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uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds)
bool torque_setpoint_achieved # Boolean indicating whether the 3D torque setpoint was correctly allocated to actuators. 0 if not achieved, 1 if achieved.
float32[3] allocated_torque # Torque allocated to actuators. Equal to `vehicle_torque_setpoint_s::xyz` if the setpoint was achieved.
float32[3] unallocated_torque # Unallocated torque. Equal to 0 if the setpoint was achieved.
# Computed as: unallocated_torque = torque_setpoint - allocated_torque
bool thrust_setpoint_achieved # Boolean indicating whether the 3D thrust setpoint was correctly allocated to actuators. 0 if not achieved, 1 if achieved.
float32[3] allocated_thrust # Thrust allocated to actuators. Equal to `vehicle_thrust_setpoint_s::xyz` if the setpoint was achieved.
float32[3] unallocated_thrust # Unallocated thrust. Equal to 0 if the setpoint was achieved.
# Computed as: unallocated_thrust = thrust_setpoint - allocated_thrust
int8 ACTUATOR_SATURATION_OK = 0 # The actuator is not saturated
int8 ACTUATOR_SATURATION_UPPER_DYN = 1 # The actuator is saturated (with a value <= the desired value) because it cannot increase its value faster
int8 ACTUATOR_SATURATION_UPPER = 2 # The actuator is saturated (with a value <= the desired value) because it has reached its maximum value
int8 ACTUATOR_SATURATION_LOWER_DYN = -1 # The actuator is saturated (with a value >= the desired value) because it cannot decrease its value faster
int8 ACTUATOR_SATURATION_LOWER = -2 # The actuator is saturated (with a value >= the desired value) because it has reached its minimum value
int8[16] actuator_saturation # Indicates actuator saturation status.
# Note 1: actuator saturation does not necessarily imply that the thrust setpoint or the torque setpoint were not achieved.
# Note 2: an actuator with limited dynamics can be indicated as upper-saturated even if it as not reached its maximum value.