282 lines
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282 lines
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# |
# Generic GDB macros for working with NuttX |
# |
echo Loading NuttX GDB macros. Use 'help nuttx' for more information.\n |
define nuttx |
echo Use 'help nuttx' for more information.\n |
end |
document nuttx |
. Various macros for working with NuttX. |
. |
. showheap |
. Prints the contents of the malloc heap(s). |
. showtasks |
. Prints a list of all tasks. |
. showtask <address> |
. Prints information about the task at <address> |
. |
. Use 'help <macro>' for more specific help. |
end |
################################################################################ |
# Heap display |
################################################################################ |
define _showheap |
set $index = $arg0 |
set $used = 0 |
set $free = 0 |
if (sizeof(struct mm_allocnode_s) == 4) |
set $MM_ALLOC_BIT = 0x8000 |
else |
set $MM_ALLOC_BIT = 0x80000000 |
end |
printf "HEAP %d %p - %p\n", $index, g_mmheap.mm_heapstart[$index], g_mmheap.mm_heapend[$index] |
printf "ptr size\n" |
set $node = (char *)g_mmheap.mm_heapstart[$index] + sizeof(struct mm_allocnode_s) |
while $node < g_mmheap.mm_heapend[$index] |
printf " %p", $node |
set $nodestruct = (struct mm_allocnode_s *)$node |
printf " %u", $nodestruct->size |
if !($nodestruct->preceding & $MM_ALLOC_BIT) |
printf " FREE" |
set $free = $free + $nodestruct->size |
else |
set $used = $used + $nodestruct->size |
end |
if ($nodestruct->size > g_mmheap.mm_heapsize) || (($node + $nodestruct->size) > g_mmheap.mm_heapend[$index]) |
printf " (BAD SIZE)" |
end |
printf "\n" |
set $node = $node + $nodestruct->size |
end |
printf " ----------\n" |
printf " Used: %u\n", $used |
printf " Free: %u\n\n", $free |
end |
define showheap |
set $nheaps = sizeof(g_mmheap.mm_heapstart) / sizeof(g_mmheap.mm_heapstart[0]) |
printf "Printing %d heaps\n", $nheaps |
set $heapindex = (int)0 |
while $heapindex < $nheaps |
_showheap $heapindex |
set $heapindex = $heapindex + 1 |
end |
end |
document showheap |
. showheap |
. Prints the contents of the malloc heap(s). |
end |
################################################################################ |
# Task file listing |
################################################################################ |
define showfiles |
set $task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0 |
set $nfiles = sizeof((*(struct filelist*)0).fl_files) / sizeof(struct file) |
printf "%d files\n", $nfiles |
set $index = 0 |
while $index < $nfiles |
set $file = &($task->filelist->fl_files[$index]) |
printf "%d: inode %p f_priv %p\n", $index, $file->f_inode, $file->f_priv |
if $file->f_inode != 0 |
printf " i_name %s i_private %p\n", &$file->f_inode->i_name[0], $file->f_inode->i_private |
end |
set $index = $index + 1 |
end |
end |
document showfiles |
. showfiles <TCB pointer> |
. Prints the files opened by a task. |
end |
################################################################################ |
# Task display |
################################################################################ |
define _showtask_oneline |
set $task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0 |
printf " %p %.2d %.3d %s\n", $task, $task->pid, $task->sched_priority, $task->name |
end |
define _showtasklist |
set $queue = (dq_queue_t *)$arg0 |
set $cursor = (dq_entry_t *)$queue->head |
if $cursor != 0 |
printf " TCB PID PRI\n" |
else |
printf " <none>\n" |
end |
while $cursor != 0 |
_showtask_oneline $cursor |
if $cursor == $queue->tail |
set $cursor = 0 |
else |
set $next = $cursor->flink |
if $next->blink != $cursor |
printf "task linkage corrupt\n" |
set $cursor = 0 |
else |
set $cursor = $next |
end |
end |
end |
end |
# |
# Print task registers for a NuttX v7em target with FPU enabled. |
# |
define _showtaskregs_v7em |
