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name: EKF Update Change Indicator |
on: push |
jobs: |
unit_tests: |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
container: px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-09-08 |
env: |
steps: |
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.1 |
with: |
fetch-depth: 0 |
- name: main test updates change indication files |
run: make tests TESTFILTER=EKF |
- name: Check if there exists diff and save result in variable |
run: echo "CHANGE_INDICATED=$(git diff --exit-code --output=/dev/null || echo $?)" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
working-directory: src/modules/ekf2/test/change_indication |
- name: auto-commit any changes to change indication |
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4 |
with: |
commit_message: '[AUTO COMMIT] update change indication' |
commit_user_name: ${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} |
commit_user_email: ${GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} |
- if: ${{env.CHANGE_INDICATED}} |
name: if there is a functional change, fail check |
run: exit 1