// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# include "Plane.h"
const AP_Param : : GroupInfo QuadPlane : : var_info [ ] = {
// @Param: ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Enable QuadPlane
// @Description: This enables QuadPlane functionality, assuming quad motors on outputs 5 to 8
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enable
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO_FLAGS ( " ENABLE " , 1 , QuadPlane , enable , 0 , AP_PARAM_FLAG_ENABLE ) ,
// @Group: M_
// @Path: ../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsMulticopter.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPPTR ( motors , " M_ " , 2 , QuadPlane , AP_MotorsMulticopter ) ,
// 3 ~ 8 were used by quadplane attitude control PIDs
// @Param: ANGLE_MAX
// @DisplayName: Angle Max
// @Description: Maximum lean angle in all flight modes
// @Units: Centi-degrees
// @Range: 1000 8000
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " ANGLE_MAX " , 10 , QuadPlane , aparm . angle_max , 4500 ) ,
// @DisplayName: Transition time
// @Description: Transition time in milliseconds after minimum airspeed is reached
// @Units: milli-seconds
// @Range: 0 30000
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRANSITION_MS " , 11 , QuadPlane , transition_time_ms , 5000 ) ,
// @Param: PZ_P
// @DisplayName: Position (vertical) controller P gain
// @Description: Position (vertical) controller P gain. Converts the difference between the desired altitude and actual altitude into a climb or descent rate which is passed to the throttle rate controller
// @Range: 1.000 3.000
// @User: Standard
AP_SUBGROUPINFO ( p_alt_hold , " PZ_ " , 12 , QuadPlane , AC_P ) ,
// @Param: PXY_P
// @DisplayName: Position (horizonal) controller P gain
// @Description: Loiter position controller P gain. Converts the distance (in the latitude direction) to the target location into a desired speed which is then passed to the loiter latitude rate controller
// @Range: 0.500 2.000
// @User: Standard
AP_SUBGROUPINFO ( p_pos_xy , " PXY_ " , 13 , QuadPlane , AC_P ) ,
// @Param: VXY_P
// @DisplayName: Velocity (horizontal) P gain
// @Description: Velocity (horizontal) P gain. Converts the difference between desired velocity to a target acceleration
// @Range: 0.1 6.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: VXY_I
// @DisplayName: Velocity (horizontal) I gain
// @Description: Velocity (horizontal) I gain. Corrects long-term difference in desired velocity to a target acceleration
// @Range: 0.02 1.00
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: VXY_IMAX
// @DisplayName: Velocity (horizontal) integrator maximum
// @Description: Velocity (horizontal) integrator maximum. Constrains the target acceleration that the I gain will output
// @Range: 0 4500
// @Increment: 10
// @Units: cm/s/s
// @User: Advanced
AP_SUBGROUPINFO ( pi_vel_xy , " VXY_ " , 14 , QuadPlane , AC_PI_2D ) ,
// @Param: VZ_P
// @DisplayName: Velocity (vertical) P gain
// @Description: Velocity (vertical) P gain. Converts the difference between desired vertical speed and actual speed into a desired acceleration that is passed to the throttle acceleration controller
// @Range: 1.000 8.000
// @User: Standard
AP_SUBGROUPINFO ( p_vel_z , " VZ_ " , 15 , QuadPlane , AC_P ) ,
// @Param: AZ_P
// @DisplayName: Throttle acceleration controller P gain
// @Description: Throttle acceleration controller P gain. Converts the difference between desired vertical acceleration and actual acceleration into a motor output
// @Range: 0.500 1.500
// @User: Standard
// @Param: AZ_I
// @DisplayName: Throttle acceleration controller I gain
// @Description: Throttle acceleration controller I gain. Corrects long-term difference in desired vertical acceleration and actual acceleration
// @Range: 0.000 3.000
// @User: Standard
// @Param: AZ_IMAX
// @DisplayName: Throttle acceleration controller I gain maximum
// @Description: Throttle acceleration controller I gain maximum. Constrains the maximum pwm that the I term will generate
// @Range: 0 1000
// @Units: Percent*10
// @User: Standard
// @Param: AZ_D
// @DisplayName: Throttle acceleration controller D gain
// @Description: Throttle acceleration controller D gain. Compensates for short-term change in desired vertical acceleration vs actual acceleration
// @Range: 0.000 0.400
// @User: Standard
// @Param: AZ_FILT_HZ
// @DisplayName: Throttle acceleration filter
// @Description: Filter applied to acceleration to reduce noise. Lower values reduce noise but add delay.
