37 lines
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# The vehicle_attitude_setpoint.msg needs to be in sync with the virtual setpoint messages
# Please keep the following messages identical;
# vehicle_attitude_setpoint.msg
# mc_virtual_attitude_setpoint.msg
# fw_virtual_attitude_setpoint.msg
uint64 timestamp # in microseconds since system start, is set whenever the writing thread stores new data
float32 roll_body # body angle in NED frame
float32 pitch_body # body angle in NED frame
float32 yaw_body # body angle in NED frame
float32 yaw_sp_move_rate # rad/s (commanded by user)
float32[9] R_body # Rotation matrix describing the setpoint as rotation from the current body frame
bool R_valid # Set to true if rotation matrix is valid
# For quaternion-based attitude control
float32[4] q_d # Desired quaternion for quaternion control
bool q_d_valid # Set to true if quaternion vector is valid
float32[4] q_e # Attitude error in quaternion
bool q_e_valid # Set to true if quaternion error vector is valid
float32 thrust # Thrust in Newton the power system should generate
bool roll_reset_integral # Reset roll integral part (navigation logic change)
bool pitch_reset_integral # Reset pitch integral part (navigation logic change)
bool yaw_reset_integral # Reset yaw integral part (navigation logic change)
bool fw_control_yaw # control heading with rudder (used for auto takeoff on runway)
bool disable_mc_yaw_control # control yaw for mc (used for vtol weather-vane mode)
bool apply_flaps