include(common/px4_git) px4_add_git_submodule(TARGET git_cmake_hexagon PATH "cmake/cmake_hexagon") if ("$ENV{HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Enviroment variable HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT must be set") else() set(HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT $ENV{HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT}) endif() set(CONFIG_SHMEM "1") add_definitions(-DORB_COMMUNICATOR) # Get $QC_SOC_TARGET from environment if existing. if (DEFINED ENV{QC_SOC_TARGET}) set(QC_SOC_TARGET $ENV{QC_SOC_TARGET}) else() set(QC_SOC_TARGET "APQ8074") endif() # Disable the creation of the parameters.xml file by scanning individual # source files, and scan all source files. This will create a parameters.xml # file that contains all possible parameters, even if the associated module # is not used. This is necessary for parameter synchronization between the # ARM and DSP processors. set(DISABLE_PARAMS_MODULE_SCOPING TRUE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/cmake_hexagon") include(toolchain/Toolchain-qurt) include(qurt_flags) include_directories(${HEXAGON_SDK_INCLUDES}) set(config_module_list # # Board support modules # modules/sensors platforms/posix/drivers/df_mpu9250_wrapper platforms/posix/drivers/df_bmp280_wrapper # # System commands # systemcmds/param # # Estimation modules # modules/attitude_estimator_q modules/position_estimator_inav modules/local_position_estimator modules/landing_target_estimator modules/ekf2 # # Vehicle Control # modules/mc_att_control modules/mc_pos_control # # Library modules # modules/commander modules/land_detector # # PX4 drivers # drivers/gps drivers/spektrum_rc drivers/qshell/qurt # # FC_ADDON drivers # platforms/qurt/fc_addon/uart_esc # # sources for muorb over fastrpc # modules/muorb/adsp ) set(config_df_driver_list mpu9250 bmp280 )