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NxWidgets/tools README File


$0 will add all object (.o) files in directory to an archive.

Usage: tools/ [OPTIONS] <lib-path> <obj-dir>

<lib-path> is the full, absolute path to the library to use
<obj-dir> is full path to the directory containing the object files to be added
OPTIONS include:
-p Prefix to use. For example, to use arm-elf-ar, add '-p arm-elf-'
-w Use Windows style paths insted of POSIX paths
-d Enable script debug
-h Show this usage information

This script converts from any image type supported by Python imaging library to
the RLE-encoded format used by NxWidgets.

This script uses the Linux 'indent' utility to re-format C source files
to match the coding style that I use. It differs from my coding style in that

- I normally put the traiing */ of a multi-line comment on a separate line,
- I usually align things vertically (like '='in assignments.

Install a unit test in the NuttX source tree"

USAGE: tools/ <apps-directory-path> <test-sub-directory>

<apps-directory-path> is the full, absolute path to the NuttX apps/ directory
<test-sub-directory> is the name of a sub-directory in the UnitTests directory

Pack up the NxWidgets tarball for release.

USAGE: tools/ <version>