set $task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0 |
set $regs = (uint32_t *)&($task->xcp.regs[0]) |
printf " r0: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $regs[27], $regs[28], $regs[29], $regs[30], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[4], $regs[5] |
printf " r8: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $regs[6], $regs[7], $regs[8], $regs[9], $regs[31], $regs[0], $regs[32], $regs[33] |
printf " XPSR 0x%08x EXC_RETURN 0x%08x PRIMASK 0x%08x\n", $regs[34], $regs[10], $regs[1] |
end |
# |
# Print current registers for a NuttX v7em target with FPU enabled. |
# |
define _showcurrentregs_v7em |
printf " r0: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3, $r4, $r5, $r6, $r7 |
printf " r8: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $r8, $r9, $r10, $r11, $r12, $r13, $r14, $r15 |
printf " XPSR 0x%08x\n", $xpsr |
end |
# |
# Print details of a semaphore |
# |
define _showsemaphore |
printf "count %d ", $arg0->semcount |
if $arg0->holder.htcb != 0 |
set $_task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0->holder.htcb |
printf "held by %s", $_task->name |
end |
printf "\n" |
end |
# |
# Print information about a task's stack usage |
# |
define showtaskstack |
set $task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0 |
if $task == &g_idletcb |
printf "can't measure idle stack\n" |
else |
set $stack_free = 0 |
while ($stack_free < $task->adj_stack_size) && ((uint32_t *)($task->stack_alloc_ptr))[$stack_free] == 0xffffffff |
set $stack_free = $stack_free + 1 |
end |
set $stack_free = $stack_free * 4 |
printf" stack 0x%08x-0x%08x (%d) %d free\n", $task->stack_alloc_ptr, $task->adj_stack_ptr, $task->adj_stack_size, $stack_free |
end |
end |
# |
# Print details of a task |
# |
define showtask |
set $task = (struct tcb_s *)$arg0 |
printf "%p %.2d ", $task, $task->pid |
_showtaskstate $task |
printf " %s\n", $task->name |
showtaskstack $task |
if $task->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_SEM |
printf " waiting on %p ", $task->waitsem |
_showsemaphore $task->waitsem |
end |
if $task->task_state != TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING |
_showtaskregs_v7em $task |
else |
_showtaskregs_v7em $task |
end |
# XXX print registers here |
end |
document showtask |
. showtask <TCB pointer> |
. Print details of a task. |
end |
define _showtaskstate |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_TASK_INVALID |
printf "INVALID" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_TASK_PENDING |
printf "PENDING" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_TASK_READYTORUN |
printf "READYTORUN" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING |
printf "RUNNING" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_TASK_INACTIVE |
printf "INACTIVE" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_SEM |
printf "WAIT_SEM" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_SIG |
printf "WAIT_SIG" |
end |
if $arg0->task_state > TSTATE_WAIT_SIG |
printf "%d", $arg0->task_state |
end |
end |
define showtasks |
printf "PENDING\n" |
_showtasklist &g_pendingtasks |
printf "RUNNABLE\n" |
_showtasklist &g_readytorun |
printf "WAITING for Semaphore\n" |
_showtasklist &g_waitingforsemaphore |
printf "WAITING for Signal\n" |
_showtasklist &g_waitingforsignal |
printf "INACTIVE\n" |
_showtasklist &g_inactivetasks |
end |
document showtasks |
. showtasks |
. Print a list of all tasks in the system, separated into their respective queues. |
end |
define my_mem |
set $start = $arg0 |
set $end = $arg1 |
set $cursor = $start |
if $start < $end |
while $cursor != $end |
set *$cursor = 0x0000 |
set $cursor = $cursor + 4 |
printf "0x%x of 0x%x\n",$cursor,$end |
end |
else |
while $cursor != $end |
set *$cursor = 0x0000 |
set $cursor = $cursor - 4 |
end |
end |