// @Range: 1.000 100.000
// @Units: Hz
// @User: Standard
AP_SUBGROUPINFO ( pid_accel_z , " AZ_ " , 16 , QuadPlane , AC_PID ) ,
// @Group: P_
// @Path: ../libraries/AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPPTR ( pos_control , " P " , 17 , QuadPlane , AC_PosControl ) ,
// @Param: VELZ_MAX
// @DisplayName: Pilot maximum vertical speed
// @Description: The maximum vertical velocity the pilot may request in cm/s
// @Units: Centimeters/Second
// @Range: 50 500
// @Increment: 10
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " VELZ_MAX " , 18 , QuadPlane , pilot_velocity_z_max , 250 ) ,
// @Param: ACCEL_Z
// @DisplayName: Pilot vertical acceleration
// @Description: The vertical acceleration used when pilot is controlling the altitude
// @Units: cm/s/s
// @Range: 50 500
// @Increment: 10
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " ACCEL_Z " , 19 , QuadPlane , pilot_accel_z , 250 ) ,
// @Group: WP_
// @Path: ../libraries/AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPPTR ( wp_nav , " WP_ " , 20 , QuadPlane , AC_WPNav ) ,
// @Param: RC_SPEED
// @DisplayName: RC output speed in Hz
// @Description: This is the PWM refresh rate in Hz for QuadPlane quad motors
// @Units: Hz
// @Range: 50 500
// @Increment: 10
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " RC_SPEED " , 21 , QuadPlane , rc_speed , 490 ) ,
// @Param: THR_MIN_PWM
// @DisplayName: Minimum PWM output
// @Description: This is the minimum PWM output for the quad motors
// @Units: Hz
// @Range: 800 2200
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " THR_MIN_PWM " , 22 , QuadPlane , thr_min_pwm , 1000 ) ,
// @Param: THR_MAX_PWM
// @DisplayName: Maximum PWM output
// @Description: This is the maximum PWM output for the quad motors
// @Units: Hz
// @Range: 800 2200
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " THR_MAX_PWM " , 23 , QuadPlane , thr_max_pwm , 2000 ) ,
// @DisplayName: Quadplane assistance speed
// @Description: This is the speed below which the quad motors will provide stability and lift assistance in fixed wing modes. Zero means no assistance except during transition
// @Units: m/s
// @Range: 0 100
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " ASSIST_SPEED " , 24 , QuadPlane , assist_speed , 0 ) ,
// @Param: YAW_RATE_MAX
// @DisplayName: Maximum yaw rate
// @Description: This is the maximum yaw rate in degrees/second
// @Units: degrees/second
// @Range: 50 500
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " YAW_RATE_MAX " , 25 , QuadPlane , yaw_rate_max , 100 ) ,
// @Param: LAND_SPEED
// @DisplayName: Land speed
// @Description: The descent speed for the final stage of landing in cm/s
// @Units: cm/s
// @Range: 30 200
// @Increment: 10
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " LAND_SPEED " , 26 , QuadPlane , land_speed_cms , 50 ) ,
// @DisplayName: Land final altitude
// @Description: The altitude at which we should switch to Q_LAND_SPEED descent rate
// @Units: m
// @Range: 0.5 50
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " LAND_FINAL_ALT " , 27 , QuadPlane , land_final_alt , 6 ) ,
// @Param: THR_MID
// @DisplayName: Throttle Mid Position
// @Description: The throttle output (0 ~ 1000) when throttle stick is in mid position. Used to scale the manual throttle so that the mid throttle stick position is close to the throttle required to hover
// @User: Standard
// @Range: 300 700
// @Units: Percent*10
// @Increment: 10
AP_GROUPINFO ( " THR_MID " , 28 , QuadPlane , throttle_mid , 500 ) ,
// @Param: TRAN_PIT_MAX
// @DisplayName: Transition max pitch
// @Description: Maximum pitch during transition to auto fixed wing flight
// @User: Standard
// @Range: 0 30
// @Units: Degrees
// @Increment: 1
AP_GROUPINFO ( " TRAN_PIT_MAX " , 29 , QuadPlane , transition_pitch_max , 3 ) ,
// @Param: FRAME_CLASS
// @DisplayName: Frame Class
// @Description: Controls major frame class for multicopter component
// @Values: 0:Quad, 1:Hexa, 2:Octa, 3:OctaQuad
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " FRAME_CLASS " , 30 , QuadPlane , frame_class , 0 ) ,
// @Param: FRAME_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Frame Type (+, X or V)
// @Description: Controls motor mixing for multicopter component
// @Values: 0:Plus, 1:X, 2:V, 3:H, 4:V-Tail, 5:A-Tail, 10:Y6B
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " FRAME_TYPE " , 31 , QuadPlane , frame_type , 1 ) ,
} ;
static const struct {
const char * name ;
float value ;
} defaults_table [ ] = {
{ " Q_A_RAT_RLL_P " , 0.25 } ,
{ " Q_A_RAT_RLL_I " , 0.25 } ,
{ " Q_A_RAT_RLL_FILT " , 10.0 } ,
{ " Q_A_RAT_PIT_P " , 0.25 } ,
{ " Q_A_RAT_PIT_I " , 0.25 } ,
{ " Q_A_RAT_PIT_FILT " , 10.0 } ,
} ;
QuadPlane : : QuadPlane ( AP_AHRS_NavEKF & _ahrs ) :
ahrs ( _ahrs )
AP_Param : : setup_object_defaults ( this , var_info ) ;
// setup default motors for the frame class
void QuadPlane : : setup_default_channels ( uint8_t num_motors )
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
RC_Channel_aux : : set_aux_channel_default ( ( RC_Channel_aux : : Aux_servo_function_t ) ( RC_Channel_aux : : k_motor1 + i ) , CH_5 + i ) ;
bool QuadPlane : : setup ( void )
uint16_t mask ;
if ( initialised ) {
return true ;
if ( ! enable | | hal . util - > get_soft_armed ( ) ) {
