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#include <matrix/math.hpp>
#pragma once
// return the square of two floating point numbers - used in auto coded sections
static constexpr float sq(float var) { return var * var; }
// converts Tait-Bryan 312 sequence of rotations from frame 1 to frame 2
// to the corresponding rotation matrix that rotates from frame 2 to frame 1
// rot312(0) - First rotation is a RH rotation about the Z axis (rad)
// rot312(1) - Second rotation is a RH rotation about the X axis (rad)
// rot312(2) - Third rotation is a RH rotation about the Y axis (rad)
// See
matrix::Dcmf taitBryan312ToRotMat(const matrix::Vector3f &rot312);
// Use Kahan summation algorithm to get the sum of "sum_previous" and "input".
// This function relies on the caller to be responsible for keeping a copy of
// "accumulator" and passing this value at the next iteration.
// Ref:
float kahanSummation(float sum_previous, float input, float &accumulator);
// calculate the inverse rotation matrix from a quaternion rotation
// this produces the inverse rotation to that produced by the math library quaternion to Dcmf operator
matrix::Dcmf quatToInverseRotMat(const matrix::Quatf &quat);
bool shouldUse321RotationSequence(const matrix::Dcmf& R);
float getEuler321Yaw(const matrix::Quatf& q);
float getEuler321Yaw(const matrix::Dcmf& R);
float getEuler312Yaw(const matrix::Quatf& q);
float getEuler312Yaw(const matrix::Dcmf& R);
namespace ecl{
inline float powf(float x, int exp)
float ret;
if (exp > 0) {
ret = x;
for (int count = 1; count < exp; count++) {
ret *= x;
return ret;
} else if (exp < 0) {
return 1.0f / ecl::powf(x, -exp);
return 1.0f;