#! /bin/bash |
# Written by Carlo Wood, September/October 2016. |
function fatal |
{ |
echo "$0: ERROR: $*" |
exit 1 |
} |
# Make sure we're not having a broken gawk. |
AWK_VERSION=$(awk -V | head -n 1) |
if [[ $AWK_VERSION =~ ^GNU\ Awk\ 4\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ]]; then |
AWK_VERSION=$(echo $AWK_VERSION | sed -e 's/GNU Awk \(4\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/') |
if [[ $AWK_VERSION =~ ^4\.0*([2-9]+|1\.0*[2-9]+) ]]; then |
fatal "Your version of awk ($AWK_VERSION) is broken. Please use version 4.1.1 or lower." |
fi |
fi |
# Find out what the base directory is. |
BASEDIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -en "$0")))" |
echo "BASEDIR=\"$BASEDIR\"" |
striplen=$((${#BASEDIR} + 2)) |
# BASEDIR may not contain a space, that's just too hard to get to work. |
expr index "$BASEDIR" " " >/dev/null && fatal "it is not supported that BASEDIR contains a space." |
# Make sure that worked. |
test -f $BASEDIR/cmake/posix/px4_impl_posix.cmake || fatal "Failed to determine BASEDIR: '\$BASEDIR/cmake/posix/px4_impl_posix.cmake' is not a regular file." |
# Parse command line parameters. |
debug=0 # Set to non-zero to enable debugging. |
force=0 # Set to 1 to force running of script even when there are uncommitted changes. |
merge=0 # Set to 1 when merging a branch that didn't run this script into master that did already run this script. |
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] |
do |
case $1 in |
--debug) |
debug=1 |
;; |
--force) |
force=1 |
;; |
--merge) |
force=1 |
merge=1 |
fatal "--merge is not implemented yet." |
;; |
-*) |
fatal "Unknown option $1" |
;; |
--|*) |
break |
;; |
esac |
shift |
done |
non_option_arguments=$# |
if [ $non_option_arguments -eq 0 -a $debug -ne 0 ]; then |
fatal "--debug screws up the source files with debug output! You must provide a single filename to run on." |
fi |
# Better not run this script with changes that still need to be committed. |
cd "$BASEDIR" || fatal "Could not change directory to \"$BASEDIR\"" |
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then |
if [ $non_option_arguments -ne 0 -o $force -eq 1 ]; then |
if [ $force -eq 1 ]; then |
echo "Uncommitted changes, but running anyway because --force is used." |
else |
echo -n "WARNING: You have uncommitted changes (use --force to remove this warning). Run anyway? [y/N] " |
read answer |
if [ "x$answer" != "xy" -a "x$answer" != "xY" ]; then exit 0; fi |
fi |
else |
fatal "Your working directory has uncommitted changes (see 'git status')! Bailing out." |
fi |
fi |
# Find a reasonable tmp directory. |
# First make a list of all build directories by looking for a CMakeCache.txt in them. Sort them so the most recent one is first. |
CMAKECACHE_FILES=$(find "$BASEDIR" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name CMakeCache.txt -wholename "$BASEDIR/build_*/CMakeCache.txt" | xargs /bin/ls -td) |
# Make a list of all candidate tmp directories. |
for f in $CMAKECACHE_FILES; do |
if [ -d $(dirname $f)/tmp ]; then |
TMPDIRS+=" $(dirname $f)/tmp" |
fi |
done |
# Put BASEDIR first in case there are no build directories because /tmp is probably on a different file system. |
TMPDIRS+=" $BASEDIR /tmp ." |
# Pick the first one that is actually writable. |
for tmp in $TMPDIRS; do |
TMPDIR="$tmp" |
if [ -w "$TMPDIR" ]; then |
break; |
fi |
done |
test -n "$TMPDIR" || fatal "Can not find a writable tmp directory." |
echo "TMPDIR=\"$TMPDIR\"" |
# Make a list of all source and header files that we need to fix. |
# List of directories that we don't want to touch. |
EXCLUDE_FOLDERS=".git unittests Tools" |
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS="examples matlab/scripts tests test unit_test *_test *_tests test_* apps/test_* UnitTests" |
# A regular expression for the exclude patterns. |
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_RE="($(echo $EXCLUDE_PATTERNS | sed -e 's/\*/[^\/]*/g;s/ /|/g'))" |
# Extensions of files that we do want to change (leaving out .y and .py for now). |
C_EXTENSIONS=".c .c_in .c_shipped" |
H_EXTENSIONS=".h .h.in .h_template" |
CXX_EXTENSIONS=".cc .cpp .cpp.in .cxx .cpp_template" |
HXX_EXTENSIONS=".hh .hpp .hxx" |
# The regular expression that we consider to be an #include. |
INCLUDE_RE='^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*[<"]' |
# Regular expression for empty lines. |
EMPTY_LINE_RE='^[[:space:]]*$' |
# Regular expression for one-line comments. |
COMMENT_LINE_RE='^[[:space:]]*(\/\/.*|\/\*([^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/[[:space:]]*)$' |
# Regular expression for a #define (on one line). |
DEFINE_RE='^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*define[[:space:]].*[^\\]$' |