return false ;
float loop_delta_t = 1.0 / plane . scheduler . get_loop_rate_hz ( ) ;
if ( hal . util - > available_memory ( ) <
4096 + sizeof ( * motors ) + sizeof ( * attitude_control ) + sizeof ( * pos_control ) + sizeof ( * wp_nav ) ) {
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Not enough memory for quadplane " ) ;
goto failed ;
dynamically allocate the key objects for quadplane . This ensures
that the objects don ' t affect the vehicle unless enabled and
also saves memory when not in use
switch ( ( enum frame_class ) frame_class . get ( ) ) {
setup_default_channels ( 4 ) ;
motors = new AP_MotorsQuad ( plane . scheduler . get_loop_rate_hz ( ) ) ;
break ;
setup_default_channels ( 6 ) ;
motors = new AP_MotorsHexa ( plane . scheduler . get_loop_rate_hz ( ) ) ;
break ;
setup_default_channels ( 8 ) ;
motors = new AP_MotorsOcta ( plane . scheduler . get_loop_rate_hz ( ) ) ;
break ;
setup_default_channels ( 8 ) ;
motors = new AP_MotorsOctaQuad ( plane . scheduler . get_loop_rate_hz ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
hal . console - > printf ( " Unknown frame class %u \n " , ( unsigned ) frame_class . get ( ) ) ;
goto failed ;
if ( ! motors ) {
hal . console - > printf ( " Unable to allocate motors \n " ) ;
goto failed ;
AP_Param : : load_object_from_eeprom ( motors , motors - > var_info ) ;
attitude_control = new AC_AttitudeControl_Multi ( ahrs , aparm , * motors , loop_delta_t ) ;
if ( ! attitude_control ) {
hal . console - > printf ( " Unable to allocate attitude_control \n " ) ;
goto failed ;
AP_Param : : load_object_from_eeprom ( attitude_control , attitude_control - > var_info ) ;
pos_control = new AC_PosControl ( ahrs , inertial_nav , * motors , * attitude_control ,
p_alt_hold , p_vel_z , pid_accel_z ,
p_pos_xy , pi_vel_xy ) ;
if ( ! pos_control ) {
hal . console - > printf ( " Unable to allocate pos_control \n " ) ;
goto failed ;
AP_Param : : load_object_from_eeprom ( pos_control , pos_control - > var_info ) ;
wp_nav = new AC_WPNav ( inertial_nav , ahrs , * pos_control , * attitude_control ) ;
if ( ! pos_control ) {
hal . console - > printf ( " Unable to allocate wp_nav \n " ) ;
goto failed ;
AP_Param : : load_object_from_eeprom ( wp_nav , wp_nav - > var_info ) ;
motors - > set_frame_orientation ( frame_type ) ;
motors - > Init ( ) ;
motors - > set_throttle_range ( 100 , thr_min_pwm , thr_max_pwm ) ;
motors - > set_hover_throttle ( throttle_mid ) ;
motors - > set_update_rate ( rc_speed ) ;
motors - > set_interlock ( true ) ;
pid_accel_z . set_dt ( loop_delta_t ) ;
pos_control - > set_dt ( loop_delta_t ) ;
// setup the trim of any motors used by AP_Motors so px4io
// failsafe will disable motors
mask = motors - > get_motor_mask ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + ) {
if ( mask & 1U < < i ) {
RC_Channel * ch = RC_Channel : : rc_channel ( i ) ;
if ( ch ! = nullptr ) {
ch - > radio_trim = thr_min_pwm ;
// redo failsafe mixing on px4
plane . setup_failsafe_mixing ( ) ;
# endif
transition_state = TRANSITION_DONE ;
setup_defaults ( ) ;
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " QuadPlane initialised " ) ;
initialised = true ;
return true ;
failed :
initialised = false ;
enable . set ( 0 ) ;
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " QuadPlane setup failed " ) ;
return false ;
setup default parameters from defaults_table
void QuadPlane : : setup_defaults ( void )
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( defaults_table ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! AP_Param : : set_default_by_name ( defaults_table [ i ] . name , defaults_table [ i ] . value ) ) {
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " QuadPlane setup failure for %s " ,
defaults_table [ i ] . name ) ;
AP_HAL : : panic ( " quadplane bad default %s " , defaults_table [ i ] . name ) ;
// init quadplane stabilize mode
void QuadPlane : : init_stabilize ( void )
throttle_wait = false ;
// hold in stabilize with given throttle
void QuadPlane : : hold_stabilize ( float throttle_in )
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
get_desired_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
if ( throttle_in < = 0 ) {
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
attitude_control - > set_throttle_out_unstabilized ( 0 , true , 0 ) ;
} else {
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
attitude_control - > set_throttle_out ( throttle_in , true , 0 ) ;
// quadplane stabilize mode
void QuadPlane : : control_stabilize ( void )
float pilot_throttle_scaled = plane . channel_throttle - > control_in / 100.0f ;
hold_stabilize ( pilot_throttle_scaled ) ;
// init quadplane hover mode
void QuadPlane : : init_hover ( void )
// initialize vertical speeds and leash lengths
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
// initialise position and desired velocity
pos_control - > set_alt_target ( inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) ) ;
pos_control - > set_desired_velocity_z ( inertial_nav . get_velocity_z ( ) ) ;
init_throttle_wait ( ) ;
hold hover with target climb rate
void QuadPlane : : hold_hover ( float target_climb_rate )
// motors use full range
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// initialize vertical speeds and acceleration
