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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Script to generate params from module.yaml config file(s)
Note: serial params are handled in Tools/serial/
import argparse
import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from output_groups_from_timer_config import get_timer_groups, get_output_groups
import yaml
except ImportError as e:
print("Failed to import yaml: " + str(e))
print("You may need to install it using:")
print(" pip3 install --user pyyaml")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate params from module.yaml file(s)')
parser.add_argument('--config-files', type=str, nargs='*', default=[],
help='YAML module config file(s)')
parser.add_argument('--params-file', type=str, action='store',
help='Parameter output file')
parser.add_argument('--timer-config', type=str, action='store',
help='board-specific timer_config.cpp file')
parser.add_argument('--ethernet', action='store_true',
help='Ethernet support')
parser.add_argument('--board', type=str, action='store',
help='board name, e.g. ')
parser.add_argument('--board-with-io', dest='board_with_io', action='store_true',
help='Indicate that the board as an IO for extra PWM',
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Verbose Output')
args = parser.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose
params_output_file = args.params_file
timer_config_file = args.timer_config
ethernet_supported = args.ethernet
board_with_io = args.board_with_io
board = args.board
root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),"../..")
output_functions_file = os.path.join(root_dir,"src/lib/mixer_module/output_functions.yaml")
def process_module_name(module_name):
if module_name == '${PWM_MAIN_OR_AUX}':
if board_with_io: return 'PWM AUX'
return 'PWM MAIN'
if '${' in module_name:
raise Exception('unhandled variable in {:}'.format(module_name))
return module_name
def process_param_prefix(param_prefix):
if param_prefix == '${PWM_MAIN_OR_AUX}':
if board_with_io: return 'PWM_AUX'
return 'PWM_MAIN'
if '${' in param_prefix:
raise Exception('unhandled variable in {:}'.format(param_prefix))
return param_prefix
def process_channel_label(module_name, channel_label, no_prefix):
if channel_label == '${PWM_MAIN_OR_AUX_CAP}':
return 'PWM Capture'
if channel_label == '${PWM_MAIN_OR_AUX}':
if board_with_io: return 'PWM Aux'
return 'PWM Main'
if '${' in channel_label:
raise Exception('unhandled variable in {:}'.format(channel_label))
if no_prefix: return channel_label
return module_name + ' ' + channel_label
def parse_yaml_parameters_config(yaml_config, ethernet_supported):
""" parse the parameters section from the yaml config file """
if 'parameters' not in yaml_config:
return ''
parameters_section_list = yaml_config['parameters']
ret = ''
for parameters_section in parameters_section_list:
if 'definitions' not in parameters_section:
definitions = parameters_section['definitions']
param_group = parameters_section.get('group', None)
for param_name in definitions:
# 'definitions' either contains the param definition directly (dict),
# or a list of definitions with that name (multiple entries for a
# multi-instance param with different instance_start)
param_list = definitions[param_name]
if not isinstance(param_list, list):
param_list = [param_list]
for param in param_list:
if param.get('requires_ethernet', False) and not ethernet_supported:
num_instances = param.get('num_instances', 1)
instance_start = param.get('instance_start', 0) # offset
instance_start_label = param.get('instance_start_label', instance_start)
# get the type and extract all tags
tags = '@group {:}'.format(param_group)
if param['type'] == 'enum':
param_type = 'INT32'
for key in param['values']:
tags += '\n * @value {:} {:}'.format(key, param['values'][key])
elif param['type'] == 'boolean':
param_type = 'INT32'
tags += '\n * @boolean'
elif param['type'] == 'int32':
param_type = 'INT32'
elif param['type'] == 'float':
param_type = 'FLOAT'
raise Exception("unknown param type {:}".format(param['type']))
for tag in ['decimal', 'increment', 'category', 'volatile', 'bit',
'min', 'max', 'unit', 'reboot_required']:
if tag in param:
tags += '\n * @{:} {:}'.format(tag, param[tag])
for i in range(num_instances):
# default value
default_value = 0
if 'default' in param:
# default can be a list of num_instances or a single value
if type(param['default']) == list:
assert len(param['default']) == num_instances
default_value = param['default'][i]
default_value = param['default']
if type(default_value) == bool:
default_value = int(default_value)
# output the existing C-style format
ret += '''
* {short_descr}
* {long_descr}
* {tags}
PARAM_DEFINE_{param_type}({name}, {default_value});
'''.format(short_descr=param['description']['short'].replace("\n", "\n * "),
long_descr=param['description'].get('long', "").replace("\n", "\n * "),
name=param_name.replace('${i}', str(i+instance_start)),
).replace('${i}', str(i+instance_start_label))
return ret
def get_actuator_output_params(yaml_config, output_functions,
timer_config_file, verbose):
""" parse the actuator_output section from the yaml config file
:return: dict of param definitions
if not 'actuator_output' in yaml_config:
return {}
output_groups = yaml_config['actuator_output']['output_groups']
module_name = process_module_name(yaml_config['module_name'])
all_params = {}
group_idx = 0
def add_local_param(param_name, param_def):
nonlocal all_params
# add as a list, as there can be multiple entries with the same param_name
if not param_name in all_params:
all_params[param_name] = []
while group_idx < len(output_groups):
group = output_groups[group_idx]
group_idx += 1
if verbose: print("processing group: {:}".format(group))
