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echo "[init] 666_fmu_q_x550: PX4FMU Quad X550 with PWM outputs"
# Load default params for this platform
if param compare SYS_AUTOCONFIG 1
# Set all params here, then disable autoconfig
param set MC_ATTRATE_P 0.14
param set MC_ATTRATE_I 0
param set MC_ATTRATE_D 0.006
param set MC_ATT_P 5.5
param set MC_ATT_I 0
param set MC_ATT_D 0
param set MC_YAWPOS_D 0
param set MC_YAWPOS_I 0
param set MC_YAWPOS_P 0.6
param set MC_YAWRATE_D 0
param set MC_YAWRATE_I 0
param set MC_YAWRATE_P 0.08
param set RC_SCALE_PITCH 1
param set RC_SCALE_ROLL 1
param set RC_SCALE_YAW 3
param set SYS_AUTOCONFIG 0
param save /fs/microsd/params
# Force some key parameters to sane values
# MAV_TYPE 2 = quadrotor
param set MAV_TYPE 2
# Start MAVLink
mavlink start -d /dev/ttyS0 -b 57600
usleep 5000
# Start PWM output
fmu mode_pwm
# Load mixer
mixer load /dev/pwm_output /etc/mixers/FMU_quad_x.mix
# Set PWM output frequency
pwm -u 400 -m 0xff
# Start common for all multirotors apps
sh /etc/init.d/rc.multirotor
# Exit, because /dev/ttyS0 is needed for MAVLink