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
get_desired_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
// call position controller
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( target_climb_rate , plane . G_Dt , false ) ;
pos_control - > update_z_controller ( ) ;
control QHOVER mode
void QuadPlane : : control_hover ( void )
if ( throttle_wait ) {
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
attitude_control - > set_throttle_out_unstabilized ( 0 , true , 0 ) ;
pos_control - > relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0 ) ;
} else {
hold_hover ( get_pilot_desired_climb_rate_cms ( ) ) ;
void QuadPlane : : init_loiter ( void )
// set target to current position
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
// initialise position and desired velocity
pos_control - > set_alt_target ( inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) ) ;
pos_control - > set_desired_velocity_z ( inertial_nav . get_velocity_z ( ) ) ;
init_throttle_wait ( ) ;
void QuadPlane : : init_land ( void )
init_loiter ( ) ;
throttle_wait = false ;
land_state = QLAND_DESCEND ;
motors_lower_limit_start_ms = 0 ;
// helper for is_flying()
bool QuadPlane : : is_flying ( void )
if ( ! available ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( motors - > get_throttle ( ) > 0.2 & & ! motors - > limit . throttle_lower ) {
return true ;
return false ;
// crude landing detector to prevent tipover
bool QuadPlane : : should_relax ( void )
bool motor_at_lower_limit = motors - > limit . throttle_lower & & motors - > is_throttle_mix_min ( ) ;
if ( motors - > get_throttle ( ) < 0.01 ) {
motor_at_lower_limit = true ;
if ( ! motor_at_lower_limit ) {
motors_lower_limit_start_ms = 0 ;
if ( motor_at_lower_limit & & motors_lower_limit_start_ms = = 0 ) {
motors_lower_limit_start_ms = millis ( ) ;
bool relax_loiter = motors_lower_limit_start_ms ! = 0 & & ( millis ( ) - motors_lower_limit_start_ms ) > 1000 ;
return relax_loiter ;
smooth out descent rate for landing to prevent a jerk as we get to
land_final_alt .
float QuadPlane : : landing_descent_rate_cms ( float height_above_ground )
float ret = linear_interpolate ( land_speed_cms , wp_nav - > get_speed_down ( ) ,
height_above_ground ,
land_final_alt , land_final_alt + 3 ) ;
return ret ;
// run quadplane loiter controller
void QuadPlane : : control_loiter ( )
if ( throttle_wait ) {
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
attitude_control - > set_throttle_out_unstabilized ( 0 , true , 0 ) ;
pos_control - > relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0 ) ;
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
return ;
if ( should_relax ( ) ) {
wp_nav - > loiter_soften_for_landing ( ) ;
if ( millis ( ) - last_loiter_ms > 500 ) {
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
last_loiter_ms = millis ( ) ;
// motors use full range
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
// process pilot's roll and pitch input
wp_nav - > set_pilot_desired_acceleration ( plane . channel_roll - > control_in ,
plane . channel_pitch - > control_in ) ;
// Update EKF speed limit - used to limit speed when we are using optical flow
float ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ;
ahrs . getEkfControlLimits ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// run loiter controller
wp_nav - > update_loiter ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw ( wp_nav - > get_roll ( ) ,
wp_nav - > get_pitch ( ) ,
get_desired_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by loiter controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = wp_nav - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = wp_nav - > get_pitch ( ) ;
if ( plane . control_mode = = QLAND ) {
float height_above_ground ;
if ( plane . g . rangefinder_landing & & plane . rangefinder_state . in_range ) {
height_above_ground = plane . rangefinder_state . height_estimate ;
} else {
height_above_ground = plane . adjusted_relative_altitude_cm ( ) * 0.01 ;
if ( height_above_ground < land_final_alt & & land_state < QLAND_FINAL ) {
land_state = QLAND_FINAL ;
float descent_rate = ( land_state = = QLAND_FINAL ) ? land_speed_cms : landing_descent_rate_cms ( height_above_ground ) ;
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( - descent_rate , plane . G_Dt , true ) ;
check_land_complete ( ) ;
} else {
// update altitude target and call position controller
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( get_pilot_desired_climb_rate_cms ( ) , plane . G_Dt , false ) ;
pos_control - > update_z_controller ( ) ;
get pilot input yaw rate in cd / s
float QuadPlane : : get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds ( void )
if ( plane . channel_throttle - > control_in < = 0 & & ! plane . auto_throttle_mode ) {
// the user may be trying to disarm
return 0 ;
// add in rudder input
return plane . channel_rudder - > norm_input ( ) * 100 * yaw_rate_max ;
get overall desired yaw rate in cd / s
float QuadPlane : : get_desired_yaw_rate_cds ( void )
float yaw_cds = 0 ;
if ( assisted_flight ) {
// use bank angle to get desired yaw rate
yaw_cds + = desired_auto_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ;
if ( plane . channel_throttle - > control_in < = 0 & & ! plane . auto_throttle_mode ) {