# Regular expression for an #if[[n]def]. |
IF_RE='^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*if(n?def)?[[:space:]]' |
# Regular expression for an #endif. |
ENDIF_RE='^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*endif($|[^[:alnum:]])' |
# Regular expression for header file extension. |
HEADER_RE="($(echo $H_EXTENSIONS $HXX_EXTENSIONS | sed -e 's/\./\\./g;s/ /|/g'))" |
# Regular expression for C++ source and header files. |
CXXSRC_RE="($(echo $CXX_EXTENSIONS $HXX_EXTENSIONS | sed -e 's/\./\\./g;s/ /|/g'))" |
# List of standard C header files. Note that cfcntl, cshed and cunistd are NOT standard header files, even though they are in NuttX/nuttx/include/cxx. |
REAL_STDC_HEADERS_RE='(cassert|ccomplex|cctype|cerrno|cfenv|cfloat|cinttypes|ciso646|climits|clocale|cmath|csetjmp|csignal|cstdalign|cstdarg|cstdbool|cstddef|cstdint|cstdio|cstdlib|cstring|ctgmath|ctime|cuchar|cwchar|cwctype)' |
STDC_HEADERS=$(find "$BASEDIR/NuttX/nuttx/include/cxx" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs basename -a | grep -E "$REAL_STDC_HEADERS_RE" | xargs echo) |
# Regular expression of standard C header files, but with the leading 'c' stripped. |
STDC_HEADERS_RE="($(echo $STDC_HEADERS | sed -e 's/^c//;s/ c/|/g'))" |
# Actual list of standard C header files. |
# List of standard C++ header files. |
REAL_STDCXX_HEADERS_RE='(algorithm|any|array|atomic|bitset|cassert|ccomplex|cctype|cerrno|cfenv|cfloat|chrono|cinttypes|ciso646|climits|clocale|cmath|codecvt|complex|condition_variable|csetjmp|csignal|cstdalign|cstdarg|cstdbool|cstddef|cstdint|cstdio|cstdlib|cstring|ctgmath|ctime|cuchar|cwchar|cwctype|deque|exception|execution|filesystem|forward_list|fstream|functional|future|initializer_list|iomanip|ios|iosfwd|iostream|istream|iterator|limits|list|locale|map|memory|memory_resource|mutex|new|numeric|optional|ostream|queue|random|ratio|regex|scoped_allocator|set|shared_mutex|sstream|stack|stdexcept|streambuf|string|string_view|strstream|system_error|thread|tuple|typeindex|typeinfo|type_traits|unordered_map|unordered_set|utility|valarray|variant|vector)' |
STDCXX_HEADERS=$(find "$BASEDIR/NuttX/misc/uClibc++/include/uClibc++" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs basename -a | grep -E "$REAL_STDCXX_HEADERS_RE" | grep -E -v "$REAL_STDC_HEADERS_RE" | xargs echo) |
# Regular expression of C++ header files. |
STDCXX_HEADERS_RE="($(echo $STDCXX_HEADERS | sed -e 's/ /|/g'))" |
# Regular expression for #pragma once. |
PRAGMA_ONCE_RE='^#pragma once' |
# Regular expression to recognize the start of a C-comment block. |
COMMENT_BEGIN_RE='(^|[^\/])\/\*([^*]|\*+($|[^\/*]))*$' |
# Regular expression to recognize the end of a C-comment block. |
# Regular expression to match C++ unsafe headers. We currently don't have any C++ unsafe headers, do we? |
# v2.0/standard/mavlink.h is not unsafe, but this way the script will leave it alone and not |
# move it above function declarations that need to be declared before including it. |
UNSAFE_HEADERS_RE='(v2\.0\/standard\/mavlink\.h)' |
#UNSAFE_HEADERS_RE='(stm32\.h|arch\/board\/board\.h)' |
# Find all submodules. |
test -f $BASEDIR/.gitmodules || fatal "No such file: $BASEDIR/.gitmodules" |
SUBMODULES=$(grep -A 1 '^\[submodule' $BASEDIR/.gitmodules | grep '^[[:space:]]*path = ' | sed -r -e 's/^[[:space:]]*path = //' | xargs echo) |
SUBMODULES_RE="($(echo $SUBMODULES | sed -e 's/ /|/g'))" |
# Disable path name expansion (otherwise the find patterns will be expanded against the files in the current working directory). |
set -f |
for excl in $EXCLUDE_FOLDERS; do |
if [ -z "$EXCLUDE_ARGS" ]; then |
EXCLUDE_ARGS="-wholename $BASEDIR/$excl/*" |
else |
EXCLUDE_ARGS+=" -o -wholename $BASEDIR/$excl/*" |
fi |
done |
for excl in $EXCLUDE_PATTERNS; do |
EXCLUDE_ARGS+=" -o -wholename */$excl/*" |
done |
if [ -z "$INCLUDE_H_ARGS" ]; then |
INCLUDE_H_ARGS="-name *$ext" |
else |
INCLUDE_H_ARGS+=" -o -name *$ext" |
fi |
done |
if [ -z "$INCLUDE_C_ARGS" ]; then |
INCLUDE_C_ARGS="-name *$ext" |
else |
INCLUDE_C_ARGS+=" -o -name *$ext" |
fi |
done |
# Also exclude all submodules -- because we don't maintain those (are we?). |
for subm in $SUBMODULES; do |
if [ -z "$SUBMODULES_ARGS" ]; then |
SUBMODULES_ARGS="-wholename $BASEDIR/$subm/*" |
else |
SUBMODULES_ARGS+=" -o -wholename $BASEDIR/$subm/*" |
fi |
done |
echo -n "Finding all source files with #include's (excluding submodules and build directory)... " |
find $BASEDIR -mindepth 2 -type f ! \( -wholename $BASEDIR/build_* -o $EXCLUDE_ARGS -o $SUBMODULES_ARGS \) \( $INCLUDE_C_ARGS -o $INCLUDE_H_ARGS \) > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources |
cat "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources" | xargs grep -l "$INCLUDE_RE" > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes |
echo "done" |
number_of_files=$(sed -n '$=' "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes") |
count=0 |
echo -n "Finding all submodule header files (excluding stdc++ headers)... " |
echo "done" |
echo -n "Finding all header files (excluding stdc++ headers)... " |
find $BASEDIR -type f ! \( $EXCLUDE_ARGS \) -wholename $BASEDIR/build_* \( $INCLUDE_H_ARGS \) > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_HEADERS |
grep -E "$HEADER_RE" $TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_HEADERS |
cat $TMPDIR/fix_headers_SUBMODULE_HEADERS >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_HEADERS |
echo "done" |
echo -n "Finding all include paths... " |
for f in `cat $TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes`; do grep -E "$INCLUDE_RE" $f | sed -r -e "s%$INCLUDE_RE%%"';s/[">].*//'; done | sort -u | grep -E -v "(/|^)$EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_RE/" > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_include_paths |
echo "done" |
function include_path() |
{ |
# If the include path starts with a '.', then it is a local header. |
if [[ $1 =~ ^\. ]]; then return 1; fi |
# If the include path starts with 'platforms/' then it is a local header; |
# added this exception here because not everyone has all build_ directories for all targets installed. |
if [[ $1 =~ platforms/ ]]; then return 1; fi |
# apps.h is generated from apps.h.in. |
if [ $1 = "apps.h" ]; then return 1; fi |
# Treat the following headers from src/platforms/*/include as system header because they replace what is found in nuttx (for posix and qurt). |
if [ $1 = "arch/board/board.h" -o $1 = "crc32.h" -o $1 = "i2c.h" -o $1 = "queue.h" -o $1 = "poll.h" -o $1 = "sys/ioctl.h" ]; then return 2; fi |
# Escape the path for reg.exp. matching. |
PATH_RE=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/\([+.]\)/\\\1/') |
issubmodule=0; |
islocal=0; |
foo=0 |
for includedir in $(grep "/$PATH_RE\$" $TMPDIR/fix_headers_HEADERS | cut -c $striplen-); do |
# If the include directory is NuttX header that was copied to the build directory, then it's still a system file. |
if [[ $includedir/ =~ ^build_.*/NuttX/ ]]; then |
issubmodule=1 |
# If the include directory is a submodule, then treat it as a system file. |
elif [[ $includedir/ =~ ^$SUBMODULES_RE/ ]]; then |
issubmodule=1; |
else |
islocal=1 |
fi |
done |
if [ $islocal -eq 0 ]; then |
if [ $issubmodule -eq 0 ]; then |
# If an include path can't be found then usually it will be a real system header, |
# however, there are a few (ros related?) files that start with px4... In that |
# case just leave the quotes alone ("px4muorb.h" and several <px4/...>). |
if [[ $1 =~ ^px4 ]]; then return 0; fi |
# While if the include path starts with uORB/topics or topics, and it isn't found, |
# then likely we just don't have a build directory. These should be local though. |
# Same for the generated files mixer_multirotor.generated.h and build_git_version.h. |
if [[ $1 =~ ((/|^)topics/|mixer_multirotor\.generated\.h|build_git_version\.h) ]]; then return 1; fi |
fi |
return 2; |
fi # Submodule or system header. |
if [ $issubmodule -eq 0 ]; then return 1; fi # Local. |
# Files that are both local and submodule are simply left alone. |
# These are (at this moment): "battery.h" "common.h" "Matrix.hpp" "mavlink.h" "protocol.h" "pwm.h" "spi.h" "Vector.hpp". |
return 0; |
} |
# Run the include_path function for each of the files in $TMPDIR/fix_headers_include_paths |
echo -n "Determining which headers need to be included with double quotes... " |
echo -n > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_quotes |
for arg in $(cat "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_include_paths"); do |
include_path $arg |
localsystem=$? |
if [ $localsystem -eq 1 ]; then |
echo "$arg \"$arg\"" >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_quotes |
elif [ $localsystem -eq 2 ]; then |
echo "$arg <$arg>" >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_quotes |
fi |
done |
echo "done" |
# Truncate the error log. |
echo -n > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_ERROR.log |
function print_error |
{ |
echo |
echo -n " "; |
echo "*** $1" | tee -a "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_ERROR.log" |
return 1 |
} |
if [ $debug -ne 0 ]; then |
# Debug Line. |
DL='if (cdbl != NR) { printf "\n%u. \"%s\"", NR, $0; cdbl = NR }' |
# Debug Begin. |
DB='if (cdbl != NR) { printf "\n%u. \"%s\" ---> ", NR, $0; cdbl = NR } else printf "; "; printf' |
# Debug End. |
DE='' |
else |
DL='#' |
DB='#' |
DE='' |
fi |
# Error Prefix. |
EP='###' |
# The main function that is called for each source file. |
function fixup_header |
