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echo "build firmware "
date -R
starttime=`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`
./waf configure --board rs100 > build_log.txt
# ./waf clean >> build_log.txt
./waf copter >> build_log.txt
cp ./build/rs100/bin/arducopter.apj /mnt/f/_01-work/100\=data/固件/编译/致睿rs100-v4.0.17-RC6.px4
echo "finish build rs100 "
./waf configure --board rs100h >> build_log.txt
# ./waf clean >> build_log.txt
./waf copter >> build_log.txt
cp ./build/rs100h/bin/arducopter.apj /mnt/f/_01-work/100\=data/固件/编译/致睿rs100h-v4.0.17-RC6.px4
echo "finish build rs100h "
./waf configure --board d100 >> build_log.txt
# ./waf clean >> build_log.txt
./waf copter >> build_log.txt
cp ./build/d100/bin/arducopter.apj /mnt/f/_01-work/100\=data/固件/编译/中海达d100-v4.0.17-RC6.px4
echo "finish build d100 "
./waf configure --board d100h >> build_log.txt
# ./waf clean >> build_log.txt
./waf copter >> build_log.txt
cp ./build/d100h/bin/arducopter.apj /mnt/f/_01-work/100\=data/固件/编译/中海达d100h-v4.0.17-RC6.px4
echo "finish build d100h "
# ./waf configure --board zr-hexa >> build_log.txt
# ./waf clean >> build_log.txt
# ./waf copter >> build_log.txt
# cp ./build/zr-hexa/bin/arducopter.apj /mnt/f/_01-work/100\=data/固件/编译/六轴m66-v4.0.17-RC6.px4
# echo "finish build zr-hexa "
endtime=`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`
date -R
start_seconds=$(date --date="$starttime" +%s);
end_seconds=$(date --date="$endtime" +%s);
echo "finish build: "$((end_seconds-start_seconds))"s"