// the user may be trying to disarm
return 0 ;
// add in pilot input
yaw_cds + = get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ;
return yaw_cds ;
// get pilot desired climb rate in cm/s
float QuadPlane : : get_pilot_desired_climb_rate_cms ( void )
if ( plane . failsafe . ch3_failsafe | | plane . failsafe . ch3_counter > 0 ) {
// descend at 0.5m/s for now
return - 50 ;
uint16_t dead_zone = plane . channel_throttle - > get_dead_zone ( ) ;
uint16_t trim = ( plane . channel_throttle - > radio_max + plane . channel_throttle - > radio_min ) / 2 ;
return pilot_velocity_z_max * plane . channel_throttle - > pwm_to_angle_dz_trim ( dead_zone , trim ) / 100.0f ;
initialise throttle_wait based on throttle and is_flying ( )
void QuadPlane : : init_throttle_wait ( void )
if ( plane . channel_throttle - > control_in > = 10 | |
plane . is_flying ( ) ) {
throttle_wait = false ;
} else {
throttle_wait = true ;
// set motor arming
void QuadPlane : : set_armed ( bool armed )
if ( ! initialised ) {
return ;
motors - > armed ( armed ) ;
if ( armed ) {
motors - > enable ( ) ;
estimate desired climb rate for assistance ( in cm / s )
float QuadPlane : : assist_climb_rate_cms ( void )
float climb_rate ;
if ( plane . auto_throttle_mode ) {
// use altitude_error_cm, spread over 10s interval
climb_rate = plane . altitude_error_cm / 10 ;
} else {
// otherwise estimate from pilot input
climb_rate = plane . g . flybywire_climb_rate * ( plane . nav_pitch_cd / ( float ) plane . aparm . pitch_limit_max_cd ) ;
climb_rate * = plane . channel_throttle - > control_in ;
climb_rate = constrain_float ( climb_rate , - wp_nav - > get_speed_down ( ) , wp_nav - > get_speed_up ( ) ) ;
return climb_rate ;
calculate desired yaw rate for assistance
float QuadPlane : : desired_auto_yaw_rate_cds ( void )
float aspeed ;
if ( ! ahrs . airspeed_estimate ( & aspeed ) | | aspeed < plane . aparm . airspeed_min ) {
aspeed = plane . aparm . airspeed_min ;
if ( aspeed < 1 ) {
aspeed = 1 ;
float yaw_rate = degrees ( GRAVITY_MSS * tanf ( radians ( plane . nav_roll_cd * 0.01f ) ) / aspeed ) * 100 ;
return yaw_rate ;
update for transition from quadplane to fixed wing mode
void QuadPlane : : update_transition ( void )
if ( plane . control_mode = = MANUAL | |
plane . control_mode = = ACRO | |
plane . control_mode = = TRAINING ) {
// in manual modes quad motors are always off
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SHUT_DOWN ) ;
motors - > output ( ) ;
transition_state = TRANSITION_DONE ;
return ;
float aspeed ;
bool have_airspeed = ahrs . airspeed_estimate ( & aspeed ) ;
see if we should provide some assistance
if ( have_airspeed & & aspeed < assist_speed & &
( plane . auto_throttle_mode | |
plane . channel_throttle - > control_in > 0 | |
plane . is_flying ( ) ) ) {
// the quad should provide some assistance to the plane
transition_state = TRANSITION_AIRSPEED_WAIT ;
transition_start_ms = millis ( ) ;
assisted_flight = true ;
} else {
assisted_flight = false ;
if ( transition_state < TRANSITION_TIMER ) {
// set a single loop pitch limit in TECS
plane . TECS_controller . set_pitch_max_limit ( transition_pitch_max ) ;
} else if ( transition_state < TRANSITION_DONE ) {
plane . TECS_controller . set_pitch_max_limit ( ( transition_pitch_max + 1 ) * 2 ) ;
switch ( transition_state ) {
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// we hold in hover until the required airspeed is reached
if ( transition_start_ms = = 0 ) {
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Transition airspeed wait " ) ;
transition_start_ms = millis ( ) ;
if ( have_airspeed & & aspeed > plane . aparm . airspeed_min & & ! assisted_flight ) {
transition_start_ms = millis ( ) ;
transition_state = TRANSITION_TIMER ;
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Transition airspeed reached %.1f " , ( double ) aspeed ) ;
assisted_flight = true ;
hold_hover ( assist_climb_rate_cms ( ) ) ;
attitude_control - > rate_controller_run ( ) ;
motors_output ( ) ;
last_throttle = motors - > get_throttle ( ) ;
break ;
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// after airspeed is reached we degrade throttle over the
// transition time, but continue to stabilize
if ( millis ( ) - transition_start_ms > ( unsigned ) transition_time_ms ) {
transition_state = TRANSITION_DONE ;
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Transition done " ) ;
float throttle_scaled = last_throttle * ( transition_time_ms - ( millis ( ) - transition_start_ms ) ) / ( float ) transition_time_ms ;
if ( throttle_scaled < 0 ) {
throttle_scaled = 0 ;
assisted_flight = true ;
hold_stabilize ( throttle_scaled ) ;
attitude_control - > rate_controller_run ( ) ;
motors_output ( ) ;
break ;
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SHUT_DOWN ) ;
motors - > output ( ) ;
break ;
update motor output for quadplane
void QuadPlane : : update ( void )
if ( ! setup ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( motor_test . running ) {
motor_test_output ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ! in_vtol_mode ( ) ) {
update_transition ( ) ;
} else {
assisted_flight = false ;
// run low level rate controllers
attitude_control - > rate_controller_run ( ) ;
// output to motors
motors_output ( ) ;
transition_start_ms = 0 ;
if ( throttle_wait & & ! plane . is_flying ( ) ) {
transition_state = TRANSITION_DONE ;
} else {
transition_state = TRANSITION_AIRSPEED_WAIT ;
last_throttle = motors - > get_throttle ( ) ;
// disable throttle_wait when throttle rises above 10%
if ( throttle_wait & &
( plane . channel_throttle - > control_in > 10 | |
plane . failsafe . ch3_failsafe | |
plane . failsafe . ch3_counter > 0 ) ) {
throttle_wait = false ;
output motors and do any copter needed
void QuadPlane : : motors_output ( void )
motors - > output ( ) ;
if ( motors - > armed ( ) ) {
plane . DataFlash . Log_Write_Rate ( plane . ahrs , * motors , * attitude_control , * pos_control ) ;
Log_Write_QControl_Tuning ( ) ;
update control mode for quadplane modes
void QuadPlane : : control_run ( void )
if ( ! initialised ) {
return ;
switch ( plane . control_mode ) {
control_stabilize ( ) ;
break ;
case QHOVER :
control_hover ( ) ;
break ;
case QLOITER :
case QLAND :
control_loiter ( ) ;
default :
break ;
// we also stabilize using fixed wing surfaces
float speed_scaler = plane . get_speed_scaler ( ) ;
plane . stabilize_roll ( speed_scaler ) ;
plane . stabilize_pitch ( speed_scaler ) ;
enter a quadplane mode
bool QuadPlane : : init_mode ( void )
if ( ! setup ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( ! initialised ) {
GCS_MAVLINK : : send_statustext_all ( MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL , " QuadPlane mode refused " ) ;
return false ;
switch ( plane . control_mode ) {
init_stabilize ( ) ;
break ;
case QHOVER :
init_hover ( ) ;
break ;
case QLOITER :
init_loiter ( ) ;
break ;
case QLAND :
init_land ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return true ;
bool QuadPlane : : handle_do_vtol_transition ( const mavlink_command_long_t & packet )
if ( ! available ( ) ) {
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE , " VTOL not available " ) ;
if ( plane . control_mode ! = AUTO ) {
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE , " VTOL transition only in AUTO " ) ;
switch ( ( uint8_t ) packet . param1 ) {
if ( ! plane . auto_state . vtol_mode ) {
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE , " Entered VTOL mode " ) ;
plane . auto_state . vtol_mode = true ;
if ( plane . auto_state . vtol_mode ) {
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE , " Exited VTOL mode " ) ;
plane . auto_state . vtol_mode = false ;
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE , " Invalid VTOL mode " ) ;
are we in a VTOL auto state ?
bool QuadPlane : : in_vtol_auto ( void )
if ( ! enable | | plane . control_mode ! = AUTO ) {
return false ;
if ( plane . auto_state . vtol_mode ) {
return true ;
switch ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id ) {
return true ;
default :
return false ;
are we in a VTOL mode ?
bool QuadPlane : : in_vtol_mode ( void )
if ( ! enable ) {
return false ;
return ( plane . control_mode = = QSTABILIZE | |
plane . control_mode = = QHOVER | |
plane . control_mode = = QLOITER | |
plane . control_mode = = QLAND | |
in_vtol_auto ( ) ) ;
handle auto - mode when auto_state . vtol_mode is true
void QuadPlane : : control_auto ( const Location & loc )
if ( ! setup ( ) ) {
return ;
motors - > set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
Location origin = inertial_nav . get_origin ( ) ;
Vector2f diff2d ;
Vector3f target ;
diff2d = location_diff ( origin , loc ) ;
target . x = diff2d . x * 100 ;
target . y = diff2d . y * 100 ;
target . z = loc . alt - origin . alt ;
if ( ! locations_are_same ( loc , last_auto_target ) | |
loc . alt ! = last_auto_target . alt | |
millis ( ) - last_loiter_ms > 500 ) {
wp_nav - > set_wp_destination ( target ) ;
last_auto_target = loc ;
last_loiter_ms = millis ( ) ;
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
if ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id = = MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF ) {
for takeoff we need to use the loiter controller wpnav controller takes over the descent rate
float ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ;
ahrs . getEkfControlLimits ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// run loiter controller
wp_nav - > update_loiter ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by position controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = pos_control - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = pos_control - > get_pitch ( ) ;
} else if ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id = = MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND & &
land_state > = QLAND_FINAL ) {
for land - final we use the loiter controller
float ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ;
ahrs . getEkfControlLimits ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// run loiter controller
wp_nav - > update_loiter ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by position controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = pos_control - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = pos_control - > get_pitch ( ) ;
} else if ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id = = MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND & &
land_state = = QLAND_POSITION1 ) {
Vector2f diff_wp = location_diff ( plane . current_loc , loc ) ;
