You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
978 lines
18 KiB
978 lines
18 KiB
#!nsh |
# Un comment and use set +e to ignore and set -e to enable 'exit on error control' |
set +e |
# Un comment the line below to help debug scripts by printing a trace of the script commands |
#set -x |
# PX4FMU startup script. |
# |
# NOTE: environment variable references: |
# If the dollar sign ('$') is followed by a left bracket ('{') then the |
# variable name is terminated with the right bracket character ('}'). |
# Otherwise, the variable name goes to the end of the argument. |
# |
# |
# |
# UART mapping on FMUv2/3/4: |
# |
# UART1 /dev/ttyS0 IO debug (except v4, there ttyS0 is the wifi) |
# USART2 /dev/ttyS1 TELEM1 (flow control) |
# USART3 /dev/ttyS2 TELEM2 (flow control) |
# UART4 |
# |
# |
# UART mapping on FMUv5: |
# |
# UART1 /dev/ttyS0 GPS |
# USART2 /dev/ttyS1 TELEM1 (flow control) |
# USART3 /dev/ttyS2 TELEM2 (flow control) |
# UART4 /dev/ttyS3 TELEM4 |
# USART6 /dev/ttyS4 TELEM3 (flow control) |
# UART7 /dev/ttyS5 ? |
# UART8 /dev/ttyS6 CONSOLE |
# |
# Mount the procfs. |
# |
mount -t procfs /proc |
# |
# Start CDC/ACM serial driver |
# |
sercon |
# print full system version |
ver all |
# |
# Default to auto-start mode. |
# |
set MODE autostart |
set LOG_FILE /fs/microsd/bootlog.txt |
# |
# Try to mount the microSD card. |
# |
# REBOOTWORK this needs to start after the flight control loop |
if mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /fs/microsd |
then |
if hardfault_log check |
then |
tone_alarm error |
if hardfault_log commit |
then |
hardfault_log reset |
tone_alarm stop |
fi |
fi |
else |
tone_alarm MBAGP |
if mkfatfs /dev/mmcsd0 |
then |
if mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /fs/microsd |
then |
echo "INFO [init] card formatted" |
else |
echo "ERROR [init] format failed" |
tone_alarm MNBG |
set LOG_FILE /dev/null |
fi |
else |
set LOG_FILE /dev/null |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Look for an init script on the microSD card. |
# Disable autostart if the script found. |
# |
set FRC /fs/microsd/etc/rc.txt |
if [ -f $FRC ] |
then |
sh $FRC |
set MODE custom |
fi |
unset FRC |
if [ $MODE == autostart ] |
then |
# |
# Start the ORB (first app to start) |
# |
uorb start |
# Start tone driver |
tone_alarm start |
# play startup tone |
tune_control play -t 1 |
# |
# Load parameters |
# |
set PARAM_FILE /fs/microsd/params |
if mtd start |
then |
set PARAM_FILE /fs/mtd_params |
fi |
param select $PARAM_FILE |
if param load |
then |
else |
if param reset |
then |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Start system state indicator |
# |
if rgbled start |
then |
else |
if blinkm start |
then |
blinkm systemstate |
fi |
fi |
# FMUv5 may have both PWM I2C RGB LED support |
rgbled_pwm start |
# |
# Set AUTOCNF flag to use it in AUTOSTART scripts |
# |
if param compare SYS_AUTOCONFIG 1 |
then |
# Wipe out params except RC* and total flight time |
param reset_nostart RC* LND_FLIGHT_T_* |
set AUTOCNF yes |
else |
set AUTOCNF no |
# |
# Release 1.4.0 transitional support: |
# set to old default if unconfigured. |
# this preserves the previous behaviour |
# |
if param compare BAT_N_CELLS 0 |
then |
param set BAT_N_CELLS 3 |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Set default values |
# |
set VEHICLE_TYPE none |
set MIXER none |
set MIXER_AUX none |
set OUTPUT_MODE none |
set PWM_OUT none |
set PWM_AUX_OUT none |
set PWM_AUX_RATE none |
set PWM_ACHDIS none |
set FAILSAFE_AUX none |
set MK_MODE none |
set FMU_MODE pwm |
set AUX_MODE pwm |
set FMU_ARGS "" |
set MAVLINK_F default |
set MAV_TYPE none |
set FAILSAFE none |
set USE_IO no |
set LOGGER_BUF 14 |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V5 |
then |
set LOGGER_BUF 64 |
fi |
if ver hwcmp CRAZYFLIE |
then |
if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART 0 |
then |
param set SYS_AUTOSTART 4900 |
set AUTOCNF yes |
fi |
fi |
if ver hwcmp AEROFC_V1 |
then |
if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART 0 |
then |
set AUTOCNF yes |
fi |
