_feedback commander dataman ekf2 esc_battery events flight_mode_manager fw_att_control fw_pos_control_l1 gyro_calibration gyro_fft land_detector landing_target_estimator load_mon local_position_estimator logger mag_bias_estimator mavlink mc_att_control mc_autotune_attitude_control mc_hover_thrust_estimator mc_pos_control mc_rate_control #micrortps_bridge navigator rc_update rover_pos_control sensors sih temperature_compensation uuv_att_control uuv_pos_control vmount vtol_att_control SYSTEMCMDS bl_update dmesg dumpfile esc_calib gpio hardfault_log i2cdetect led_control mft mixer motor_ramp motor_test mtd nshterm param perf pwm reboot reflect sd_bench sd_stress serial_test system_time top topic_listener tune_control uorb usb_connected ver work_queue EXAMPLES fake_gps #fake_imu #fake_magnetometer #fixedwing_control # Tutorial code from https://px4.io/dev/example_fixedwing_control #hello #hwtest # Hardware test #matlab_csv_serial #px4_mavlink_debug # Tutorial code from http://dev.px4.io/en/debug/debug_values.html #px4_simple_app # Tutorial code from http://dev.px4.io/en/apps/hello_sky.html #rover_steering_control # Rover example app #uuv_example_app #work_item ) # For testing crypto with the stub_keystore, set keys to the PX4 test keys, # for any real target using that keystore, these would probably be set as environment # variables in the build environment # Key 0: The firmware signature check key (public key), used by bootloaders # NOTE: for FMUv5 this is not really used, it is only for NuttX based bootloaders set(ENV{PUBLIC_KEY0} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/test_keys/key0.pub") # Key 1: An RSA2048 public key, used currently for logfile symmetric key exchange set(ENV{PUBLIC_KEY1} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/test_keys/rsa2048.pub") # FW Signing tool, using ed25519 (this uses by default the key in Tools/test_keys/test_keys.json) set(ENV{SIGNING_TOOL} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/cryptotools.py")