if ( land . speed_scale < = 0 ) {
// initialise scaling so we start off targeting our
// current linear speed towards the target. If this is
// less than the wpnav speed then the wpnav speed is used
// land_speed_scale is then used to linearly change
// velocity as we approach the waypoint, aiming for zero
// speed at the waypoint
Vector2f groundspeed = ahrs . groundspeed_vector ( ) ;
// newdiff is the delta to our target if we keep going for one second
Vector2f newdiff = diff_wp - groundspeed ;
// speed towards target is the change in distance to target over one second
float speed_towards_target = diff_wp . length ( ) - newdiff . length ( ) ;
// setup land_speed_scale so at current distance we maintain speed towards target, and slow down as
// we approach
float distance = diff_wp . length ( ) ;
land . speed_scale = MAX ( speed_towards_target , wp_nav - > get_speed_xy ( ) * 0.01 ) / MAX ( distance , 1 ) ;
// run fixed wing navigation
plane . nav_controller - > update_waypoint ( plane . prev_WP_loc , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
calculate target velocity , not dropping it below 2 m / s
const float final_speed = 2.0f ;
Vector2f target_speed = diff_wp * land . speed_scale ;
if ( target_speed . length ( ) < final_speed ) {
target_speed = target_speed . normalized ( ) * final_speed ;
pos_control - > set_desired_velocity_xy ( target_speed . x * 100 ,
target_speed . y * 100 ) ;
float ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ;
ahrs . getEkfControlLimits ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
pos_control - > update_vel_controller_xyz ( ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
const Vector3f & curr_pos = inertial_nav . get_position ( ) ;
pos_control - > set_xy_target ( curr_pos . x , curr_pos . y ) ;
pos_control - > freeze_ff_xy ( ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by position controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = pos_control - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = pos_control - > get_pitch ( ) ;
limit the pitch down with an expanding envelope . This
prevents the velocity controller demanding nose down during
the initial slowdown if the target velocity curve is higher
than the actual velocity curve ( for a high drag
aircraft ) . Nose down will cause a lot of downforce on the
wings which will draw a lot of current and also cause the
aircraft to lose altitude rapidly .
float pitch_limit_cd = linear_interpolate ( - 300 , plane . aparm . pitch_limit_min_cd ,
plane . auto_state . wp_proportion , 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( plane . nav_pitch_cd < pitch_limit_cd ) {
plane . nav_pitch_cd = pitch_limit_cd ;
// tell the pos controller we have limited the pitch to
// stop integrator buildup
pos_control - > set_limit_accel_xy ( ) ;
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
desired_auto_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
if ( plane . auto_state . wp_proportion > = 1 | |
plane . auto_state . wp_distance < 5 ) {
land_state = QLAND_POSITION2 ;
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
plane . gcs_send_text_fmt ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Land position2 started v=%.1f d=%.1f " ,
ahrs . groundspeed ( ) , plane . auto_state . wp_distance ) ;
} else if ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id = = MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND ) {
for final land repositioning and descent we run the loiter controller
// also run fixed wing navigation
plane . nav_controller - > update_waypoint ( plane . prev_WP_loc , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
pos_control - > set_xy_target ( target . x , target . y ) ;
float ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ;
ahrs . getEkfControlLimits ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// run loiter controller
wp_nav - > update_loiter ( ekfGndSpdLimit , ekfNavVelGainScaler ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by position controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = wp_nav - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = wp_nav - > get_pitch ( ) ;
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth ( plane . nav_roll_cd ,
plane . nav_pitch_cd ,
get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds ( ) ,
smoothing_gain ) ;
} else {
this is full copter control of auto flight
// run wpnav controller
wp_nav - > update_wpnav ( ) ;
// call attitude controller
attitude_control - > input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw ( wp_nav - > get_roll ( ) ,
wp_nav - > get_pitch ( ) ,
wp_nav - > get_yaw ( ) ,
true ) ;
// nav roll and pitch are controller by loiter controller
plane . nav_roll_cd = wp_nav - > get_roll ( ) ;
plane . nav_pitch_cd = wp_nav - > get_pitch ( ) ;
switch ( plane . mission . get_current_nav_cmd ( ) . id ) {
if ( land_state < = QLAND_POSITION2 ) {
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( 0 , plane . G_Dt , false ) ;
} else if ( land_state > QLAND_POSITION2 & & land_state < QLAND_FINAL ) {
float height_above_ground = ( plane . current_loc . alt - plane . next_WP_loc . alt ) * 0.01 ;
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( - landing_descent_rate_cms ( height_above_ground ) ,