# We don't allow changing AUTOSTART as it doesn't work in |
# other configurations |
param set SYS_AUTOSTART 4070 |
fi |
if ver hwcmp NXPHLITE_V3 |
then |
param set SYS_FMU_TASK 1 |
fi |
# |
# Set USE_IO flag |
# |
if param compare SYS_USE_IO 1 |
then |
set USE_IO yes |
fi |
if param compare SYS_FMU_TASK 1 |
then |
set FMU_ARGS "-t" |
fi |
# |
# Set parameters and env variables for selected AUTOSTART |
# |
if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART 0 |
then |
else |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.autostart |
fi |
unset MODE |
# |
# If mount (gimbal) control is enabled and output mode is AUX, set the aux |
# mixer to mount (override the airframe-specific MIXER_AUX setting) |
# |
if param compare MNT_MODE_IN -1 |
then |
else |
if param compare MNT_MODE_OUT 0 |
then |
set MIXER_AUX mount |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Override parameters from user configuration file |
# |
set FCONFIG /fs/microsd/etc/config.txt |
if [ -f $FCONFIG ] |
then |
echo "Custom: ${FCONFIG}" |
fi |
unset FCONFIG |
# |
# If autoconfig parameter was set, reset it and save parameters |
# |
if [ $AUTOCNF == yes ] |
then |
# Disable safety switch by default on Pixracer |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V4 |
then |
param set CBRK_IO_SAFETY 22027 |
fi |
# Run FMU as task on Pixracer and on boards with enough RAM |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V4 PX4FMU_V4PRO PX4FMU_V5 |
then |
param set SYS_FMU_TASK 1 |
fi |
param set SYS_AUTOCONFIG 0 |
fi |
unset AUTOCNF |
set IO_PRESENT no |
if [ $USE_IO == yes ] |
then |
# |
# Check if PX4IO present and update firmware if needed |
# |
if [ -f /etc/extras/px4io-v2.bin ] |
then |
set IO_FILE /etc/extras/px4io-v2.bin |
if px4io checkcrc ${IO_FILE} |
then |
set IO_PRESENT yes |
else |
tone_alarm MLL32CP8MB |
if px4io start |
then |
# try to safe px4 io so motor outputs dont go crazy |
if px4io safety_on |
then |
# success! no-op |
else |
# px4io did not respond to the safety command |
px4io stop |
fi |
fi |
if px4io forceupdate 14662 ${IO_FILE} |
then |
usleep 10000 |
if px4io checkcrc ${IO_FILE} |
then |
echo "PX4IO CRC OK after updating" >> $LOG_FILE |
tone_alarm MLL8CDE |
set IO_PRESENT yes |
else |
echo "PX4IO update failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tone_alarm ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
else |
echo "PX4IO update failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
fi |
unset IO_FILE |
if [ $IO_PRESENT == no ] |
then |
echo "PX4IO not found" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Set default output if not set |
# |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == none ] |
then |
if [ $USE_IO == yes ] |
then |
set OUTPUT_MODE io |
else |
set OUTPUT_MODE fmu |
fi |
fi |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == io -a $IO_PRESENT != yes ] |
then |
# Need IO for output but it not present, disable output |
set OUTPUT_MODE none |
fi |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == tap_esc ] |
then |
set FMU_MODE rcin |
fi |
set DATAMAN_OPT "" |
if ver hwcmp AEROFC_V1 |
then |
set DATAMAN_OPT -i |
fi |
if ver hwcmp AEROCORE2 |
then |
set DATAMAN_OPT "-f /fs/mtd_dataman" |
fi |
# waypoint storage |
# REBOOTWORK this needs to start in parallel |
if dataman start $DATAMAN_OPT |
then |
fi |
# |
# Sensors System (start before Commander so Preflight checks are properly run) |
# commander Needs to be this early for in-air-restarts |
if param compare SYS_HITL 1 |
then |
set OUTPUT_MODE hil |
sensors start -h |
commander start --hil |
else |
if ver hwcmp PX4_SAME70XPLAINED_V1 |
then |
gps start -d /dev/ttyS2 |
else |
gps start |
fi |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.sensors |
commander start |
fi |
send_event start |
load_mon start |
# |
# Check if UAVCAN is enabled, default to it for ESCs |
# |
if param greater UAVCAN_ENABLE 2 |
then |
set OUTPUT_MODE uavcan_esc |
fi |
# Sensors on the PWM interface bank |
if param compare SENS_EN_LL40LS 1 |
then |
# clear pins 5 and 6 |
set FMU_MODE pwm4 |
set AUX_MODE pwm4 |
fi |