# Check for generator and generate additional data.
# We do this by extending the output_groups list and parse in a later iteration
if 'generator' in group:
if group['generator'] == 'pwm':
param_prefix = process_param_prefix(group['param_prefix'])
no_prefix = not group.get('channel_label_module_name_prefix', True)
channel_labels = [process_channel_label(module_name, label, no_prefix)
for label in group['channel_labels']]
standard_params = group.get('standard_params', [])
extra_function_groups = group.get('extra_function_groups', [])
pwm_timer_param = group.get('pwm_timer_param', None)
if 'timer_config_file' in group:
timer_config_file = os.path.join(root_dir, group['timer_config_file'])
if timer_config_file is None:
raise Exception('trying to generate pwm outputs, but --timer-config not set')
timer_groups = get_timer_groups(timer_config_file, verbose)
timer_output_groups, timer_params = get_output_groups(timer_groups,
param_prefix, channel_labels,
standard_params, extra_function_groups, pwm_timer_param,
# In case of a board w/o IO and >8 PWM channels, pwm_out splits
# into 2 instances (if SYS_CTRL_ALLOC==0) and we need to add the
# PWM_AUX min/max/disarmed params as well.
num_channels = len(timer_groups['types'])
if not board_with_io and num_channels > 8:
'param_prefix': 'PWM_AUX',
'channel_label': 'PWM AUX',
'instance_start': 1,
'num_channels': num_channels - 8,
'standard_params': deepcopy(timer_output_groups[0]['standard_params'])
raise Exception('unknown generator {:}'.format(group['generator']))
num_channels = group['num_channels']
param_prefix = process_param_prefix(group['param_prefix'])
no_prefix = not group.get('channel_label_module_name_prefix', True)
channel_label = process_channel_label(module_name, group['channel_label'], no_prefix)
standard_params = group.get('standard_params', {})
instance_start = group.get('instance_start', 1)
instance_start_label = group.get('instance_start_label', instance_start)
if len(param_prefix) > 9: # 16 - len('_FAIL') - 2 (2 digits for index)
raise Exception("param prefix {:} too long (max length=10)".format(param_prefix))
# collect the functions
function_groups = ['common']
function_groups.extend(group.get('extra_function_groups', []))
output_function_values = {}
for function_group in function_groups:
group = output_functions[function_group]
for function_name in group:
function_name_label = function_name.replace('_', ' ')
if isinstance(group[function_name], int):
output_function_values[group[function_name]] = function_name_label
elif not 'count' in group[function_name]:
output_function_values[group[function_name]['start']] = function_name_label
start = group[function_name]['start']
count = group[function_name]['count']
for i in range(count):
output_function_values[start+i] = function_name_label+' '+str(i+1)
# function param
param = {
'description': {
'short': channel_label+' ${i} Output Function',
'''Select what should be output on {:} ${{i}}.
The default failsafe value is set according to the selected function:
- 'Min' for ConstantMin
- 'Max' for ConstantMax
- 'Max' for Parachute
- ('Max'+'Min')/2 for Servos
- 'Disarmed' for the rest
'type': 'enum',
'instance_start': instance_start,
'instance_start_label': instance_start_label,
'num_instances': num_channels,
'default': 0,
'values': output_function_values
add_local_param(param_prefix+'_FUNC${i}', param)
# handle standard_params
disarmed_description = \
'''This is the output value that is set when not armed.
Note that non-motor outputs might already be active in prearm state if COM_PREARM_MODE is set.
minimum_description = \
'''Minimum output value (when not disarmed).
The output range can be reversed by setting Min > Max.
maximum_description = \
'''Maxmimum output value (when not disarmed).
The output range can be reversed by setting Min > Max.
failsafe_description = \
'''This is the output value that is set when in failsafe mode.
When set to -1 (default), the value depends on the function (see {:}).
standard_params_array = [
( 'disarmed', 'Disarmed', 'DIS', disarmed_description ),
( 'min', 'Minimum', 'MIN', minimum_description ),
( 'max', 'Maximum', 'MAX', maximum_description ),
( 'failsafe', 'Failsafe', 'FAIL', failsafe_description ),
for key, label, param_suffix, description in standard_params_array:
if key in standard_params:
# values must be in range of an uint16_t
if standard_params[key]['min'] < 0:
raise Exception('minimum value for {:} expected >= 0 (got {:})'.format(key, standard_params[key]['min']))
if standard_params[key]['max'] >= 1<<16:
raise Exception('maximum value for {:} expected <= {:} (got {:})'.format(key, 1<<16, standard_params[key]['max']))
if key == 'failsafe':
standard_params[key]['default'] = -1
standard_params[key]['min'] = -1
param = {
'description': {
'short': channel_label+' ${i} '+label+' Value',
'long': description
'type': 'int32',
'instance_start': instance_start,
'instance_start_label': instance_start_label,
'num_instances': num_channels,
'min': standard_params[key]['min'],
'max': standard_params[key]['max'],
'default': standard_params[key]['default'],
add_local_param(param_prefix+'_'+param_suffix+'${i}', param)
if verbose: print('adding actuator params: {:}'.format(all_params))
return all_params
def load_yaml_file(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as stream:
return yaml.safe_load(stream)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
output_functions_yaml = load_yaml_file(output_functions_file)
output_functions = output_functions_yaml['functions']
all_params = ""
for yaml_file in args.config_files:
yaml_config = load_yaml_file(yaml_file)
# convert 'output_groups' section into additional params
actuator_output_params = get_actuator_output_params(yaml_config,
output_functions, timer_config_file, verbose)
except Exception as e:
print('Exception while parsing {:}:'.format(yaml_file))
raise e
# now add them to the yaml config
if not 'parameters' in yaml_config:
yaml_config['parameters'] = []
group_name = 'Actuator Outputs'
yaml_config['parameters'].append({'group': group_name, 'definitions': actuator_output_params})
all_params += parse_yaml_parameters_config(yaml_config, ethernet_supported)
if verbose: print("Generating {:}".format(params_output_file))
with open(params_output_file, 'w') as fid: