You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// File: uORB_test.cpp
// Copyright 2014 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Confidential & Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. ("QTI")
// The party receiving this software directly from QTI (the "Recipient")
// may use this software as reasonably necessary solely for the purposes
// set forth in the agreement between the Recipient and QTI (the
// "Agreement"). The software may be used in source code form solely by
// the Recipient's employees (if any) authorized by the Agreement. Unless
// expressly authorized in the Agreement, the Recipient may not sublicense,
// assign, transfer or otherwise provide the source code to any third
// party. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. retains all ownership rights in and
// to the software
// This notice supersedes any other QTI notices contained within the software
// except copyright notices indicating different years of publication for
// different portions of the software. This notice does not supersede the
// application of any third party copyright notice to that third party's
// code.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <palSemaphore.hpp>
#include <palThread.hpp>
#include <errno.h>
#include "uORB/uORB.h"
#include "utils/general.h"
#include "utils/logging.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#define LOG_TAG "uORB_test.cpp"
namespace uORB_test
struct orb_test
int val;
ORB_DEFINE(orb_test, struct orb_test);
pal::Semaphore sub_semaphore;
static int pfd, sfd;
static struct orb_test t;
bool threadTestPassed = false;
TEST( uORBTest, pub_sub_initialization )
struct orb_test u;
bool updated;
t.val = 0;
ASSERT_NE( ( pfd = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(orb_test), &t) ), 0 ) << "Failed to advertize uORB Topic orb_test: errno: " << errno;
IPRINTF( "publist handle: 0x%08x", pfd );
ASSERT_NE( ( sfd = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(orb_test), (void *)&sub_semaphore) ), 0 ) << "Subscribe failed: %d" << errno;
IPRINTF( "subscribe fd: %d", sfd );
u.val = 1;
ASSERT_EQ( orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test), sfd, &u), OK ) << "copy(1) failed: " << errno;
ASSERT_EQ( u.val, t.val ) << "copy(1) mismatch: " << u.val << " expected " << t.val;
ASSERT_EQ(orb_check(sfd, &updated), OK ) << "check(1) failed";
ASSERT_FALSE( updated ) << "spurious updated flag";
ASSERT_EQ(orb_unsubscribe(sfd), OK );
void test_subscriber_thread(void *this_ptr)
struct orb_test u;
bool updated;
pal::Semaphore *sub_semaphore = (pal::Semaphore *)this_ptr;
assert(sub_semaphore != nullptr);
IPRINTF( "waiting for new subscriber data");
if (OK != orb_check(sfd, &updated))
EPRINTF("check(2) failed");
if (!updated)
EPRINTF("missing updated flag");
if (OK != orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test), sfd, &u))
EPRINTF("copy(2) failed: %d", errno);
if (u.val != t.val)
EPRINTF("copy(2) mismatch: %d expected %d", u.val, t.val);
threadTestPassed = true;
TEST( uORB, pub_sub_withThread )
pal::Thread sub_thread;
threadTestPassed = false;
// advertize the topic first if it is not created.
t.val = 1;
ASSERT_NE( (pfd = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(orb_test), &t) ), 0 ) << "Failed to advertize uORB Topic orb_test: errno: " << errno;
IPRINTF( "publist handle: 0x%08x", pfd );
ASSERT_NE( ( sfd = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(orb_test), (void *)&sub_semaphore) ), 0 ) << "Subscribe failed: %d" << errno;
IPRINTF( "subscribe fd: %d", sfd );
sub_thread.create(test_subscriber_thread, (void *)&sub_semaphore);
t.val = 2;
IPRINTF("try publish, creating new thread to await the results");
ASSERT_EQ(orb_publish(ORB_ID(orb_test), pfd, &t), OK) << "publish failed";
ASSERT_EQ( t.val, 2 );
IPRINTF("waiting for the subscriber thread to exit");
ASSERT_TRUE( threadTestPassed );
ASSERT_EQ(orb_unsubscribe(sfd), OK );
#if 0
/* this is a hacky test that exploits the sensors app to test rate-limiting */
sfd = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined));
hrt_abstime start, end;
unsigned count;
start = hrt_absolute_time();
count = 0;
orb_check(sfd, &updated);
if (updated)
orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sfd, nullptr);
}while (count < 100);
end = hrt_absolute_time();
test_note("full-speed, 100 updates in %llu", end - start);
orb_set_interval(sfd, 10);
start = hrt_absolute_time();
count = 0;
orb_check(sfd, &updated);
if (updated)
orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), sfd, nullptr);
}while (count < 100);
end = hrt_absolute_time();
test_note("100Hz, 100 updates in %llu", end - start);