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* @file Euler.hpp
* Euler angle tait-bryan body 3-2-1
* @author James Goppert <>
#pragma once
#include "matrix.hpp"
#include <cmath>
namespace matrix
template <typename Type>
class Dcm;
template <typename Type>
class Quaternion;
template<typename Type>
class Euler : public Vector<Type, 3>
virtual ~Euler() {};
Euler() : Vector<Type, 3>()
Euler(const Vector<Type, 3> & other) :
Vector<Type, 3>(other)
Euler(const Matrix<Type, 3, 1> & other) :
Vector<Type, 3>(other)
Euler(Type phi_, Type theta_, Type psi_) : Vector<Type, 3>()
phi() = phi_;
theta() = theta_;
psi() = psi_;
Euler(const Dcm<Type> & dcm) : Vector<Type, 3>()
Type psi_val = Type(atan(dcm(1, 0)/ dcm(0, 0)));
Type theta_val = Type(asin(-dcm(2,0)));
Type phi_val = Type(atan(dcm(2, 1)/ dcm(2, 2)));
// protection against gimbal lock
psi() = 0;
theta() = 0;
phi() = 0;
if (std::isfinite(psi_val)) {
psi() = psi_val;
if (std::isfinite(theta_val)) {
theta() = theta_val;
if (std::isfinite(phi_val)) {
phi() = phi_val;
Euler(const Quaternion<Type> & q) :
Vector<Type, 3>()
*this = Euler(Dcm<Type>(q));
inline Type phi() const {
return (*this)(0);
inline Type theta() const {
return (*this)(1);
inline Type psi() const {
return (*this)(2);
inline Type & phi() {
return (*this)(0);
inline Type & theta() {
return (*this)(1);
inline Type & psi() {
return (*this)(2);
typedef Euler<float> Eulerf;
}; // namespace matrix
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