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198 lines
6.7 KiB
198 lines
6.7 KiB
function allData = importPX4log(fname,keep_msgs) |
% import a .px4log file |
% fname: path to a valid .px4log file |
% keep_msgs: cell array of message names to keep |
% allData: a Matlab struct with a field names for each message name in the log |
% file. The content of each field is itself a struct with field names for |
% each label in the corresponding message. The content of each of *these* |
% fields will be an array of message data that is nonempty if the message |
% name appears in keep_msgs |
% import method essentially translated from |
% George Hines, 3D Robotics, Berkeley, CA |
% 7 April 2016 |
BLOCK_SIZE = 8192; |
MSG_HEAD1 = uint8(hex2dec('A3')); |
MSG_HEAD2 = uint8(hex2dec('95')); |
MSG_TYPE_FORMAT = uint8(hex2dec('80')); |
% MSG_FORMAT_STRUCT = {'uint8','uint8','char4','char16','char64'}; |
'b', {'int8', 1}; |
'B', {'uint8', 1}; |
'h', {'int16', 1}; |
'H', {'uint16', 1}; |
'i', {'int32', 1}; |
'I', {'uint32', 1}; |
'f', {'single', 1}; |
'n', {'char4', 1}; |
'N', {'char16', 1}; |
'Z', {'char64', 1}; |
'c', {'int16', 0.01}; |
'C', {'uint16', 0.01}; |
'e', {'int32', 0.01}; |
'E', {'uint32', 0.01}; |
'L', {'int32', 0.0000001}; |
'M', {'int8', 1}; |
'q', {'int64', 1}; |
'Q', {'uint64', 1}}; |
fid = fopen(fname,'r','b'); |
fInfo = dir(fname); |
totalBytes = fInfo.bytes; |
bytes_read = 0; |
msg_descrs = {}; |
buffer = []; |
ptr = 1; |
allData = []; |
nextPrint = 0; |
disp('Reading file'); |
while 1 |
percentDone = bytes_read / totalBytes * 100; |
if percentDone >= nextPrint |
fprintf('%.0f%%\n',percentDone); |
nextPrint = nextPrint + 5; |
end |
chunk = fread(fid,BLOCK_SIZE,'uint8'); |
if numel(chunk) == 0; |
break |
end |
buffer = [buffer(ptr:end), chunk']; |
ptr = 1; |
while numel(buffer) - ptr > MSG_HEADER_LEN |
head1 = buffer(ptr); |
head2 = buffer(ptr+1); |
if head1 ~= MSG_HEAD1 || head2 ~= MSG_HEAD2 |
ptr = ptr + 1; |
continue; |
end |
msg_type = buffer(ptr+2); |
if msg_type == MSG_TYPE_FORMAT |
if numel(buffer) - ptr <= MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN |
break; |
end |
% return new pointer, and all message descriptor info |
[ptr, msg_descr] = LOCAL_parse_message_descriptors(buffer, ptr, MSG_TYPE_FORMAT, MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN, FORMAT_TO_STRUCT); |
msg_descrs(msg_descr{1},:) = msg_descr; |
cells = repmat({inf(1,500000)},1,numel(msg_descr{5})); |
cells(msg_descr{4}=='n' | msg_descr{4} == 'N' | msg_descr{4} == 'Z') = {[]}; |
seed = [{'index'},{'Tsec'},msg_descr{5};[{1},{inf(1,500000)},cells]]; |
allData.(msg_descr{3}) = struct(seed{:}); |
else |
msg_descr = msg_descrs(msg_type,:); |
msg_length = msg_descr{2}; |
if numel(buffer) - ptr <= msg_length |
break; |
end |
% return new pointer, and all message info |
if strcmp(msg_descr{3},'TIME') || any(strcmp(msg_descr{3}, keep_msgs)) || isempty(keep_msgs) |
[ptr,msg_data] = LOCAL_parse_message(buffer, ptr, MSG_HEADER_LEN, msg_descr); |
ind = allData.(msg_descr{3}).index; |
for k = 1:numel(msg_data) |
if isnumeric(msg_data{k}) |
allData.(msg_descr{3}).(msg_descr{5}{k})(ind) = msg_data{k}; |