if param greater TRIG_MODE 0 |
then |
# We ONLY support trigger on pins 5 and 6 when simultanously using AUX for actuator output |
if param compare TRIG_PINS 56 |
then |
# clear pins 5 and 6 |
set FMU_MODE pwm4 |
set AUX_MODE pwm4 |
else |
set FMU_MODE none |
set AUX_MODE none |
fi |
camera_trigger start |
param set CAM_FBACK_MODE 1 |
camera_feedback start |
fi |
# If OUTPUT_MODE == none then something is wrong with setup and we shouldn't try to enable output |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE != none ] |
then |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == uavcan_esc ] |
then |
if param compare UAVCAN_ENABLE 0 |
then |
param set UAVCAN_ENABLE 3 |
fi |
fi |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == io -o $OUTPUT_MODE == uavcan_esc ] |
then |
if px4io start |
then |
sh /etc/init.d/ |
else |
echo "PX4IO start failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == fmu ] |
then |
if fmu mode_$FMU_MODE $FMU_ARGS |
then |
else |
echo "FMU start failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == mkblctrl ] |
then |
if [ $MKBLCTRL_MODE == x ] |
then |
set MKBLCTRL_ARG "-mkmode x" |
fi |
if [ $MKBLCTRL_MODE == + ] |
then |
set MKBLCTRL_ARG "-mkmode +" |
fi |
if mkblctrl $MKBLCTRL_ARG |
then |
else |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
unset MK_MODE |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE == hil ] |
then |
if pwm_out_sim start |
then |
else |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Start IO or FMU for RC PPM input if needed |
# |
if [ $IO_PRESENT == yes ] |
then |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE != io ] |
then |
if px4io start |
then |
sh /etc/init.d/ |
else |
echo "PX4IO start failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
else |
if [ $OUTPUT_MODE != fmu ] |
then |
if fmu mode_${FMU_MODE} $FMU_ARGS |
then |
else |
echo "FMU mode_${FMU_MODE} start failed" >> $LOG_FILE |
tune_control play -m ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
fi |
fi |
if [ $MAVLINK_F == default ] |
then |
# Normal mode, use baudrate 57600 (default) and data rate 1000 bytes/s |
set MAVLINK_F "-r 1200 -f" |
# Use ttyS1 for MAVLink on FMUv4 in addition to ttyS0 (debug) |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V4 |
then |
set MAVLINK_F "-r 1200 -d /dev/ttyS1" |
# Start MAVLink on Wifi (ESP8266 port) |
mavlink start -r 20000 -b 921600 -d /dev/ttyS0 |
fi |
# Use ttyS3 (TELEM4) for MAVLink on FMUv5 in addition to ttyS1 (TELEM1) and ttyS2 (TELEM2) |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V5 |
then |
mavlink start -r 2000 -b 57600 -d /dev/ttyS3 |
fi |
if ver hwcmp AEROFC_V1 |
then |
set MAVLINK_F "-r 1200 -d /dev/ttyS3" |
# Only start mavlink if the Benewake TFMini or LeddarOne isn't being used |
if param greater SENS_EN_TFMINI 0 |
then |
set MAVLINK_F none |
fi |
if param greater SENS_EN_LEDDAR1 0 |
then |
set MAVLINK_F none |
fi |
fi |
if ver hwcmp CRAZYFLIE |
then |
# Avoid using either of the two available serials |
set MAVLINK_F none |
fi |
fi |
if [ "x$MAVLINK_F" == xnone ] |
then |
else |
mavlink start ${MAVLINK_F} |
fi |
unset MAVLINK_F |
# |
# MAVLink onboard / TELEM2 |
# |
# XXX We need a better way for runtime eval of shell variables, |
# but this works for now |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 10 |
then |
frsky_telemetry start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} |
else |
if ver hwcmp PX4FMU_V4 PX4FMU_V4PRO MINDPX_V2 |
then |
# This is TELEM4 on Pixhawk 3 Pro |
frsky_telemetry start -d /dev/ttyS6 |
fi |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 20 |
then |
syslink start |
mavlink start -d /dev/bridge0 -b 57600 -m osd -r 40000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 921600 |
then |
if ver hwcmp AEROFC_V1 |
then |
if protocol_splitter start ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} |
then |
mavlink start -d /dev/mavlink -b 921600 -m onboard -r 5000 -x |
micrortps_client start -d /dev/rtps -b 921600 -l -1 -s 2000 |
else |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 921600 -m onboard -r 80000 -x -f |
