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if [ -z ${BEBOP_IP+x} ]; then
echo "\$BEBOP_IP is not set (use default: $ip)"
echo "\$BEBOP_IP is set to $ip"
echo "Connecting to bebop: $ip:$port"
# adb returns also 0 as exit status if the connection fails
adb_return=$(adb connect $ip:$port)
adb_status=$(echo $adb_return | cut -f 1 -d " ")
if [[ $adb_status == "unable" ]]; then
echo ""
echo "Connection with Parrot Bebop could not be established:"
echo " Make sure you are connected with the Bebop's WiFi and"
echo " enable access to the board by pressing the power button 4 times."
echo ""
exit 50
echo "Connection successfully established"
sleep 1
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /
adb shell touch /home/root/parameters
${RPI_TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip \
-R .comment -R .gnu.version \
../Tools/ $@
echo "Disconnecting from bebop"
adb disconnect