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configs/pic32mx README
This README file discusses the port of NuttX to the DTX1-4000L "Mirtoo" module.
This module uses MicroChip PIC32MX250F128D and the Dimitech DTX1-4000L EV-kit1
V2. See for further information.
PIC32MX250F128D Pin Out
Loading NuttX with ICD3
PIC32MX Configuration Options
PIC32MX250F128D Pin Out
PIC32MX250F128D 44 pin package.
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
1 RPB9/SDA1/CTED4/PMD3/RB9 FUNC3 FUNC3, to X3, pin3
RPB9 Peripheral pin selection RB9
SDA1 I2C1 data
CTED4 CTMU External Edge Input 4
PMD3 Parallel Master Port data bit 3
RB9 PORTB, Pin 9
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
2 RPC6/PMA1/RC6 FUNC5 FUNC5, to X3, pin5
RPC6 Peripheral pin selection RC6
PMA1 Parallel Master Port Address bit 1
RC6 PORTC, Pin 6
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
3 RPC7/PMA0/RC7 PEN, PGA117 ENA pin Not available off module
RPC7 Peripheral pin selection RC7 Not available
PMA0 Parallel Master Port Address bit 0 Not available
RC7 PORTC, Pin 7 Used for PGA117 ENA output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
4 RPC8/PMA5/RC8 LED0 Not available off module
RPC8 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 8 Not available
PMA5 Parallel Master Port Address bit 5 Not available
RC8 PORTC, Pin 8 Used to drive LED0
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
5 RPC9/CTED7/PMA6/RC9 LED1 Not available off module
RPC9 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 9 Not available
CTED7 CTMU External Edge Input 7 Not available
PMA6 Parallel Master Port Address bit 6 Not available
RC9 PORTC, Pin 9 Used to drive LED1
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
6 VSS VSS Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
7 VCAP VCAP Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
PGED2 Debug Channel 2 data Not available
RPB10 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 10 Used for UART RXD
D+ USB D+ Not available
CTED11 CTMU External Edge Input 11 Not available
RB10 PORTB, Pin 10 Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
PGEC2 Debug Channel 2 clock Not available
RPB11 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 11 Used for UART TXD
D- USB D- Not available
RB11 PORTB, Pin 11 Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
10 VUSB3V3 3.3V (via VBAT, Pin 1)
VUSB3V3 USB internal transceiver supply 3.3V
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
11 AN11/RPB13/CTPLS/PMRD/RB13 ~CSM SST25VF3032B Chip Select Not available off-module
AN11 Analog input channel 11 Not available
RPB13 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 12 Not available
CTPLS CTMU Pulse Output Not available
PMRD Parallel Master Port read strobe Not available
RB13 PORTB, Pin 12 Used for SST25VF3032B Chip Select
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
12 PGED/TMS/PMA10/RA10 DIN5 PORT5, to X7, pin 2
PGED4 Debug Channel 4 data (?) (also X13, pin6)
TMS JTAG Test mode select pin (?)
PMA10 Parallel Master Port Address bit 10 Not available
RA10 PORTA, Pin 10 May be used as GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
13 PGEC/TCK/CTED8/PMA7/RA7 DIN2 PORT2, to X4, pin 2
PGEC4 Debug Channel 4 clock Not available (also X13, pin5)
TCK JTAG test clock input pin May be used as JTAG clock input
CTED8 CTMU External Edge Input 8 May be used as CTMU input
PMA7 Parallel Master Port Address bit 7 Not available
RA7 PORTA, Pin 7 May be used as GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
14 CVREF/AN10/C3INB/RPB14/VBUSON/SCK1/CTED5/RB14 FUNC5 (through resistor) FUNC5, to X3, pin5
CVREFOUT Comparator Voltage Reference output
AN10 Analog input channel 10
C3INB Comparator 3 Input B
RPB14 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 14
VBUSON USB Host and OTG bus power control
SCK1 SPI1 clock
CTED5 CTMU External Edge Input 5
RB14 PORTB, Pin 14
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
15 AN9/C3INA/RPB15/SCK2/CTED6/PMCS1/RB15 SCK Not available off module
AN9 Analog input channel 9 Not available
C3INA Comparator 3 Input A Not available
RPB15 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 15 Not available
SCK2 SPI2 clock Used for SPI2 clock
CTED6 CTMU External Edge Input 6 Not available
PMCS1 Parallel Master Port Chip Select 1 Not available
RB15 PORTB, Pin 15 Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
16 AVSS AVSS Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
17 AVDD AVDD Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
18 ~MCLR ~MCLR, TC2030-NL, pin 1 Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
AN0 Analog input channel 0 AIN
RA0 PORTA, Pin 0 Not available
CVREF+ Comparator Voltage Reference (high) (?)
