294 lines
9.1 KiB
294 lines
9.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# |
# Author: Pavel Kirienko <pavel.kirienko@zubax.com> |
# |
# Poor man's sampling profiler for NuttX. |
# |
# Usage: Install flamegraph.pl in your PATH, configure your .gdbinit, run the script with proper arguments and go |
# have a coffee. When you're back, you'll see the flamegraph. Note that frequent calls to GDB significantly |
# interfere with normal operation of the target, which means that you can't profile real-time tasks with it. |
# For best results, ensure that the PC is not overloaded, the USB host controller to which the debugger is |
# connected is not congested. You should also allow the current user to set negative nice values. |
# |
# The FlameGraph script can be downloaded from https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph. Thanks Mr. Gregg. |
# |
# Requirements: ARM GDB with Python support. You can get one by downloading the sources from |
# https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded and building them with correct flags. |
# Note that Python support is not required if no per-task sampling is needed. |
# |
# Usage with PX4: |
# 0) See above regarding flamegraph.pl |
# 1) Connect your device, e.g. Pixhawk 4 |
# 2) Build PX4: make px4_fmu-v5_default |
# 3) Flash PX4: make px4_fmu-v5_default upload |
# 4) Connect a JTAG/SWD debugger, e.g. a DroneCode Probe |
# 5) Profile: make px4_fmu-v5_default profile |
set -e |
root=$(dirname $0) |
function die() |
{ |
echo "$@" |
exit 1 |
} |
function usage() |
{ |
echo "Invalid usage. Supported options:" |
cat $0 | sed -n 's/^\s*--\([^)\*]*\).*/\1/p' # Don't try this at home. |
exit 1 |
} |
if [ -z `which flamegraph.pl` ]; then |
echo "Install flamegraph.pl first. Available from:" |
echo -e "\thttps://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# |
# Parsing the arguments. Read this section for usage info. |
# |
nsamples=0 |
sleeptime=0.1 # Doctors recommend 7-8 hours a day |
taskname= |
elf= |
append=0 |
fgfontsize=10 |
fgwidth=1900 |
gdbdev=`ls /dev/serial/by-id/*Black_Magic_Probe*-if00` |
for i in "$@" |
do |
case $i in |
--nsamples=*) |
nsamples="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--sleeptime=*) |
sleeptime="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--taskname=*) |
taskname="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--elf=*) |
elf="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--append) |
append=1 |
;; |
--fgfontsize=*) |
fgfontsize="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--fgwidth=*) |
fgwidth="${i#*=}" |
;; |
--gdbdev=*) |
gdbdev="${i#*=}" |
;; |
*) |
usage |
;; |
esac |
shift |
done |
[[ -z "$elf" ]] && die "Please specify the ELF file location, e.g.: build/px4_fmu-v4_default/px4_fmu-v4_default.elf" |
# |
# Temporary files |
# |
stacksfile=/tmp/pmpn-stacks.log |
foldfile=/tmp/pmpn-folded.txt |
graphfile=/tmp/pmpn-flamegraph.svg |
gdberrfile=/tmp/pmpn-gdberr.log |
# |
# Sampling if requested. Note that if $append is true, the stack file will not be rewritten. |
# |
cd $root |
if [[ $nsamples > 0 ]] |
then |
[[ $append = 0 ]] && (rm -f $stacksfile; echo "Old stacks removed") |
echo "Sampling the task '$taskname'..." |
for x in $(seq 1 $nsamples) |
do |
if [[ "$taskname" = "" ]] |
then |
arm-none-eabi-gdb $elf --nx --quiet --batch \ |
-ex "set print asm-demangle on" \ |
-ex "target extended $gdbdev" \ |
-ex "monitor swdp_scan" \ |
-ex "attach 1" \ |
-ex bt \ |
2> $gdberrfile \ |
| sed -n 's/\(#.*\)/\1/p' \ |
>> $stacksfile |
else |
arm-none-eabi-gdb $elf --nx --quiet --batch \ |
-ex "set print asm-demangle on" \ |
-ex "target extended $gdbdev" \ |
-ex "monitor swdp_scan" \ |
-ex "attach 1" \ |
-ex "source $root/Nuttx.py" \ |
-ex "show mybt $taskname" \ |
2> $gdberrfile \ |
| sed -n 's/0\.0:\(#.*\)/\1/p' \ |
>> $stacksfile |
fi |
echo -e '\n\n' >> $stacksfile |
echo -ne "\r$x/$nsamples" |
sleep $sleeptime |
done |
echo |
echo "Stacks saved to $stacksfile" |
else |
echo "Sampling skipped - set 'nsamples' to re-sample." |
fi |
# |
# Folding the stacks. |
# |
[ -f $stacksfile ] || die "Where are the stack samples? Expected file not found: $stacksfile" |
cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/pmpn-folder.py |
# |
# This stack folder correctly handles C++ types. |
# |
from __future__ import print_function, division |
import fileinput, collections, os, sys |
def enforce(x, msg='Invalid input'): |
if not x: |
raise Exception(msg) |
def split_first_part_with_parens(line): |
LBRACES = {'(':'()', '<':'<>', '[':'[]', '{':'{}'} |
RBRACES = {')':'()', '>':'<>', ']':'[]', '}':'{}'} |
QUOTES = set(['"', "'"]) |
quotes = collections.defaultdict(bool) |
braces = collections.defaultdict(int) |
out = '' |
for ch in line: |
out += ch |
# escape character cancels further processing |
if ch == '\\': |
continue |
# special cases |
if out.endswith('operator>') or out.endswith('operator>>') or out.endswith('operator->'): # gotta love c++ |
braces['<>'] += 1 |
if out.endswith('operator<') or out.endswith('operator<<'): |
braces['<>'] -= 1 |
# switching quotes |
if ch in QUOTES: |
quotes[ch] = not quotes[ch] |
# counting parens only when outside quotes |
if sum(quotes.values()) == 0: |
if ch in LBRACES.keys(): |
braces[LBRACES[ch]] += 1 |
if ch in RBRACES.keys(): |
braces[RBRACES[ch]] -= 1 |
# sanity check |
for v in braces.values(): |
enforce(v >= 0, 'Unaligned braces: ' + str(dict(braces))) |
# termination condition |
if ch == ' ' and sum(braces.values()) == 0: |
break |
out = out.strip() |
return out, line[len(out):] |
def parse(line): |
def take_path(line, output): |
line = line.strip() |
if line.startswith('at '): |
line = line[3:].strip() |
if line: |
output['file_full_path'] = line.rsplit(':', 1)[0].strip() |
output['file_base_name'] = os.path.basename(output['file_full_path']) |
output['line'] = int(line.rsplit(':', 1)[1]) |
return output |
def take_args(line, output): |
line = line.lstrip() |
if line[0] == '(': |
output['args'], line = split_first_part_with_parens(line) |
return take_path(line.lstrip(), output) |
def take_function(line, output): |
output['function'], line = split_first_part_with_parens(line.lstrip()) |
return take_args(line.lstrip(), output) |
def take_mem_loc(line, output): |
line = line.lstrip() |
if line.startswith('0x'): |
end = line.find(' ') |
num = line[:end] |
output['memloc'] = int(num, 16) |
line = line[end:].lstrip() |
end = line.find(' ') |
enforce(line[:end] == 'in') |
line = line[end:].lstrip() |
return take_function(line, output) |
def take_frame_num(line, output): |
line = line.lstrip() |
enforce(line[0] == '#') |
end = line.find(' ') |
num = line[1:end] |
output['frame_num'] = int(num) |
return take_mem_loc(line[end:], output) |
return take_frame_num(line, {}) |
stacks = collections.defaultdict(int) |
current = '' |
stack_tops = collections.defaultdict(int) |
num_stack_frames = 0 |
for idx,line in enumerate(fileinput.input()): |
try: |
line = line.strip() |
if line: |
inf = parse(line) |
fun = inf['function'] |
current = (fun + ';' + current) if current else fun |
if inf['frame_num'] == 0: |
num_stack_frames += 1 |
stack_tops[fun] += 1 |
elif current: |
stacks[current] += 1 |
current = '' |
except Exception, ex: |
print('ERROR (line %d):' % (idx + 1), ex, file=sys.stderr) |
for s, f in sorted(stacks.items(), key=lambda (s, f): s): |
print(s, f) |
print('Total stack frames:', num_stack_frames, file=sys.stderr) |
print('Top consumers (distribution of the stack tops):', file=sys.stderr) |
for name,num in sorted(stack_tops.items(), key=lambda (name, num): num, reverse=True)[:300]: |
print('% 7.3f%% ' % (100 * num / num_stack_frames), name, file=sys.stderr) |
cat $stacksfile | python /tmp/pmpn-folder.py > $foldfile |
echo "Folded stacks saved to $foldfile" |
# |
# Graphing. |
# |
cat $foldfile | flamegraph.pl --fontsize=$fgfontsize --width=$fgwidth > $graphfile |
echo "FlameGraph saved to $graphfile" |
# On KDE, xdg-open prefers Gwenview by default, which doesn't handle interactive SVGs, so we need a browser. |
# The current implementation is hackish and stupid. Somebody, please do something about it. |
opener=xdg-open |
which firefox > /dev/null && opener=firefox |
which google-chrome > /dev/null && opener=google-chrome |
$opener $graphfile