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# @name Parrot Bebop Frame
# @type Quadrotor x
# @class Copter
# @board px4_fmu-v2 exclude
# @board px4_fmu-v3 exclude
# @board px4_fmu-v4 exclude
# @board px4_fmu-v4pro exclude
# @board px4_fmu-v5 exclude
# @board px4_fmu-v5x exclude
# @board intel_aerofc-v1 exclude
# @maintainer Michael Schaeuble
sh /etc/init.d/rc.mc_defaults
# Load default params for this platform
if [ $AUTOCNF = yes ]
# Set all params here, then disable autoconfig
param set MC_ROLL_P 6.5
param set MC_ROLLRATE_P 0.109999999403953552
param set MC_ROLLRATE_I 0
param set MC_ROLLRATE_D 0.0006
param set MC_PITCH_P 6.5
param set MC_PITCHRATE_P 0.1
param set MC_PITCHRATE_I 0
param set MC_PITCHRATE_D 0.000799999
param set MC_YAW_P 1.049999
param set MC_YAWRATE_P 0.05
param set MC_YAWRATE_I 0.001
param set MC_YAWRATE_D 0
set OUTPUT_MODE bebop
set USE_IO no
set MIXER bebop