#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function """Dump binary log generated by PX4's sdlog2 or APM as CSV Usage: python sdlog2_dump.py [-v] [-e] [-d delimiter] [-n null] [-m MSG[.field1,field2,...]] -v Use plain debug output instead of CSV. -e Recover from errors. -d Use "delimiter" in CSV. Default is ",". -n Use "null" as placeholder for empty values in CSV. Default is empty. -m MSG[.field1,field2,...] Dump only messages of specified type, and only specified fields. Multiple -m options allowed.""" __author__ = "Anton Babushkin" __version__ = "1.2" import struct, sys if sys.hexversion >= 0x030000F0: runningPython3 = True def _parseCString(cstr): return str(cstr, 'ascii').split('\0')[0] else: runningPython3 = False def _parseCString(cstr): return str(cstr).split('\0')[0] class SDLog2Parser: BLOCK_SIZE = 8192 MSG_HEADER_LEN = 3 MSG_HEAD1 = 0xA3 MSG_HEAD2 = 0x95 MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN = 89 MSG_FORMAT_STRUCT = "BB4s16s64s" MSG_TYPE_FORMAT = 0x80 FORMAT_TO_STRUCT = { "b": ("b", None), "B": ("B", None), "h": ("h", None), "H": ("H", None), "i": ("i", None), "I": ("I", None), "f": ("f", None), "d": ("d", None), "n": ("4s", None), "N": ("16s", None), "Z": ("64s", None), "c": ("h", 0.01), "C": ("H", 0.01), "e": ("i", 0.01), "E": ("I", 0.01), "L": ("i", 0.0000001), "M": ("b", None), "q": ("q", None), "Q": ("Q", None), } __csv_delim = "," __csv_null = "" __msg_filter = [] __time_msg = None __debug_out = False __correct_errors = False __file_name = None __file = None def __init__(self): return def reset(self): self.__msg_descrs = {} # message descriptions by message type map self.__msg_labels = {} # message labels by message name map self.__msg_names = [] # message names in the same order as FORMAT messages self.__buffer = bytearray() # buffer for input binary data self.__ptr = 0 # read pointer in buffer self.__csv_columns = [] # CSV file columns in correct order in format "MSG.label" self.__csv_data = {} # current values for all columns self.__csv_updated = False self.__msg_filter_map = {} # filter in form of map, with '*" expanded to full list of fields def setCSVDelimiter(self, csv_delim): self.__csv_delim = csv_delim def setCSVNull(self, csv_null): self.__csv_null = csv_null def setMsgFilter(self, msg_filter): self.__msg_filter = msg_filter def setTimeMsg(self, time_msg): self.__time_msg = time_msg def setDebugOut(self, debug_out): self.__debug_out = debug_out def setCorrectErrors(self, correct_errors): self.__correct_errors = correct_errors def setFileName(self, file_name): self.__file_name = file_name if file_name != None: self.__file = open(file_name, 'w+') else: self.__file = None def process(self, fn): self.reset() if self.__debug_out: # init __msg_filter_map for msg_name, show_fields in self.__msg_filter: self.__msg_filter_map[msg_name] = show_fields first_data_msg = True f = open(fn, "rb") bytes_read = 0 while True: chunk = f.read(self.BLOCK_SIZE) if len(chunk) == 0: break self.__buffer = self.__buffer[self.__ptr:] + chunk self.__ptr = 0 while self.__bytesLeft() >= self.MSG_HEADER_LEN: head1 = self.__buffer[self.__ptr] head2 = self.__buffer[self.__ptr+1] if (head1 != self.MSG_HEAD1 or head2 != self.MSG_HEAD2): if self.__correct_errors: self.__ptr += 1 continue else: raise Exception("Invalid header at %i (0x%X): %02X %02X, must be %02X %02X" % (bytes_read + self.__ptr, bytes_read + self.__ptr, head1, head2, self.MSG_HEAD1, self.MSG_HEAD2)) msg_type = self.__buffer[self.__ptr+2] if msg_type == self.MSG_TYPE_FORMAT: # parse FORMAT message if self.__bytesLeft() < self.MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN: break self.__parseMsgDescr() else: # parse data message msg_descr = self.__msg_descrs[msg_type] if msg_descr == None: raise Exception("Unknown msg type: %i" % msg_type) msg_length = msg_descr[0] if self.__bytesLeft() < msg_length: break if first_data_msg: # build CSV columns and init data map if not self.__debug_out: self.__initCSV() first_data_msg = False self.__parseMsg(msg_descr) bytes_read += self.__ptr if not self.__debug_out and self.__time_msg != None and self.__csv_updated: self.__printCSVRow() f.close() def __bytesLeft(self): return len(self.__buffer) - self.__ptr def __filterMsg(self, msg_name): show_fields = "*" if len(self.__msg_filter_map) > 0: show_fields = self.__msg_filter_map.get(msg_name) return show_fields def __initCSV(self): if len(self.__msg_filter) == 0: for msg_name in self.__msg_names: self.__msg_filter.append((msg_name, "*")) for msg_name, show_fields in self.__msg_filter: if show_fields == "*": show_fields = self.__msg_labels.get(msg_name, []) self.__msg_filter_map[msg_name] = show_fields for field in show_fields: full_label = msg_name + "_" + field self.__csv_columns.append(full_label) self.__csv_data[full_label] = None if self.__file != None: print(self.