C3INC Comparator 3 Input C (?)
PMD7 Parallel Master Port data bit 7 Not available
CTED1 CTMU External Edge Input 1 Not available
PGED3 Debug Channel 3 data Not available
VREF+ Analog voltage reference (high) Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
20 PGEC3/VREF-/CVREF-/AN1/RPA1/CTED2/PMD6/RA1 SI Not available off module
PGEC3 Debug Channel 3 clock Not available
VREF- Analog voltage reference (low) Not available
CVREF- Comparator Voltage Reference (low) Not available
AN1 Analog input channel 1 Not available
RPA1 Peripheral Selection PORTA, Pin 1 Used for SI
CTED2 CTMU External Edge Input 2 Not available
PMD6 Parallel Master Port data bit 6 Not available
RA1 PORTA, Pin 1 Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
21 PGED1/AN2/C1IND/C2INB/C3IND/RPB0/PMD0/RB0 DIN6 PORT6, to X9, pin 2
PGED1 Debug Channel 1 data Not available (also X13, pin4)
AN2 Analog input channel 2 Not available (digital input only)
C1IND Comparator 1 Input D Not available (digital input only)
C2INB Comparator 2 Input B Not available (digital input only)
C3IND Comparator 3 Input D Not available (digital input only)
RPB0 Peripheral Selection PORTB, Pin 0 May be used for peripheral input
PMD0 Parallel Master Port data bit 0 Not available
RB0 PORTB, Pin 0 May be used for GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
22 PGEC1/AN3/C1INC/C2INA/RPB1/CTED12/PMD1/RB1 DIN7 PORT7, to X10, pin 2
PGEC1 Debug Channel 1 clock (?) (also X13, pin2)
AN3 Analog input channel 3 Not available (digital input only)
C1INC Comparator 1 Input C Not available (digital input only)
C2INA Comparator 2 Input A Not available (digital input only)
RPB1 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 1 May be used for peripheral input
PMD1 Parallel Master Port data bit 1 Not available
CTED12 CTMU External Edge Input 12 May be used as CTMU input
RB1 PORTB, Pin 1 May be used as GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
23 AN4/C1INB/C2IND/RPB2/SDA2/CTED13/PMD2/CNB2/RB2 DOUT0 PORT0, to X1, pin 2
AN4 Analog input channel 4 Not available (digital output only) (also X13, pin1)
C1INB Comparator 1 Input B Not available (digital output only)
C2IND Comparator 2 Input D Not available (digital output only)
RPB2 Peripheral Selection PORTB, Pin 2 May be used for peripheral output
SDA2 I2C2 data Not available(?)
CTED13 CTMU External Edge Input 13 Not available
PMD2 Parallel Master Port data bit 2 Not available
CNB2 PORTB, Pin 2 Change Notification Not available
RB2 PORTB, Pin 2 May be for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
AN5 Analog input channel 5 Not available (digital output only) (also X13, pin3)
C1INA Comparator 1 Input A Not available (digital output only)
C2INC Comparator 2 Input C Not available (digital output only)
RTCC Real-Time Clock alarm output May be used for RTCC output
RPB3 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 3 May be used for peripheral output
SCL2 I2C2 clock (?)
