pipeline { agent none stages { stage('Build') { steps { script { def builds = [:] // nuttx default targets that are archived and uploaded to s3 for (def option in ["px4fmu-v4", "px4fmu-v4pro", "px4fmu-v5", "aerofc-v1"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "git fetch --tags" sh "make nuttx_${node_name}_default" sh "make nuttx_${node_name}_rtps" sh "make sizes" sh "ccache -s" archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/*/*.px4', fingerprint: true) } } } } } } // special case for fmu-v2/fmu-v3 builds["px4fmu-v2"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "git fetch --tags" sh "make px4io-v2_default" sh "make nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default" sh "make nuttx_px4fmu-v2_lpe" sh "make nuttx_px4fmu-v3_default" sh "make nuttx_px4fmu-v3_rtps" sh "make sizes" sh "ccache -s" archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/*/*.px4', fingerprint: true) } } } } } // nuttx default targets that are archived and uploaded to s3 for (def option in ["aerocore2", "auav-x21", "crazyflie", "mindpx-v2", "nxphlite-v3", "tap-v1"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "git fetch --tags" sh "make nuttx_${node_name}_default" sh "make sizes" sh "ccache -s" archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'build/*/*.px4', fingerprint: true) } } } } } } // other nuttx default targets for (def option in ["px4-same70xplained-v1", "px4-stm32f4discovery", "px4cannode-v1", "px4esc-v1", "px4nucleoF767ZI-v1", "s2740vc-v1"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make nuttx_${node_name}_default" sh "make sizes" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } // posix_sitl for (def option in ["sitl_default", "sitl_rtps"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make posix_${node_name}" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } // raspberry pi and bebop (armhf) for (def option in ["rpi_cross", "bebop_default"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-raspi:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make posix_${node_name}" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } // other armhf (to be merged with raspi and bebop) for (def option in ["ocpoc_ubuntu"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-armhf:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make posix_${node_name}" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } // snapdragon eagle (posix + qurt) for (def option in ["eagle_default"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name}"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name}") { docker.withRegistry('https://registry.hub.docker.com', 'docker_hub_dagar') { docker.image("lorenzmeier/px4-dev-snapdragon:2017-12-29").inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make ${node_name}" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } } // GCC7 posix for (def option in ["sitl_default"]) { def node_name = "${option}" builds["${node_name} (GCC7)"] = { node { stage("Build Test ${node_name} (GCC7)") { docker.image('px4io/px4-dev-base-archlinux:2017-12-30').inside('-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw') { stage("${node_name}") { checkout scm sh "make distclean" sh "ccache -z" sh "make posix_${node_name}" sh "ccache -s" } } } } } } parallel builds } } } stage('Test') { parallel { stage('check style') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' args '-e CI=true' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make check_format' } } stage('clang analyzer') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-clang:2017-12-30' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make scan-build' // publish html publishHTML target: [ reportTitles: 'clang static analyzer', allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: 'build/scan-build/report_latest', reportFiles: '*', reportName: 'Clang Static Analyzer' ] } when { anyOf { branch 'master' branch 'beta' branch 'stable' } } } stage('clang tidy') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-clang:2017-12-30' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make clang-tidy-quiet' } } stage('cppcheck') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:ubuntu17.10' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make cppcheck' // publish html publishHTML target: [ reportTitles: 'Cppcheck', allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: 'build/cppcheck/', reportFiles: '*', reportName: 'Cppcheck' ] } when { anyOf { branch 'master' branch 'beta' branch 'stable' } } } stage('tests') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make posix_sitl_default test_results_junit' junit 'build/posix_sitl_default/JUnitTestResults.xml' } } stage('ROS vtol mission new 1') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=vtol_new_1.txt vehicle:=standard_vtol' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_new_1.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_new_1.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-vtol_new_1.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS vtol mission new 2') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=vtol_new_2.txt vehicle:=standard_vtol' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_new_2.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_new_2.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-vtol_new_2.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS vtol mission old 1') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=vtol_old_1.txt vehicle:=standard_vtol' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_1.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_1.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-vtol_old_1.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS vtol mission old 2') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=vtol_old_2.txt vehicle:=standard_vtol' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_2.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_2.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-vtol_old_2.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS vtol mission old 3') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=vtol_old_3.txt vehicle:=standard_vtol' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_3.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test vtol_old_3.txt: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-vtol_old_3.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS MC mission box') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_test_mission.test mission:=multirotor_box.mission vehicle:=iris' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test multirotor_box.mission: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS mission test multirotor_box.mission: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' sh'''#!/bin/bash -xe find . -type f -name "ros*.xml" | \ while read f do mv "$f" "${f/.xml/-multirotor_box.xml}" done ''' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS offboard att') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_tests_offboard_attctl.test' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS offboard attitude test: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS offboard attitude test: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } stage('ROS offboard pos') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros:2017-12-31' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; rm -rf .ros; rm -rf .gazebo' sh 'git fetch --tags' sh 'make posix_sitl_default' sh 'make posix_sitl_default sitl_gazebo' sh './test/rostest_px4_run.sh mavros_posix_tests_offboard_posctl.test' } post { success { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS offboard position test: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' } failure { sh './Tools/upload_log.py -q --description "ROS offboard position test: ${CHANGE_ID}" --feedback "${CHANGE_TITLE} - ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI --email "${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" .ros/rootfs/fs/microsd/log/*/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '**/*.ulg' archiveArtifacts '.ros/*/px4/**.xml' archiveArtifacts '.ros/log/**.log' } } } } } stage('Generate Metadata') { parallel { stage('airframe') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make airframe_metadata' archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'airframes.md, airframes.xml', fingerprint: true) } } stage('parameter') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make parameters_metadata' archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'parameters.md, parameters.xml', fingerprint: true) } } stage('module') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make module_documentation' archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'modules/*.md', fingerprint: true) } } stage('uorb graphs') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-nuttx:2017-12-30' args '-e CI=true -e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'make distclean' sh 'make uorb_graphs' archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'Tools/uorb_graph/graph_sitl.json') } } } } stage('S3 Upload') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2017-12-30' } } when { anyOf { branch 'master' branch 'beta' branch 'stable' } } steps { sh 'echo "uploading to S3"' } } } options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5')) timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') } }