#define IRLOCK_MAX_BLOCKS_PER_FRAME 5 // max number of blobs that can be detected by IR-LOCK sensor (should match PX4Firmware's irlock driver's IRLOCK_OBJECTS_MAX)
#define IRLOCK_CENTER_X 159 // the center x pixel value
#define IRLOCK_CENTER_Y 99 // the center y pixel value
#define IRLOCK_NOBLOB_FRAME 10 // the number of consecutive similar frames that will cause the sensor validity variable to turn false
#define IRLOCK_X_PIXEL_PER_DEGREE 5.374f // the x pixel to angle calibration variable
#define IRLOCK_Y_PIXEL_PER_DEGREE 5.698f // the y pixel to angle calibration variable
#define IRLOCK_TIMEOUT_MS 100 // remove all blocks if no data received within 0.1 seconds