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# This is a struct used by the commander internally.
uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds)
bool calibration_enabled
bool system_sensors_initialized
bool system_hotplug_timeout # true if the hotplug sensor search is over
bool auto_mission_available
bool angular_velocity_valid
bool attitude_valid
bool local_altitude_valid
bool local_position_valid # set to true by the commander app if the quality of the local position estimate is good enough to use for navigation
bool local_velocity_valid # set to true by the commander app if the quality of the local horizontal velocity data is good enough to use for navigation
bool global_position_valid # set to true by the commander app if the quality of the global position estimate is good enough to use for navigation
bool gps_position_valid
bool home_position_valid # indicates a valid home position (a valid home position is not always a valid launch)
bool power_input_valid # set if input power is valid
bool battery_healthy # set if battery is available and not low
bool escs_error # set to true if one or more ESCs reporting esc_status are offline
bool escs_failure # set to true if one or more ESCs reporting esc_status has a failure
bool position_reliant_on_gps
bool position_reliant_on_optical_flow
bool position_reliant_on_vision_position
bool dead_reckoning
bool flight_terminated
bool circuit_breaker_engaged_power_check
bool circuit_breaker_engaged_airspd_check
bool circuit_breaker_engaged_enginefailure_check
bool circuit_breaker_flight_termination_disabled
bool circuit_breaker_engaged_usb_check
bool circuit_breaker_engaged_posfailure_check # set to true when the position valid checks have been disabled
bool circuit_breaker_vtol_fw_arming_check # set to true if for VTOLs arming in fixed-wing mode should be allowed
bool offboard_control_signal_lost
bool rc_signal_found_once
bool rc_calibration_in_progress
bool rc_calibration_valid # set if RC calibration is valid
bool vtol_transition_failure # Set to true if vtol transition failed
bool usb_connected # status of the USB power supply
bool sd_card_detected_once # set to true if the SD card was detected
bool avoidance_system_required # Set to true if avoidance system is enabled via COM_OBS_AVOID parameter
bool avoidance_system_valid # Status of the obstacle avoidance system
bool parachute_system_present
bool parachute_system_healthy