plane . G_Dt , true ) ;
} else {
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( - land_speed_cms , plane . G_Dt , true ) ;
break ;
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( 100 , plane . G_Dt , true ) ;
break ;
default :
pos_control - > set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( assist_climb_rate_cms ( ) , plane . G_Dt , false ) ;
break ;
pos_control - > update_z_controller ( ) ;
start a VTOL takeoff
bool QuadPlane : : do_vtol_takeoff ( const AP_Mission : : Mission_Command & cmd )
if ( ! setup ( ) ) {
return false ;
plane . set_next_WP ( cmd . content . location ) ;
plane . next_WP_loc . alt = plane . current_loc . alt + cmd . content . location . alt ;
throttle_wait = false ;
// set target to current position
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
pos_control - > set_speed_z ( - pilot_velocity_z_max , pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control - > set_accel_z ( pilot_accel_z ) ;
// initialise position and desired velocity
pos_control - > set_alt_target ( inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) ) ;
pos_control - > set_desired_velocity_z ( inertial_nav . get_velocity_z ( ) ) ;
// also update nav_controller for status output
plane . nav_controller - > update_waypoint ( plane . prev_WP_loc , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
return true ;
start a VTOL landing
bool QuadPlane : : do_vtol_land ( const AP_Mission : : Mission_Command & cmd )
if ( ! setup ( ) ) {
return false ;
attitude_control - > get_rate_roll_pid ( ) . reset_I ( ) ;
attitude_control - > get_rate_pitch_pid ( ) . reset_I ( ) ;
attitude_control - > get_rate_yaw_pid ( ) . reset_I ( ) ;
pid_accel_z . reset_I ( ) ;
pi_vel_xy . reset_I ( ) ;
plane . set_next_WP ( cmd . content . location ) ;
// initially aim for current altitude
plane . next_WP_loc . alt = plane . current_loc . alt ;
land_state = QLAND_POSITION1 ;
land . speed_scale = 0 ;
wp_nav - > init_loiter_target ( ) ;
throttle_wait = false ;
land . yaw_cd = get_bearing_cd ( plane . prev_WP_loc , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
motors_lower_limit_start_ms = 0 ;
Location origin = inertial_nav . get_origin ( ) ;
Vector2f diff2d ;
Vector3f target ;
diff2d = location_diff ( origin , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
target . x = diff2d . x * 100 ;
target . y = diff2d . y * 100 ;
target . z = plane . next_WP_loc . alt - origin . alt ;
pos_control - > set_alt_target ( inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) ) ;
// also update nav_controller for status output
plane . nav_controller - > update_waypoint ( plane . prev_WP_loc , plane . next_WP_loc ) ;
return true ;
check if a VTOL takeoff has completed
bool QuadPlane : : verify_vtol_takeoff ( const AP_Mission : : Mission_Command & cmd )
if ( ! available ( ) ) {
return true ;
if ( plane . current_loc . alt < plane . next_WP_loc . alt ) {
return false ;
transition_state = TRANSITION_AIRSPEED_WAIT ;
plane . TECS_controller . set_pitch_max_limit ( transition_pitch_max ) ;
return true ;
void QuadPlane : : check_land_complete ( void )
if ( land_state = = QLAND_FINAL & &
( motors_lower_limit_start_ms ! = 0 & &
millis ( ) - motors_lower_limit_start_ms > 5000 ) ) {
plane . disarm_motors ( ) ;
land_state = QLAND_COMPLETE ;
plane . gcs_send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Land complete " ) ;
check if a VTOL landing has completed
bool QuadPlane : : verify_vtol_land ( const AP_Mission : : Mission_Command & cmd )
if ( ! available ( ) ) {
return true ;
if ( land_state = = QLAND_POSITION2 & &
plane . auto_state . wp_distance < 2 ) {
land_state = QLAND_DESCEND ;
plane . gcs_send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Land descend started " ) ;
plane . set_next_WP ( cmd . content . location ) ;
if ( should_relax ( ) ) {
wp_nav - > loiter_soften_for_landing ( ) ;
// at land_final_alt begin final landing
if ( land_state = = QLAND_DESCEND & &
plane . current_loc . alt < plane . next_WP_loc . alt + land_final_alt * 100 ) {
land_state = QLAND_FINAL ;
pos_control - > set_alt_target ( inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) ) ;
plane . gcs_send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Land final started " ) ;
check_land_complete ( ) ;
return false ;
// Write a control tuning packet
void QuadPlane : : Log_Write_QControl_Tuning ( )
const Vector3f & desired_velocity = pos_control - > get_desired_velocity ( ) ;
const Vector3f & accel_target = pos_control - > get_accel_target ( ) ;
struct log_QControl_Tuning pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL : : micros64 ( ) ,
angle_boost : attitude_control - > angle_boost ( ) ,
throttle_out : motors - > get_throttle ( ) ,
desired_alt : pos_control - > get_alt_target ( ) / 100.0f ,
inav_alt : inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) / 100.0f ,
baro_alt : ( int32_t ) plane . barometer . get_altitude ( ) * 100 ,
desired_climb_rate : ( int16_t ) pos_control - > get_vel_target_z ( ) ,
climb_rate : ( int16_t ) inertial_nav . get_velocity_z ( ) ,
dvx : desired_velocity . x * 0.01f ,
dvy : desired_velocity . y * 0.01f ,
dax : accel_target . x * 0.01f ,
day : accel_target . y * 0.01f ,
} ;
plane . DataFlash . WriteBlock ( & pkt , sizeof ( pkt ) ) ;