{ |
count=$((count + 1)) |
echo -n "[$((100 * count / number_of_files))%] Fixing headers of $1... " |
# Is this a header? |
echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\.in$/;in/;s/.*\././;s/;in$/.in/' | grep -v -E "$HEADER_RE\$" >/dev/null; is_header=$? |
if [ $debug -ne 0 ]; then echo "is_header = \"$is_header\""; fi |
# Is this C++ source? |
echo "$1" | sed -e 's/.*\././' | grep -v -E $CXXSRC_RE >/dev/null; is_cxxsrc=$? |
if [ $debug -ne 0 ]; then echo "is_cxxsrc = \"$is_cxxsrc\""; fi |
dont_make_cxxsrc=1 |
if [ $is_cxxsrc -eq 0 -a $is_header -ne 0 ]; then |
grep -m 1 -q -E "^[[:space:]]*(#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*<$STDCXX_HEADERS_RE>|(template|namespace|class)(\$|[^[:alnum:]_]))" "$1" |
dont_make_cxxsrc=$? |
fi |
if [ $dont_make_cxxsrc -eq 0 ]; then |
is_cxxsrc=1 |
fi |
# Current directory. |
curdir=$(dirname "$BASEDIR/$1") |
# Parse the file. |
# |
# Returns an array of line[]'s. The first line is either the first #include, when it is outside |
# any #if*...#endif constructs not counting the header guard if the file is a header. For example: |
# |
# // Anything here except #include lines. |
# #include <first_include.h> // <-- first line. |
# |
# Or, the first #if* that contains the first #include line. For example: |
# // Anything here except #include lines. |
# #ifndef FOO_H // header guard. |
# #define FOO_H |
# int global = 1; // Anything unknown. |
# #ifdef SOMETHING // <-- first line. |
# #if maybe_more |
# // anything except #include lines. |
# #else |
# // anything except #include lines. |
# #include <first_include.h> |
# |
# Subsequent line[]'s mark the beginning of a new block, where we have the following blocks: |
# type[] Description |
type_include=0 # An #include, outside #if*...#endif constructs except a possible header guard. |
type_ifincludeendif=1 # #if*...#endif constructs with #include's. |
type_ifendif=2 # #if*...#endif constructs without #include's. |
type_decls=3 # __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS block. |
type_macro=4 # Contiguous #define block. |
type_comment=5 #(Multi-line) comments. |
type_emptyline=6 # Empty lines. |
type_pragmaonce=7 # #pragma once (must be outside any #if*...#endif constructs). |
type_end=8 # The first line of the remainder of the file. |
# |
# However, any block NOT containing one or more #include's (all types > 1) will |
# cause subsequent blocks that do not contain #include's to be ignored, |
# with as result that those blocks will be treated as contiguous code blocks. |
# A comment that is followed by a type that is not to be ignored as such |
# is given the type that follows (which itself is then ignored). |
# Empty lines are ignored unless they appear directly in front of a type |
# that is not to be ignored according to the above rules, where 'previous |
# types' then are the types before the empty line. |
# |
# For example: |
# |
# > #include <first_header.h> # type_include |
# > #include <second_header.h> # type_include |
# > # type_emptyline |
# > #include <third_header.h> # type_include |
# ^ #ifdef FOO # type_ifendif |
# | #define BAR 1 |
# | #endif # (detected here) |
# | <-- ignored because: |
# v #define BAZ(x) x // Do baz <-- ignored (prev and this type in {type_ifendif, type_macro}) |
# > # type_emptyline |
# ^ // This include is important: # type_comment, but then replaced by type_ifincludeendif |
# | <-- ignored because: |
# | // more here. <-- ignored same type |
# | #ifdef BAR <-- "ignored": type_ifincludeendif, but put 3 lines higher. |
# | #include <bar.h> |
# v #endif # (detected here) |
# > # type_emptyline |
# > #include <another.h> # type_include |
# |
# This script stops parsing at the first not recognized line outside #if*...#endif constructs |
# unless no first line was found yet. It does not attempt overly hard to decode rare constructs, |
# most notably anything with a leading C comment is not recognized and will thus lead to an abort. |
# For example the following lines are not recognized: |
# |
# /* Some comment */ #include <header.h> |
# /* Some comment */ // Another comment. |
# |
# Lines that have a trailing comment are recognized (by ignoring the comment). |
result=$(awk "\ |
function add(l, t) { |
# First add always succeeds. |
if (ptr > 0) { |
# An empty line is always added, at first, unless the immediate preceding type is an empty line. |
if (t == $type_emptyline && type[ptr - 1] == $type_emptyline) { |
return; $DB \"ignored because line %d is also empty.\", line[ptr - 1] $DE |
} |
# A comment is always, added at first, unless the preceding non-empty line type is a comment. |
# Same for #include's. |
if (t == $type_comment && last_none_type == t) { |
