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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Script to parse board-specific timer_config.cpp and print the output groups
and timer config params to stdout
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
from itertools import groupby
from copy import deepcopy
def find_matching_brackets(brackets, s, verbose):
idx = 0
opening = 0
first_open = -1
while idx < len(s):
if s[idx] == brackets[0]:
opening += 1
if first_open == -1:
first_open = idx
if s[idx] == brackets[1]:
opening -= 1
if opening == 0:
if verbose: print(first_open, idx, s[first_open:idx+1])
return first_open+1, idx
idx += 1
raise Exception('Failed to find opening/closing brackets in {:}'.format(s))
def extract_timer(line):
# Try format: initIOTimer(Timer::Timer5, DMA{DMA::Index1, DMA::Stream0, DMA::Channel6}),
search ='Timer::([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE)
if search:
# nxp rt1062 format: initIOPWM(PWM::FlexPWM2),
search ='PWM::Flex([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE)
if search:
return None
def extract_timer_from_channel(line):
# Try format: initIOTimerChannel(io_timers, {Timer::Timer5, Timer::Channel1}, {GPIO::PortA, GPIO::Pin0}),
search ='Timer::([0-9a-zA-Z_]+), ', line, re.IGNORECASE)
if search:
# nxp rt1062 format: initIOTimerChannel(io_timers, {PWM::PWM2_PWM_A, PWM::Submodule0}, IOMUX::Pad::GPIO_B0_06),
search ='PWM::(PWM[0-9]+)[_,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE)
if search:
return None
def get_timer_groups(timer_config_file, verbose=False):
with open(timer_config_file, 'r') as f:
timer_config =
# timers
dshot_support = {} # key: timer
timers_start_marker = 'io_timers_t io_timers'
timers_start = timer_config.find(timers_start_marker)
if timers_start == -1:
raise Exception('"{:}" not found in {:}'.format(timers_start_marker, timer_config_file))
timer_config = timer_config[timers_start:]
open_idx, close_idx = find_matching_brackets(('{', '}'), timer_config, verbose)
timers_str = timer_config[open_idx:close_idx]
timers = []
for line in timers_str.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('//'):
timer = extract_timer(line)
if timer:
if verbose: print('found timer def: {:}'.format(timer))
dshot_support[timer] = 'DMA' in line
# Make sure we don't miss anything (e.g. for different syntax) or misparse (e.g. multi-line comments)
raise Exception('Unparsed timer in line: {:}'.format(line))
# channels
channels_start_marker = 'timer_io_channels_t timer_io_channels'
channels_start = timer_config.find(channels_start_marker)
if channels_start == -1:
raise Exception('"{:}" not found in {:}'.format(channels_start_marker, timer_config_file))
timer_config = timer_config[channels_start:]
open_idx, close_idx = find_matching_brackets(('{', '}'), timer_config, verbose)
channels = timer_config[open_idx:close_idx]
channel_timers = []
channel_types = []
for line in channels.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('//'):
if verbose: print('--'+line+'--')
timer = extract_timer_from_channel(line)
if timer:
if verbose: print('Found timer: {:} in channel line {:}'.format(timer, line))
channel_types.append('cap' if 'capture' in line.lower() else 'pwm')
# Make sure we don't miss anything (e.g. for different syntax) or misparse (e.g. multi-line comments)
raise Exception('Unparsed channel in line: {:}'.format(line))
if len(channel_timers) == 0:
raise Exception('No channels found in "{:}"'.format(channels))
groups = [(timers.index(k), len(list(g)), dshot_support[k]) for k, g in groupby(channel_timers)]
outputs = {
'types': channel_types,
'groups': groups
return outputs
def get_output_groups(timer_groups, param_prefix="PWM_MAIN",
channel_labels=["PWM Main", "PWM Capture"],
extra_function_groups=[], pwm_timer_param=None,
""" convert the timer groups into an output_groups section of module.yaml
and extra timer params
instance_start = 1
output_groups = []
timer_params = {}
instance_start_label = [ 1, 1 ]
for timer_index, group_count, dshot_support in timer_groups['groups']:
# check for capture vs normal pins for the label
types = timer_groups['types'][instance_start-1:instance_start+group_count-1]
if not all(types[0] == t for t in types):
# Should this ever be needed, we can extend this script to handle that
raise Exception('Implementation requires all channel types for a timer to be equal (types: {:})'.format(types))
if types[0] == 'pwm':
channel_type_idx = 0
elif types[0] == 'cap':
channel_type_idx = 1
raise Exception('unsupported channel type: {:}'.format(types[0]))
channel_label = channel_labels[channel_type_idx]
channel_type_instance = instance_start_label[channel_type_idx]
group_label = channel_label + ' ' + str(channel_type_instance)
if group_count > 1:
group_label += '-' + str(channel_type_instance+group_count-1)
group = {
'param_prefix': param_prefix,
'channel_label': channel_label,
'instance_start': instance_start,
'instance_start_label': channel_type_instance,
'extra_function_groups': deepcopy(extra_function_groups),
'num_channels': group_count,
'standard_params': deepcopy(standard_params),
'group_label': group_label,
'channel_label_module_name_prefix': False,
if pwm_timer_param is not None:
pwm_timer_param_cp = deepcopy(pwm_timer_param)
timer_param_name = param_prefix+'_TIM'+str(timer_index)
group['config_parameters'] = [
'param': timer_param_name,
'function': 'primary',
if dshot_support:
# don't show pwm limit params when dshot enabled
for standard_param in group['standard_params']:
group['standard_params'][standard_param]['show_if'] = timer_param_name + '>=-1'
# indicate support for changing motor spin direction
group['supported_actions'] = {
'set_spin_direction1': {
'supported_if': timer_param_name + '<-1',
'actuator_types': ['motor']
'set_spin_direction2': {
'supported_if': timer_param_name + '<-1',
'actuator_types': ['motor']
# remove dshot entries if no dshot support
values = pwm_timer_param_cp['values']
for key in list(values.keys()):
if 'dshot' in values[key].lower():
del values[key]
for descr_type in ['short', 'long']:
descr = pwm_timer_param_cp['description'][descr_type]
pwm_timer_param_cp['description'][descr_type] = \
descr.replace('${label}', group_label)
timer_params[timer_param_name] = pwm_timer_param_cp
instance_start += group_count
instance_start_label[channel_type_idx] += group_count
return (output_groups, timer_params)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract output groups from timer_config.cpp')
parser.add_argument('--timer-config', type=str, action='store',
help='timer_config.cpp file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Verbose Output')
args = parser.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose
timer_groups = get_timer_groups(args.timer_config, verbose)
print('timer groups: {:}'.format(timer_groups))
output_groups, timer_params = get_output_groups(timer_groups, verbose=verbose)
print('output groups: {:}'.format(output_groups))
print('timer params: {:}'.format(timer_params))