fi |
else |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 921600 -m onboard -r 80000 -x -f |
fi |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 57600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 57600 -m onboard -r 5000 -x -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 460800 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 460800 -m onboard -r 5000 -x -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 157600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 57600 -m osd -r 1000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 257600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 57600 -m magic -r 5000 -x -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 319200 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 19200 -r 1000 -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 338400 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 38400 -r 1000 -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 357600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 57600 -r 1000 -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 3115200 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 115200 -r 1000 -f |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 419200 |
then |
iridiumsbd start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} |
mavlink start -d /dev/iridium -b 19200 -m iridium -r 10 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 519200 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 19200 -m minimal -r 1000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 538400 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 38400 -m minimal -r 1000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 557600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 57600 -m minimal -r 1000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 5115200 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 115200 -m minimal -r 1000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 1921600 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 921600 -r 20000 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_COMPANION 1500000 |
then |
mavlink start -d ${MAVLINK_COMPANION_DEVICE} -b 1500000 -m onboard -r 10000 -x -f |
fi |
# |
# Starting stuff according to UAVCAN_ENABLE value |
# |
if param greater UAVCAN_ENABLE 0 |
then |
# Start core UAVCAN module |
if uavcan start |
then |
if param greater UAVCAN_ENABLE 1 |
then |
# Reduce logger buffer to free up some RAM for UAVCAN servers |
set LOGGER_BUF 6 |
# Start UAVCAN firmware update server and dynamic node ID allocation server |
uavcan start fw |
fi |
else |
tone_alarm ${TUNE_ERR} |
fi |
fi |
then |
# Check for flow sensor - as it is a background task, launch it last |
px4flow start & |
fi |
if ver hwcmp AEROFC_V1 |
then |
# don't start mavlink ttyACM0 on aerofc_v1 |
else |
# Start MAVLink |
mavlink start -r 800000 -d /dev/ttyACM0 -m config -x |
fi |
# |
# Fixed wing setup |
# |
if [ $VEHICLE_TYPE == fw ] |
then |
if [ $MIXER == none ] |
then |
# Set default mixer for fixed wing if not defined |
fi |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
# Use MAV_TYPE = 1 (fixed wing) if not defined |
set MAV_TYPE 1 |
fi |
param set MAV_TYPE ${MAV_TYPE} |
# Load mixer and configure outputs |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.interface |
# Start standard fixedwing apps |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.fw_apps |
fi |
# |
# Multicopters setup |
# |
if [ $VEHICLE_TYPE == mc ] |
then |
if [ $MIXER == none ] |
then |
echo "Mixer undefined" |
fi |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