$DB \"ignoring because same type as last_none_type (%s)\", type_name[t] $DE |
# Gobble up preceding empty lines. |
if (type[ptr - 1] == $type_emptyline) { |
--ptr; $DB \"ptr = %d; [43mRemoved type_emptyline @ line %d[0m\", ptr, line[ptr] $DE |
} |
return; |
} |
# {ifendif, macro}'s are collapsed too. |
if ((t == $type_ifendif || t == $type_macro) && (last_nonws_type == $type_ifendif || last_nonws_type == $type_macro)) { |
# Gobble up preceding comments and empty lines. |
while (ptr > 0 && (type[ptr - 1] == $type_emptyline || type[ptr - 1] == $type_comment)) { |
--ptr; $DB \"ptr = %d; [43mRemoved %s @ line %d[0m\", ptr, type_name[type[ptr]], line[ptr] $DE |
} |
# ptr > 0 here because the first add is never for an empty line or comment. |
last_none_type = type[ptr - 1]; $DB \"last_none_type = %s\", type_name[last_none_type] $DE |
return; |
} |
# type_include and type_pragmaonce and higher are always added. |
} |
if (t == $type_end) { |
# Remove drag. |
while(ptr > 0 && line[ptr - 1] >= l) --ptr; |
} |
# If this type is not an empty line and it was preceded by a comment, then melt it together with that comment. |
else if (t != $type_emptyline && last_none_type == $type_comment) { |
# In this case t cannot be type_comment. |
# Gobble up preceding empty lines. |
if (type[ptr - 1] == $type_emptyline) { |
--ptr; $DB \"ptr = %d; [43mRemoved type_emptyline @ line %d[0m\", ptr, line[ptr] $DE |
} |
# And replace the comment type. |
--ptr; $DB \"ptr = %d; [45mreplacing the %s @ line %d[0m\", ptr, type_name[type[ptr]], line[ptr] $DE |
l = line[ptr]; |
} |
line[ptr] = l; $DB \"ptr = %d; [42m%s @ line %d[0m\", ptr, type_name[t], l $DE; |
type[ptr++] = t; |
if (t != $type_emptyline) { |
last_none_type = t; $DB \"last_none_type = %s\", type_name[last_none_type] $DE |
if (t != $type_comment) |
last_nonws_type = t; |
} |
} |
debug = $debug; # 0: no debug output; non-zero: print debug output. |
header = $is_header; # 0: do not look for a header guard; 1: treat first #ifndef as header guard. |
in_if = 0; # The number of nested levels inside #if, #ifdef or #ifndef ... #endif constructs. |
in_if_base = 0; # 0: no header guard was found (or #pragma once); 1: an #ifndef header guard was found. |
in_decl = 0; # 0: not inside a __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS block; 1: inside such a block. |
found_guard = 0; # 0: no header guard was found; 1: a header guard was found (including #pragma once). |
base_if = 0; # The current base-level #if that we are scanning. |
drag = 0; # The number of lines since the last certainly relevant line (a base-level #include or a base-level #endif containing one of more #includes). |
skipped = 0; # 0: No #include was encountered in the current (base-level) #if block; 1: one or more #include's encountered in the current base-level #if block. |
in_comment = 0; # 0: not in a multi-line C comment; 1: in a multi-line C comment. |
cdbl = 0; # Current debug line. |
error = 0; # 0: no error occured; 1: an error occured. |
ptr = 0; # Current pointer into line[] and type[]. |
found_comment_end = 0; # The last line (possibly the current line) that is/was a multi-line C comment termination. |
last_none_type = -1; # The last non-emptyline type that was added. |
last_nonws_type = -1; # The last non-whitespace type that was added. |
# For debug purposes: |
type_name[$type_ifendif] = \"type_ifendif\"; |
type_name[$type_ifincludeendif] = \"type_ifincludeendif\"; |
type_name[$type_decls] = \"type_decls\"; |
type_name[$type_comment] = \"type_comment\"; |
type_name[$type_emptyline] = \"type_emptyline\"; |
type_name[$type_include] = \"type_include\"; |
type_name[$type_macro] = \"type_macro\"; |
type_name[$type_pragmaonce] = \"type_pragmaonce\"; |
type_name[$type_end] = \"type_end\"; |
} |
END { |
last_line = NR - drag; |
add(last_line + 1, $type_end); $DB \"\n\" $DE; |
# Print output. |
if (error || ptr == 0 || last_line < line[0]) { |
print \"error=1\"; |
exit |
} |
printf \"lines=\\\"\"; |
for (i = 0; i < ptr - 1; ++i) |
printf \"%d \", line[i]; |
printf \"%d\\\"; \", line[ptr - 1]; |
printf \"types=\\\"\"; |
for (i = 0; i < ptr - 1; ++i) |
printf \"%d \", type[i]; |
printf \"%d\\\"; \", type[ptr - 1]; |
print \"error=0; first_line=\" line[0] \"; last_line=\" last_line |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Handle multi-line C comments. |
if (in_comment) { |
in_comment = 0; $DB \"comment end\" $DE; |
found_comment_end = NR; |
sub(/^([^*]|\*+[^*\/])*\*+\//, \"\") # Remove the tail of the comment. |
} |
} |
{ |
if (in_comment) { |
++drag; $DB \"in comment; drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
next |
} |
found_comment_begin = 0; |
} |
in_comment = 1; $DB \"comment begin\" $DE; |
found_comment_begin = 1; |
