155 lines
6.4 KiB
155 lines
6.4 KiB
5 years ago
#compdef sim_vehicle.py
local temp_word
local cur cword prev
_sim_vehicle() {
typeset -A opt_args
local context state state_descr line curcontext="$curcontext"
_arguments -C -A -s -S \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[show help options and exit]' \
'(-j --jobs)'{-j,--jobs}'[number of processors to use during build]:int:' \
'(-N --no-rebuild)'{-N,--no-rebuild}'[do not rebuild before starting ardupilot]' \
'(-D --debug)'{-D,--debug}'[build with debugging]' \
'(-c --clean)'{-c,--clean}'[do a make clean before building]' \
'(-I --instance=)'{-I,--instance=}'[instance of simulator]:int:' \
'(-V --valgrind)'{-V,--valgrind}'[enable valgrind for memory access checking (slow!)]' \
'--callgrind[enable valgrind for performance analysis (slow!!)]' \
'(-T --tracker)'{-T,--tracker}'[start an antenna tracker instance]' \
'(-A --sitl-instance-args)'{-A,--sitl-instance-args}'[pass arguments to SITL instance]:SITL_INSTANCE_ARGS:' \
'(-G --gdb)'{-G,--gdb}'[use gdb for debugging ardupilot]' \
'(-g --gdb-stopped)'{-g,--gdb-stopped}'[use gdb for debugging ardupilot (no auto-start)]' \
'--lldb[use lldb for debugging ardupilot]' \
'--lldb-stopped[use ldb for debugging ardupilot (no auto-start)]' \
'(-d --delay-start=)'{-d,--delay-start=}'[delay start of mavproxy by this number of seconds]:int:' \
'(-B --breakpoint=)'{-B,--breakpoint=}'[add a breakpoint at given location in debugger]:LOCATION:' \
'(-M --mavlink-gimbal)'{-M,--mavlink-gimbal}'[enable MAVLink gimbal]' \
'(-L --location=)'{-L,--location=}'[use start location from Tools/autotest/locations.txt]:LOCATION:' \
'(-l --custom-location=)'{-l,--custom-location=}'[set custom start location (lat,lon,alt,heading)]:LOCATION:' \
'(-S --speedup=)'{-S,--speedup=}'[set simulation speedup (1 for wall clock time)]:SPEEDUP:' \
'(-t --tracker-location=)'{-t,--tracker-location=}'[set antenna tracker start location]:TRACKER_LOCATION:' \
'(-w --wipe-eeprom)'{-w,--wipe-eeprom}'[wipe EEPROM and reload parameters]' \
'(-m --mavproxy-args=)'{-m,--mavproxy-args=}'[additional arguments to pass to mavproxy.py]:MAVPROXY_ARGS:' \
'--strace[strace the ArduPilot binary]' \
'--model=[Override simulation model to use]:MODEL:' \
'--use-dir=[Store SITL state and output in named directory]:DIR:' \
'--no-mavproxy[Do notlaunch MAVProxy]' \
'--fresh-params[Generate and use local parameter help XML]' \
'--mcast[Use multicasting at default]' \
'--osd[Enable SITL OSD]' \
'--tonealarm[Enable SITL ToneAlarm]' \
'--rgbled[Enable SITL RGBLed]' \
'--add-param-file=[Add a parameters file to use]:ADD_PARAM_FILE:' \
'--no-extra-ports[Disable setup of UDP 14550 and 14551 output]' \
'(-Z --swarm=)'{-Z,--swarm=}'[Specify path of swarminit.txt for shifting spawn
location]:SWARM:' \
'--flash-storage[enable use of flash storage emulation]' \
'--out=[create an additional mavlink output]:OUT:' \
'--map[load map module on startup]' \
'--console[load console module on startup]' \
'--aircraft=[store state and logs in named directory]:AIRCRAFT:' \
'--moddebug=[mavproxy module debug]:int:' \
'(-v --vehicle)'{-v,--vehicle}'[vehicle type]:vehicle:_sim_vehicle_vehicles' \
'(-f --frame)'{-f,--frame}'[set vehicle frame type]:frame:_copter_frames' \
&& ret=0
# TODO : generate with regex from sim_vehicle help
(( $+functions[_sim_vehicle_vehicles] )) ||
_sim_vehicle_vehicles() {
local vehicles; vehicles=(
'ArduCopter:Copter type' \
'AntennaTracker:Tracker type' \
'APMrover2:Rover type' \
'ArduSub:Sub type' \
'ArduPlane:Plane type'
_describe -t vehicles 'vehicle' vehicles "$@" && ret=0
# TODO : generate with regex from sim_vehicle help
(( $+functions[_copter_frames] )) ||
_copter_frames() {
while ( $search_vehicle || $local_current -eq 0 )
case $words[$local_current] in
("ArduCopter" | "AntennaTracker" | "APMrover2" | "ArduSub" | "ArduPlane")
local_current=$(( $local_current - 1 ))
local frames;
case $vehicle in
'+:Copter type +' \
'X:Copter type X' \
'airsim-copter:Copter for AirSim' \
'coaxcopter:Copter type Coaxial' \
'djix:Copter type DJI X' \
'dodeca-hexa:Copter type Dodeca-hexa' \
'gazebo-iris:Copter type iris for Gazebo' \
'heli:Heli' \
'heli-compound:Heli with compound' \
'heli-dual:Dual Heli' \
'hexa:Copter type hexa' \
'octa:Copter type octa' \
'octa-quad:Copter type octa-quad' \
'quad:Copter type quad' \
'scrimmage-copter:Copter for scrimmage' \
'singlecopter:Copter type singlecopter' \
'tri:Copter type tri' \
'y6:Copter type y6' \
'balancebot:Balance Bot' \
'gazebo-rover:Rover for Gazebo' \
'rover:Rover type ackerman' \
'rover-skid:Rover type skidsteering' \
'sailboat:Boat type sailboat' \
'sailboat-motor:Boat type sailboat with motor' \
'balancebot:Balance Bot' \
'gazebo-bluerov2:Sub for Gazebo' \
'vectored:Sub vectored' \
'tracker:Antenna Tracker' \
'CRRCSim:Plane for CRRCSim' \
'gazebo-zephyr:Plane for Gazebo' \
'jsbsim:Plane for jsbsim' \
'plane:Plane type plane' \
'plane-dspoilers:Plane with dspoilers' \
'plane-elevon:Plane with elevon' \
'plane-jet:Plane type jet' \
'plane-tailsitter:Plane type tailsitter' \
'plane-vtailjet:Plane type vtail' \
'quadplane:Plane type quadplane' \
'quadplane-cl84:Plane type quadplane-cl84' \
'quadplane-tilttrivec:Plane type quadplane-tilttrivec' \
'quadplane-tri:Plane type quadplane-tri' \
'scrimmage-plane:Plane for scrimmage' \
_describe -t frames 'frame' frames "$@" && ret=0
_sim_vehicle "$@"