__csv_delim.join(self.__csv_columns), file=self.__file) else: print(self.__csv_delim.join(self.__csv_columns)) def __printCSVRow(self): s = [] for full_label in self.__csv_columns: v = self.__csv_data[full_label] if v == None: v = self.__csv_null else: v = str(v) s.append(v) if self.__file != None: print(self.__csv_delim.join(s), file=self.__file) else: print(self.__csv_delim.join(s)) def __parseMsgDescr(self): if runningPython3: data = struct.unpack(self.MSG_FORMAT_STRUCT, self.__buffer[self.__ptr + 3 : self.__ptr + self.MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN]) else: data = struct.unpack(self.MSG_FORMAT_STRUCT, str(self.__buffer[self.__ptr + 3 : self.__ptr + self.MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN])) msg_type = data[0] if msg_type != self.MSG_TYPE_FORMAT: msg_length = data[1] msg_name = _parseCString(data[2]) msg_format = _parseCString(data[3]) msg_labels = _parseCString(data[4]).split(",") # Convert msg_format to struct.unpack format string msg_struct = "" msg_mults = [] for c in msg_format: try: f = self.FORMAT_TO_STRUCT[c] msg_struct += f[0] msg_mults.append(f[1]) except KeyError as e: raise Exception("Unsupported format char: %s in message %s (%i)" % (c, msg_name, msg_type)) msg_struct = "<" + msg_struct # force little-endian self.__msg_descrs[msg_type] = (msg_length, msg_name, msg_format, msg_labels, msg_struct, msg_mults) self.__msg_labels[msg_name] = msg_labels self.__msg_names.append(msg_name) if self.__debug_out: if self.__filterMsg(msg_name) != None: print("MSG FORMAT: type = %i, length = %i, name = %s, format = %s, labels = %s, struct = %s, mults = %s" % ( msg_type, msg_length, msg_name, msg_format, str(msg_labels), msg_struct, msg_mults)) self.__ptr += self.MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN def __parseMsg(self, msg_descr): msg_length, msg_name, msg_format, msg_labels, msg_struct, msg_mults = msg_descr if not self.__debug_out and self.__time_msg != None and msg_name == self.__time_msg and self.__csv_updated: self.__printCSVRow() self.__csv_updated = False show_fields = self.__filterMsg(msg_name) if (show_fields != None): if runningPython3: data = list(struct.unpack(msg_struct, self.__buffer[self.__ptr+self.MSG_HEADER_LEN:self.__ptr+msg_length])) else: data = list(struct.unpack(msg_struct, str(self.__buffer[self.__ptr+self.MSG_HEADER_LEN:self.__ptr+msg_length]))) for i in range(len(data)): if type(data[i]) is str: data[i] = _parseCString(data[i]) m = msg_mults[i] if m != None: data[i] = data[i] * m if self.__debug_out: s = [] for i in range(len(data)): label = msg_labels[i] if show_fields == "*" or label in show_fields: s.append(label + "=" + str(data[i])) print("MSG %s: %s" % (msg_name, ", ".join(s))) else: # update CSV data buffer for i in range(len(data)): label = msg_labels[i] if label in show_fields: self.__csv_data[msg_name + "_" + label] = data[i] if self.__time_msg != None and msg_name != self.__time_msg: self.__csv_updated = True if self.__time_msg == None: self.__printCSVRow() self.__ptr += msg_length def _main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: python sdlog2_dump.py [-v] [-e] [-d delimiter] [-n null] [-m MSG[.field1,field2,...]] [-t TIME_MSG_NAME]\n") print("\t-v\tUse plain debug output instead of CSV.\n") print("\t-e\tRecover from errors.\n") print("\t-d\tUse \"delimiter\" in CSV. Default is \",\".\n") print("\t-n\tUse \"null\" as placeholder for empty values in CSV. Default is empty.\n") print("\t-m MSG[.field1,field2,...]\n\t\tDump only messages of specified type, and only specified fields.\n\t\tMultiple -m options allowed.") print("\t-t\tSpecify TIME message name to group data messages by time and significantly reduce duplicate output.\n") print("\t-fPrint to file instead of stdout") return fn = sys.argv[1] debug_out = False correct_errors = False msg_filter = [] csv_null = "" csv_delim = "," time_msg = "TIME" file_name = None opt = None for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if opt != None: if opt == "d": csv_delim = arg elif opt == "n": csv_null = arg elif opt == "t": time_msg = arg elif opt == "f": file_name = arg elif opt == "m": show_fields = "*" a = arg.split("_") if len(a) > 1: show_fields = a[1].split(",") msg_filter.append((a[0], show_fields)) opt = None else: if arg == "-v": debug_out = True elif arg == "-e": correct_errors = True elif arg == "-d": opt = "d" elif arg == "-n": opt = "n" elif arg == "-m": opt = "m" elif arg == "-t": opt = "t" elif arg == "-f": opt = "f" if csv_delim == "\\t": csv_delim = "\t" parser = SDLog2Parser() parser.setCSVDelimiter(csv_delim) parser.setCSVNull(csv_null) parser.setMsgFilter(msg_filter) parser.setTimeMsg(time_msg) parser.setFileName(file_name) parser.setDebugOut(debug_out) parser.setCorrectErrors(correct_errors) parser.process(fn) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()