sub(/\/\*([^*]|\*+($|[^*\/]))*$/, \"\") # Remove the head of the comment so that we'll recognize this as an empty line if it is. |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Detect and handle header guard. |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (header && found_guard == 0 && in_if == 0) { |
found_guard = NR; $DB \"found_guard = %d\", found_guard $DE; |
if (ptr > 0) |
add(NR, $type_pragmaonce) |
next |
} |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": unexpected #pragma once\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} |
/^#ifndef / { |
if (ptr == 0 && header && found_guard == 0 && in_if == 0) { |
found_guard = NR; $DB \"found_guard = %d\", found_guard $DE; |
in_if = 1; $DB \"in_if = %d\", in_if $DE; |
in_if_base = 1; $DB \"in_if_base = %d\", in_if_base $DE; |
next |
} |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Detect and handle __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS blocks. |
/^[[:space:]]*__BEGIN_DECLS/ { |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (in_decl == 0) { |
in_decl = 1; $DB \"in_decl = 1\" $DE |
add(NR, $type_decls); |
next |
} |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": Nested __BEGIN_DECLS!\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} |
/^[[:space:]]*__END_DECLS/ { |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (in_decl == 1) { |
in_decl = 0; $DB \"in_decl = 0\" $DE |
if (skipped) { |
drag = 0; |
} else if (ptr == 1) { |
ptr = 0; $DB \"erase DECLS block\" $DE |
last_none_type = -1; |
} |
next |
} |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": __END_DECLS without matching __BEGIN_DECLS!\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Detect and handle #if ... #endif blocks. |
/$IF_RE/ { |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (in_if == in_if_base && in_decl == 0) { |
skipped = 0; $DB \"skipped = 0\" $DE; |
base_if = NR; $DB \"base_if = %d\", NR $DE; |
} |
++in_if; $DB \"in_if = %d\", in_if $DE; |
next |
} |
/$ENDIF_RE/ { |
--in_if; $DB \"in_if = %d\", in_if $DE; |
if (in_if < 0) { |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": #endif without matching #if!\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} |
++drag; |
if (in_if == in_if_base && in_decl == 0) { |
if (skipped) { |
drag = 0; |
add(base_if, $type_ifincludeendif); |
} else if (ptr > 0) |
add(base_if, $type_ifendif); |
} $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
# Left header guard? |
if (in_if < in_if_base) { $DB \"left header guard:\" $DE; |
# assert(in_if == 0 && in_if_base == 1 && header && found_guard) |
exit |
} |
next |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Handle #include lines. |
if (!/\"(\.\/)?mavlink_msg/) { |
# If we're inside a __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS block then only certain headers may be included. |
hname = gensub(/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*[<\"]([^>\"]*)[>\"].*/, \"\\\1\", \"1\"); |
cpp_safe = !(hname ~ /$UNSAFE_HEADERS_RE/); |
$DB \"hname = \\\"\" hname \"\\\"; cpp_safe = \" cpp_safe \"; in_decl = \" in_decl \"; is_cxxsrc = $is_cxxsrc\" $DE |
if (in_decl && cpp_safe) { |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": including \" hname \" inside a __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS block.\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} else if (!in_decl && !cpp_safe && $is_cxxsrc) { |
print \"\\n$EP $1:\" NR \": including \" hname \" outside a __BEGIN_DECLS ... __END_DECLS block!\"; |
error = 1; |
exit |
} |
if (in_if > in_if_base || in_decl) { |
skipped = 1; $DB \"skipped = 1\" $DE; |
} else { |
drag = 0; $DB \"drag = 0\" $DE; |
add(NR, $type_include); $DB \"first_line = %d\", NR $DE; |
} |
next |
} |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Ignore #define's, empty lines and lines with just comments. |
/$DEFINE_RE/ { |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (ptr > 0 && in_if == in_if_base && in_decl == 0) { |
add(NR, $type_macro); |
} |
next |
} |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (ptr > 0 && in_if == in_if_base && in_decl == 0) { |
if (found_comment_begin) |
add(NR, $type_comment); |
else if (found_comment_end != NR) |
add(NR, $type_emptyline); |
} |
next |
} |
++drag; $DB \"drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (ptr > 0 && in_if == in_if_base && in_decl == 0 && type[ptr - 1] != $type_comment) { |
add(NR, $type_comment); |
} |
next |
} |
#====================================================================================================== |
# Handle everything else (unrecognized lines). |
{ |
++drag; $DB \"unknown; drag = %d\", drag $DE; |
if (ptr > 0 && in_if <= in_if_base && in_decl == 0) { |