# Use mixer to detect vehicle type |
if [ $MIXER == quad_x -o $MIXER == quad_+ ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 2 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == quad_w -o $MIXER == quad_dc ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 2 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == quad_h ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 2 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == tri_y_yaw- -o $MIXER == tri_y_yaw+ ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 15 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == hexa_x -o $MIXER == hexa_+ ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 13 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == hexa_cox ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 13 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == octo_x -o $MIXER == octo_+ ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 14 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == octo_cox -o $MIXER == octo_cox_w ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 14 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == coax ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 3 |
fi |
fi |
# Still no MAV_TYPE found |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
param set MAV_TYPE 2 |
else |
param set MAV_TYPE ${MAV_TYPE} |
fi |
# Load mixer and configure outputs |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.interface |
# Start standard multicopter apps |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.mc_apps |
fi |
# |
# VTOL setup |
# |
if [ $VEHICLE_TYPE == vtol ] |
then |
if [ $MIXER == none ] |
then |
echo "VTOL mixer undefined" |
fi |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
# Use mixer to detect vehicle type |
if [ $MIXER == caipirinha_vtol ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 19 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == firefly6 ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 21 |
fi |
if [ $MIXER == quad_x_pusher_vtol ] |
then |
set MAV_TYPE 22 |
fi |
fi |
# Still no MAV_TYPE found |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
echo "Unknown MAV_TYPE" |
param set MAV_TYPE 19 |
else |
param set MAV_TYPE ${MAV_TYPE} |
fi |
# Load mixer and configure outputs |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.interface |
# Start standard vtol apps |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.vtol_apps |
fi |
# |
# UGV setup |
# |
if [ $VEHICLE_TYPE == ugv ] |
then |
if [ $MIXER == none ] |
then |
# Set default mixer for UGV if not defined |
set MIXER ugv_generic |
fi |
if [ $MAV_TYPE == none ] |
then |
# Use MAV_TYPE = 10 (UGV) if not defined |
set MAV_TYPE 10 |
fi |
param set MAV_TYPE ${MAV_TYPE} |
# Load mixer and configure outputs |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.interface |
# Start standard UGV apps |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.ugv_apps |
fi |
unset MIXER |
unset MAV_TYPE |
# |
# Start the navigator |
# |
navigator start |
# |
# Generic setup (autostart ID not found) |
# |
if [ $VEHICLE_TYPE == none ] |
then |
echo "No autostart ID found" |
ekf2 start |
fi |
# Start any custom addons |
set FEXTRAS /fs/microsd/etc/extras.txt |
if [ -f $FEXTRAS ] |
then |
echo "Addons script: ${FEXTRAS}" |
fi |
unset FEXTRAS |
if ver hwcmp CRAZYFLIE |
then |
# CF2 shouldn't have an sd card |
else |
if ver hwcmp AEROCORE2 |
then |
# AEROCORE2 shouldn't have an sd card |
else |
# Run no SD alarm |
if [ $LOG_FILE == /dev/null ] |
then |
# Play SOS |
tone_alarm error |
fi |
fi |
fi |
# |
# Check if we should start a thermal calibration |
# TODO move further up and don't start unnecessary services if we are calibrating |
# |
if param compare SYS_CAL_GYRO 1 |
then |
param set SYS_CAL_GYRO 0 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_CAL_ACCEL 1 |
then |
param set SYS_CAL_ACCEL 0 |
fi |
if param compare SYS_CAL_BARO 1 |
then |
param set SYS_CAL_BARO 0 |
fi |
if [ "x$TEMP_CALIB_ARGS" != "x" ] |
then |
send_event temperature_calibration ${TEMP_CALIB_ARGS} |
fi |
# vmount to control mounts such as gimbals, disabled by default. |
if param compare MNT_MODE_IN -1 |
then |
else |
if vmount start |
then |
fi |
fi |
sh /etc/init.d/rc.logging |
# End of autostart |
fi |
# There is no further script processing, so we can free some RAM |
# XXX potentially unset all script variables. |
unset TUNE_ERR |
# Boot is complete, inform MAVLink app(s) that the system is now fully up and running |
mavlink boot_complete