PMWR Parallel Master Port write strobe Not available
CNB3 PORTB, Pin 3 Change Notification Not available
RB3 PORTB, Pin 3 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
25 AN6/RPC0/RC0 DOUT3 PORT3, to X5, pin 2
AN6 Analog input channel 6 Not available (digital output only) (also X13, pin7)
RPC0 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 0 May be used for peripheral output
RC0 PORTC, Pin 0 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
26 AN7/RPC1/RC1 DOUT4 PORT4, to X6, pin 2
AN7 Analog input channel 7 Not available (digital output only) (also X13, pin8)
RPC1 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 1 May be used for peripheral output
RC1 PORTC, Pin 1 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
27 AN8/RPC2/PMA2/RC2 DOUT5 PORT5, to X7, pin 2
AN8 Analog input channel 8 Not available (digital output only) (also X13, pin6)
RPC2 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 2 May be used for peripheral output
PMA2 Parallel Master Port Address bit 2 Not available
RC2 PORTC, Pin 2 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
28 VDD VDD Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
29 VSS VSS Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
30 OSC1/CLKI/RPA2/RA2 SO Not available off module
OSC1 Oscillator crystal input Not available
CLKI External clock source input Not available
RPRA2 Peripheral Selection PORTA, Pin 2 Used for SO
RA2 PORTA, Pin 2 Not available
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
31 OSC2/CLKO/RPA3/RA3 DIN0 PORT0, to X1, pin 2
OSC2 Oscillator crystal output Not available (also X13, pin1)
CLKO Oscillator crystal output Not available
RPA3 Peripheral Selection for PORTA, Pin 3 May be used for peripheral input
RA3 PORTA, Pin 3 May be used for GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
32 TDO/RPA8/PMA8/RA8 DIN3 PORT3, to X5, pin 2
TDO JTAG test data output pin Not available (also X13, pin7)
RPA8 PORTA, Pin 8 May be used for peripheral input
PMA8 Parallel Master Port Address bit 8 Not available
RA8 PORTA, Pin 8 May be used for GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
33 SOSCI/RPB4/RB4 DOUT2 PORT2, to X4, pin 2
SOSCI 32.768 kHz crystal input Not available (also X13, pin5)
RPB4 Peripheral Seclection, PORTB, Pin 4 May be used for peripheral output
RB4 PORTB, Pin 4 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
34 SOSCO/RPA4/T1CK/CTED9/RA4 DIN1 PORT1, to X2, pin 2
SOSCO 32.768 kHz crystal output Not available (also X13, pin3)
RPA4 Peripheral Selection PORTA, Pin 4 May be used for peripheral input
T1CK Timer1 external clock input May be used for timer 1 input
CTED9 CTMU External Edge Input 9 May be used for CTMU input
RA4 PORTA, Pin 4 May be used as GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
35 TDI/RPA9/PMA9/RA9 DIN4 PORT4, to X6, pin 2
TDI JTAG test data input pin May be used for JTAG input (also X13, pin8)
RPA9 Peripheral Selection for PORTA, Pin 9 May be used for peripheral input
PMA9 Parallel Master Port Address bit 9 Not available
RA9 PORTA, Pin 9 May be used for GPIO input
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
36 AN12/RPC3/RC3 DOUT6 PORT6, to X9, pin 2
AN12 Analog input channel 12 Not available (digtial output only) (also X13, pin4)
RPC3 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 3 May be used for peripheral output
RC3 PORTC, Pin 3 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
37 RPC4/PMA4/RC4 DOUT7 PORT7, to X10, pin 2
RPC4 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 4 May be used for peripheral output (also X13, pin2)
PMA4 Parallel Master Port Address bit 4 Not available
RC4 PORTC, Pin 4 May be used for GPIO output
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
38 RPC5/PMA3/RC5 FUNC4 FUNC4, to X3, pin4
RPC5 Peripheral Selection, PORTC, Pin 5
PMA3 Parallel Master Port Address bit 3
RC5 PORTC, Pin 5
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
39 VSS VSS Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
40 VDD VDD Not available off module
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
41 RPB5/USBID/RB5 FUNC3 FUNC3, to X3, pin3
RPB5 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 5
USBID 41 USB OTG ID detect
RB5 41 PORTB, Pin 5
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
42 VBUS FUNC2 FUNC2, to X3, pin2
VBUS Analog USB bus power monitor
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
43 RPB7/CTED3/PMD5/INT0/RB7 PGA117 ~CSAI Not available off module
RPB7 Peripheral Selection, PORTB, Pin 7
CTED3 CTMU External Edge Input 3
PMD5 Parallel Master Port data bit 5
INT0 External Interrupt 0
RB7 PORTB, Pin 7
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
SCL1 I2C1 clock
CTED10 CTMU External Edge Input 10
PMD4 Parallel Master Port data bit 4
RB8 PORTB, Pin 8
--- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Additional signals available via Peripheral Pin Selections (PPS)
REFCLKI Reference Input Clock
REFCLKO Reference Output Clock
IC1 Capture Inputs 1
IC2 Capture Inputs 2
IC3 Capture Inputs 3
IC4 Capture Inputs 4
IC5 Capture Inputs 5
OC1 Output Compare Output 1
OC2 Output Compare Output 2
OC3 Output Compare Output 3
OC4 Output Compare Output 4
OC5 Output Compare Output 5
OCFA Output Compare Fault A Input
OCFB Output Compare Fault B Input
INT1 External Interrupt 1
INT2 External Interrupt 2
INT3 External Interrupt 3
INT4 External Interrupt 4
T2CK Timer2 external clock input
T3CK Timer3 external clock input
T4CK Timer4 external clock input
T5CK Timer5 external clock input
U1CTS UART1 clear to send
U1RTS UART1 ready to send
U1RX UART1 receive
U1TX UART1 transmit
U2CTS UART2 clear to send
U2RTS UART2 ready to send
U2RX UART2 receive
U2TX UART2 transmit
SDI1 SPI1 data in
SDO1 SPI1 data out
SS1 SPI1 slave synchronization or frame pulse I/O
SDI2 SPI2 data in
SDO2 SPI2 data out
SS2 SPI2 slave synchronization or frame pulse I/O
C1OUT Comparator 1 Output
C2OUT Comparator 2 Output
C3OUT Comparator 3 Output
I am using the free, LITE version of the PIC32MX toolchain available
for download from the web site. I am using the Windows
version. The MicroChip toolchain is the only toolchaing currently
supported in these configurations, but it should be a simple matter to
adapt to other toolchains by modifying the Make.defs file include in
each configuration.
Toolchain Options:
CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPW - MicroChip full toolchain for Windows
CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPL - MicroChip full toolchain for Linux
CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPW_LITE - MicroChip LITE toolchain for Windows
CONFIG_PIC32MX_MICROCHIPL_LITE - MicroChip LITE toolchain for Linux
Windows Native Toolchains
NOTE: There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a
Cygwin environment. The three biggest are:
1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are
performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility
but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w'
2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links
are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these
problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them.
But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit
a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect.
That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic
directory. If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of
making like this:
make clean_context all
An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful.
3. Dependencies are not made when using Windows versions of the GCC. This is
because the dependencies are generated using Windows pathes which do not
work with the Cygwin make.
Support has been added for making dependencies with the windows-native toolchains.
That support can be enabled by modifying your Make.defs file as follows:
- MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/
+ MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/ --winpaths "$(TOPDIR)"
If you have problems with the dependency build (for example, if you are not
building on C:), then you may need to modify tools/
Loading NuttX with ICD3
Intel Hex Forma Files:
When NuttX is built it will produce two files in the top-level NuttX
1) nuttx - This is an ELF file, and
2) nuttx.hex - This is an Intel Hex format file. This is controlled by
the setting CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY in the .config file.
The PICkit tool wants an Intel Hex format file to burn into FLASH. However,
there is a problem with the generated nutt.hex: The tool expects the nuttx.hex
file to contain physical addresses. But the nuttx.hex file generated from the
top-level make will have address in the KSEG0 and KSEG1 regions.
There is a simple tool in the configs/mirtoo/tools directory
that can be used to solve both issues with the nuttx.hex file. But,
first, you must build the the tools:
cd configs/mirtoo/tools
Now you will have an excecutable file call mkpichex (or mkpichex.exe on
Cygwin). This program will take the nutt.hex file as an input, it will
convert all of the KSEG0 and KSEG1 addresses to physical address, and
it will write the modified file, replacing the original nuttx.hex.
To use this file, you need to do the following things:
. ./ # Source Among other this, this script
# will add configs/mirtoo/tools to your
# PATH variable
make # Build nuttx and nuttx.hex
mkpichex $PWD # Convert addresses in nuttx.hex. $PWD is the path
# to the top-level build directory. It is the only
# required input to mkpichex.
PIC32MX Configuration Options
General Architecture Settings:
CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should
be set to:
CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code:
CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code:
CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory
CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact
CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and
hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC.
CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code
CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation
of delay loops
CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little
CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (CPU SRAM in this case):
CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE=(32*1024) (32Kb)
There is an additional 32Kb of SRAM in AHB SRAM banks 0 and 1.
CONFIG_DRAM_START - The start address of installed DRAM
CONFIG_DRAM_END - Last address+1 of installed RAM
CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO - The PIC32MXx supports interrupt prioritization
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that
have LEDs
CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt
stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt
stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be
used during interrupt handling.
CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture.
CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that
cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay
serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibratre
CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure
the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until
the delay actually is 100 seconds.
PIC32MX Configuration
CONFIG_PIC32MX_MVEC - Select muli- vs. single-vectored interrupts
Individual subsystems can be enabled:
CONFIG_PIC32MX_WDT - Watchdog timer
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T2 - Timer 2 (Timer 1 is the system time and always enabled)
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T3 - Timer 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T4 - Timer 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T5 - Timer 5
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC1 - Input Capture 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC2 - Input Capture 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC3 - Input Capture 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC4 - Input Capture 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC5 - Input Capture 5
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC1 - Output Compare 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC2 - Output Compare 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC3 - Output Compare 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC4 - Output Compare 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC5 - Output Compare 5
CONFIG_PIC32MX_PMP - Parallel Master Port
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM1 - Comparator 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM2 - Comparator 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_RTCC - Real-Time Clock and Calendar
PIC32MX Configuration Settings
CONFIG_PIC32MX_DEBUGGER - Background Debugger Enable. Default 3 (disabled). The
value 2 enables.
CONFIG_PIC32MX_ICESEL - In-Circuit Emulator/Debugger Communication Channel Select
Default 1 (PG2)
CONFIG_PIC32MX_PROGFLASHWP - Program FLASH write protect. Default 0xff (disabled)
CONFIG_PIC32MX_BOOTFLASHWP - Default 1 (disabled)
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CODEWP - Default 1 (disabled)
DEVCFG1: (All settings determined by selections in board.h)
DEVCFG2: (All settings determined by selections in board.h)
CONFIG_PIC32MX_USBIDO - USB USBID Selection. Default 1 if USB enabled
(USBID pin is controlled by the USB module), but 0 (GPIO) otherwise.
CONFIG_PIC32MX_VBUSIO - USB VBUSON Selection (Default 1 if USB enabled
(VBUSON pin is controlled by the USB module, but 0 (GPIO) otherwise.
CONFIG_PIC32MX_WDENABLE - Enabled watchdog on power up. Default 0 (watchdog
can be enabled later by software).
The priority of interrupts may be specified. The value ranage of
priority is 4-31. The default (16) will be used if these any of these
are undefined.
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CTPRIO - Core Timer Interrupt
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CS0PRIO - Core Software Interrupt 0
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CS1PRIO - Core Software Interrupt 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT0PRIO - External Interrupt 0
CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT1PRIO - External Interrupt 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT2PRIO - External Interrupt 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT3PRIO - External Interrupt 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_INT4PRIO - External Interrupt 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_FSCMPRIO - Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T1PRIO - Timer 1 (System timer) priority
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T2PRIO - Timer 2 priority
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T3PRIO - Timer 3 priority
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T4PRIO - Timer 4 priority
CONFIG_PIC32MX_T5PRIO - Timer 5 priority
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC1PRIO - Input Capture 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC2PRIO - Input Capture 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC3PRIO - Input Capture 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC4PRIO - Input Capture 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_IC5PRIO - Input Capture 5
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC1PRIO - Output Compare 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC2PRIO - Output Compare 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC3PRIO - Output Compare 3
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC4PRIO - Output Compare 4
CONFIG_PIC32MX_OC5PRIO - Output Compare 5
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CN - Input Change Interrupt
CONFIG_PIC32MX_PMPPRIO - Parallel Master Port
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM1PRIO - Comparator 1
CONFIG_PIC32MX_CM2PRIO - Comparator 2
CONFIG_PIC32MX_FSCMPRIO - Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
CONFIG_PIC32MX_RTCCPRIO - Real-Time Clock and Calendar
CONFIG_PIC32MX_FCEPRIO - Flash Control Event
PIC32MXx specific device driver settings
CONFIG_UARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the UARTn for the
console and ttys0 (default is the UART0).
CONFIG_UARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received.
This specific the size of the receive buffer
CONFIG_UARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before
being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer
CONFIG_UARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be
CONFIG_UARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8.
CONFIG_UARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity
CONFIG_UARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits
PIC32MXx USB Device Configuration
PIC32MXx USB Host Configuration (the PIC32MX does not support USB Host)
Each PIC32MX configuration is maintained in a sudirectory and can be
selected as follow:
cd tools
./ mirtoo/<subdir>
cd -
. ./
Where <subdir> is one of the following:
This configuration directory, performs a simple OS test using