exit |
} |
} |
" "$BASEDIR/$1") |
# Decode the result. |
vars=$(echo "$result" | tail -n 1) |
error_msg=$(echo "$result" | grep "^$EP " | sed -e 's/^....//') |
if [ $debug -ne 0 ]; then |
len=$(echo "$result" | wc --lines) |
echo "$result" | head -n $((len - 1)) | grep -v "^$EP " # Debug messages |
echo "vars: $vars" |
fi |
# Evaluate the last line printed in END. |
error=1; eval $vars |
test -z "$error_msg" || print_error "$error_msg" || return |
test $error -eq 0 -a $first_line -gt 0 || print_error "FAILED to find an #include in $1?!" || return |
test $last_line -ge $first_line || print_error "FAILED to find a sensible last line in $1?!" || return |
# Calculate the number of lines starting from the current line. |
# Use sed to count lines, because wc --lines doesn't report the last line when that doesn't end on a new-line, contrary to the fact that tail treats such lines as lines. |
total_lines=$(sed -n '$=' "$BASEDIR/$1") |
if [ $debug -ne 0 ]; then echo "total_lines = \"$total_lines\""; fi |
# Edit the first_line...last_line block. |
# Header files are ordered as follows (lowest value first): |
cat_winsock=0; # Winsock2.h |
cat_posix_sys=1; # posix_sys.h or one of the px4_ headers that include it. |
cat_px4=2; # Other px4_*.h |
cat_local=3; # "*.h" |
cat_cxx=4; # <std c++ header>, ie <iostream> |
cat_c=5; # <c std c++ header>, ie <cstdio> |
cat_system=6; # <*.h> |
head -n $last_line "$BASEDIR/$1" | tail -n $((last_line - first_line + 1)) | awk " |
function sort_by_type_line_header_type_hname(blk2, v2, blk1, v1) { |
# Return true if blk1 comes before blk2. |
# Move type_include before the rest. Keep the same line order for the rest. |
return (type[blk2] != $type_include && (type[blk1] == $type_include || line[blk1] < line[blk2])) || |
(type[blk2] == $type_include && type[blk1] == $type_include && |
# If both are include's then put include with a lower header_type first; sort alphabetically for the same header type. |
(header_type[blk1] < header_type[blk2] || (header_type[blk1] == header_type[blk2] && hname[blk1] < hname[blk2]))); |
} |
first_line = $first_line; |
split(\"$lines\", line); |
split(\"$types\", type); |
i = 0; |
do { |
line[++i] -= first_line - 1; |
} while(type[i] != $type_end) |
for(b = 0; b < i; ++b) header_type[b] = 100; |
blk = 1; |
n = 0; |
is_cxxsrc = $is_cxxsrc; |
# px4_posix.h includes px4_defines.h includes px4_log.h includes posix_sys.h which must be the first header included. |
sys_val[\"px4_posix.h\"] = 1; |
sys_val[\"px4_defines.h\"] = 2; |
sys_val[\"px4_log.h\"] = 3; |
sys_val[\"posix_sys.h\"] = 4; |
saw_sys_val = 5; # Didn't see any of the above; otherwise the lowest value of the header seen. |
for(b = 0; b < i; ++b) saw_sys[b] = saw_sys_val; |
} |
END { |
l = asorti(txt, k, \"sort_by_type_line_header_type_hname\"); |
for (b = 1; b <= l; ++b) { |
if (type[k[b]] == $type_include && header_type[k[b]] == $cat_posix_sys && saw_sys[k[b]] > saw_sys_val) continue; |
len = length(txt[k[b]]); |
for (n = 0; n < len; ++n) print txt[k[b]][n]; |
if (b < l && type[k[b]] == $type_include && type[k[b+1]] != $type_emptyline && |
(type[k[b+1]] != $type_include || (header_type[k[b]] != header_type[k[b+1]] && header_type[k[b+1]] != $cat_px4))) { |
printf \"\n\"; |
} |
} |
} |
{ |
if (NR == line[blk + 1]) { |
++blk; |
n = 0; |
} |
} |
# Don't use double quotes around standard header names. |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*)\\\"$STDC_HEADERS_RE\\.h\\\"/, \"\\\1<\\\2.h>\", \"1\"); |
if (is_cxxsrc) { |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*)\\\"$STDCXX_HEADERS_RE\\\"/, \"\\\1<\\\2>\", \"1\"); |
# Change deprecated C header names to standard C++ header names in C++ source files. |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*<)$STDC_HEADERS_RE\\.h>/, \"\\\1c\\\2>\", \"1\"); |
} |
# Don't include \"./foo.h\", that is implied, so just include \"foo.h\". |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*\\\")\.\//, \"\\\1\", \"1\"); |
# Extract the header filename. |
hname[blk] = gensub(/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*[<\"]([^>\"]*)[>\"].*/, \"\\\1\", \"1\"); |
# If the header exists in the directory of the including file, then it is a local header. |
command = sprintf(\"test -e %s/%s\", \"$curdir\", hname[blk]); |
if (system(command) == 0) { |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*)[\"<]([^\">]*)[\">]/, \"\\\1\\\"\\\2\\\"\", \"1\"); |
} else { |
# Do we know if this is a local file, or a submodule / system header? |
# The grep reg.exp needs \\ (for backslah) and \1 for back reference, thus: \\\1. |
# However we print the grep command using sprintf, so each backslash needs to be escaped once more: \\\\\\1. |
# Finally, this is a bash string and we need to escape each backslash once more to pass it corrently to awk, hence we need twelve backslahes: |
command = sprintf(\"grep '^%s ' '%s' 2>/dev/null\", gensub(/([.+])/, \"\\\\\\\\\\\\1\", \"g\", hname[blk]), \"$TMPDIR/fix_headers_quotes\"); |
