You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
4.0 KiB

#include "FlightTasks.hpp"
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_command.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_command_ack.h>
bool FlightTasks::update()
if (isAnyTaskActive()) {
return _current_task->updateInitialize() && _current_task->update();
return false;
const vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s &FlightTasks::getPositionSetpoint()
if (isAnyTaskActive()) {
return _current_task->getPositionSetpoint();
} else {
return FlightTask::empty_setpoint;
int FlightTasks::switchTask(int task_number)
/* switch to the running task, nothing to do */
if (task_number == _current_task_index) {
return 0;
/* disable the old task if there is any */
if (_current_task) {
_current_task = nullptr;
_current_task_index = -1;
switch (task_number) {
case 0:
/* This part will change with the next PR that uses enum */
return -1;
case 1:
_current_task = new (&_task_union.orbit) FlightTaskOrbit(this, "ORB");
case 2:
_current_task = new (& FlightTaskSport(this, "SPO");
case 3:
_current_task = new (&_task_union.altitude) FlightTaskManualAltitude(this, "MANALT");
case 4:
_current_task = new (&_task_union.position) FlightTaskManualPosition(this, "MANPOS");
case 5:
_current_task = new (&_task_union.stabilized) FlightTaskManualStabilized(this, "MANSTAB");
case 6:
_current_task = new (&_task_union.altitude_smooth) FlightTaskManualAltitudeSmooth(this, "MANALTSM");
case -1:
/* disable tasks is a success */
return 0;
/* invalid task */
return -1;
/* subscription failed */
if (!_current_task->initializeSubscriptions(_subscription_array)) {
_current_task = nullptr;
_current_task_index = -1;
return -2;
_subscription_array.forcedUpdate(); // make sure data is available for all new subscriptions
/* activation failed */
if (!_current_task->updateInitialize() || !_current_task->activate()) {
_current_task = nullptr;
_current_task_index = -1;
return -3;
_current_task_index = task_number;
return 1;
void FlightTasks::_updateCommand()
/* lazy subscription to command topic */
if (_sub_vehicle_command < 0) {
_sub_vehicle_command = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command));
/* check if there's any new command */
bool updated = false;
orb_check(_sub_vehicle_command, &updated);
if (!updated) {
/* check if command is for flight task library */
struct vehicle_command_s command;
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), _sub_vehicle_command, &command);
if (command.command != vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_FLIGHT_TASK) {
/* evaluate command */
int switch_result = switchTask(int(command.param1 + 0.5f));
uint8_t cmd_result = vehicle_command_ack_s::VEHICLE_RESULT_FAILED;
/* if we are in the desired task */
if (switch_result >= 0) {
cmd_result = vehicle_command_ack_s::VEHICLE_RESULT_ACCEPTED;
/* if the task is running apply parameters to it and see if it rejects */
if (isAnyTaskActive() && !_current_task->applyCommandParameters(command)) {
cmd_result = vehicle_command_ack_s::VEHICLE_RESULT_DENIED;
/* if we just switched and parameters are not accepted, go to failsafe */
if (switch_result == 1) {
cmd_result = vehicle_command_ack_s::VEHICLE_RESULT_FAILED;
/* send back acknowledgment */
vehicle_command_ack_s command_ack = {};
command_ack.command = command.command;
command_ack.result = cmd_result;
command_ack.result_param1 = switch_result;
command_ack.target_system = command.source_system;
command_ack.target_component = command.source_component;
if (_pub_vehicle_command_ack == nullptr) {
_pub_vehicle_command_ack = orb_advertise_queue(ORB_ID(vehicle_command_ack), &command_ack,
} else {
orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_command_ack), _pub_vehicle_command_ack, &command_ack);