try |
allData.(msg_descr{3}).Tsec(ind) = double(allData.TIME.StartTime(max(1,allData.TIME.index-1)))*1e-6; |
end |
noInc = false; |
else |
allData.(msg_descr{3}).(msg_descr{5}{k}) = [allData.(msg_descr{3}).(msg_descr{5}{k}), msg_data(k)]; |
noInc = true; |
end |
end |
if ~noInc |
allData.(msg_descr{3}).index = ind + 1; |
end |
else |
ptr = ptr + msg_descr{2}; |
end |
end |
end |
bytes_read = bytes_read + ptr; |
end |
disp('Releasing excess preallocated memory'); |
% clean out inf values |
fields1 = fieldnames(allData); |
for k = 1:numel(fields1) |
fields2 = fieldnames(allData.(fields1{k})); |
for m = 1:numel(fields2) |
if isnumeric(allData.(fields1{k}).(fields2{m})) |
allData.(fields1{k}).(fields2{m})(isinf(allData.(fields1{k}).(fields2{m}))) = []; |
end |
end |
end |
disp('Done'); |
end |
function [ptr, msg_descr] = LOCAL_parse_message_descriptors(buffer, ptr, MSG_TYPE_FORMAT, MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN, FORMAT_TO_STRUCT) |
thisBlock = buffer((ptr+3):(ptr+MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN+1)); |
msg_descr = cell(1,7); |
msg_type = thisBlock(1); |
%if msg_type ~= MSG_TYPE_FORMAT |
msg_length = thisBlock(2); |
msg_name = LOCAL_parse_string(thisBlock(3:6)); |
msg_format = LOCAL_parse_string(thisBlock(7:22)); |
msg_labels = strsplit(LOCAL_parse_string(thisBlock(23:end)),','); |
msg_struct = cell(1,numel(msg_format)); |
msg_mults = zeros(1,numel(msg_format)); |
for k = 1:numel(msg_format) |
info = FORMAT_TO_STRUCT{strcmp(msg_format(k),FORMAT_TO_STRUCT(:,1)),2}; |
msg_struct{k} = info{1}; |
msg_mults(k) = info{2}; |
end |
if isempty([msg_labels{:}]) |
msg_labels = {'none'}; |
end |
msg_descr = {msg_type, msg_length, msg_name, msg_format, msg_labels, msg_struct, msg_mults}; |
%end |
ptr = ptr + MSG_FORMAT_PACKET_LEN; |
end |
function [ptr, data] = LOCAL_parse_message(buffer, ptr, MSG_HEADER_LEN, msg_descr) |
[~, msg_length, ~, ~, ~, msg_struct, msg_mults] = msg_descr{:}; |
% unpack message per the format specifiers in msg_struct |
data = cell(1,numel(msg_struct)); |
thisBytes = buffer((ptr+MSG_HEADER_LEN):(ptr+msg_length+1)); |
thisPtr = 1; |
for k = 1:numel(msg_struct) |
% parse the data chunk per msg_struct{k} |
[dataLen,data{k}] = LOCAL_unpack(thisPtr, thisBytes, msg_struct{k}, msg_mults(k)); |
thisPtr = thisPtr + dataLen; |
end |
ptr = ptr + msg_length; |
end |
function [dataLen, data] = LOCAL_unpack(thisPtr, byte_array, format_type, mult) |
if strncmp('char',format_type,4) |
dataLen = str2double(format_type(5:end)); |
data = LOCAL_parse_string(byte_array(thisPtr:(thisPtr+dataLen))); |
else |
if strncmp('int',format_type,3) |
dataLen = str2double(format_type(4:end))/8; |
elseif strncmp('uint',format_type,4) |
dataLen = str2double(format_type(5:end))/8; |
elseif strcmp('single',format_type) |
dataLen = 4; |
end |
data = typecast(uint8(byte_array(thisPtr:(thisPtr+dataLen-1))),format_type)*mult; |
end |
end |
function str = LOCAL_parse_string(byteArray) |
firstZero = find(byteArray==0); |
if ~isempty(firstZero) |
str = char(byteArray(1:firstZero-1)); |
else |
str = char(byteArray); |
end |
end |