ret = command | getline result; |
if (ret != 0) { |
result = substr(result, index(result, \" \") + 1); |
\$0 = gensub(/^([[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*)[\"<][^\">]*[\">]/, \"\\\1\" result, \"1\"); |
} |
} |
# Categorise the header. |
if (hname[blk] == \"Winsock2.h\") { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_winsock) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_winsock; |
} |
else if (hname[blk] in sys_val) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_posix_sys) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_posix_sys; |
# posix_sys.h is sometimes included within #ifdef __PX4_POSIX ... #endif. The other headers should not be conditional. |
if ((hname[blk] == \"posix_sys.h\" || type[blk] == $type_include)) { |
type[blk] = $type_include; # Treat #ifdef __PX4_POSIX #include \"posix_sys.h\" #endif as an include for sorting purposes. |
saw_sys[blk] = sys_val[hname[blk]]; # There will be only one include (header name) for this block. |
if (sys_val[hname[blk]] < saw_sys_val) |
saw_sys_val = sys_val[hname[blk]]; |
} |
# Use double quotes for these headers. |
\$0 = gensub(/<([[:alnum:]_\/.]*)>/, \"\\\"\\\1\\\"\", \"1\"); |
} |
else if (hname[blk] ~ /^(platforms\/px4_|px4_)/) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_px4) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_px4; |
# Use double quotes for these headers. |
\$0 = gensub(/<([[:alnum:]_\/.]*)>/, \"\\\"\\\1\\\"\", \"1\"); |
} |
else if (\$0 ~ /^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*include[[:space:]]*\"/) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_local) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_local; |
} |
else if (hname[blk] ~ /^$STDCXX_HEADERS_RE\$/) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_cxx) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_cxx; |
} |
else if (hname[blk] ~ /^c$STDC_HEADERS_RE\$/) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_c) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_c; |
} |
else if (hname[blk] ~ /^$STDC_HEADERS_RE\.h\$/) { |
if (header_type[blk] > $cat_system) |
header_type[blk] = $cat_system; |
} |
} |
{ |
# Remove empty lines before #include's. |
if (type[blk] == $type_include) { |
for (i = 1; blk > i && type[blk - i] == $type_emptyline; ++i) |
delete txt[blk - i] |
} |
txt[blk][n++] = \$0; |
} |
" > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_block |
# Construct a new file in TMPDIR. |
head -n $((first_line - 1)) "$BASEDIR/$1" > $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file |
# Append the editted block. |
cat $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_block >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file |
# Append the rest. |
tail -n $((total_lines - last_line)) "$BASEDIR/$1" >> $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file |
# Compare original with result. |
if cmp --quiet "$BASEDIR/$1" $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file; then |
echo "No change" |
else |
echo "Fixed lines $first_line-$last_line" |
mv $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file "$BASEDIR/$1" || fatal "Failed to move $TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_file to $BASEDIR/$1 !?!" |
fi |
} |
if [ $non_option_arguments -ne 0 ]; then |
fixup_header $1 |
exit |
fi |
# Run the fixup function for each of the files in $TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes. |
# Strip BASEDIR because we don't know how long that is and it might too much for bash. |
for arg in $(cat "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes" | cut -c $striplen-); do |
fixup_header $arg |
done |
# Clean up. |
if [ $debug -eq 0 -o $# -eq 0 ]; then |
rm "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources" "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_sources_with_includes" "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_SUBMODULE_HEADERS" "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_HEADERS" \ |
"$TMPDIR/fix_headers_include_paths" "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_quotes" "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_current_block" |
fi |
# Print all error messages again at the end. |
if [ -s "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_ERROR.log" ]; then |
echo "$0 finished with errors:" |
cat "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_ERROR.log" |
else |
echo "SUCCESS" |
rm "$TMPDIR/fix_headers_ERROR.log" |