/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
static int
get_stabilize_roll(int32_t target_angle)
int32_t error;
int32_t rate;
error = wrap_180(target_angle - dcm.roll_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
error = constrain(error, -2500, 2500);
// desired Rate:
rate = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%d\t%d\t%d ", (int)target_angle, (int)error, (int)rate);
#if FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME // cannot use rate control for helicopters
// Rate P:
error = rate - (degrees(omega.x) * 100.0);
rate = g.pi_rate_roll.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%d\t%d\n", (int)error, (int)rate);
// output control:
return (int)constrain(rate, -2500, 2500);
static int
get_stabilize_pitch(int32_t target_angle)
int32_t error;
int32_t rate;
error = wrap_180(target_angle - dcm.pitch_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
error = constrain(error, -2500, 2500);
// desired Rate:
rate = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%d\t%d\t%d ", (int)target_angle, (int)error, (int)rate);
#if FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME // cannot use rate control for helicopters
// Rate P:
error = rate - (degrees(omega.y) * 100.0);
rate = g.pi_rate_pitch.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%d\t%d\n", (int)error, (int)rate);
// output control:
return (int)constrain(rate, -2500, 2500);
#define YAW_ERROR_MAX 2000
static int
get_stabilize_yaw(int32_t target_angle)
int32_t error;
int32_t rate;
yaw_error = wrap_180(target_angle - dcm.yaw_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
yaw_error = constrain(yaw_error, -YAW_ERROR_MAX, YAW_ERROR_MAX);
rate = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_pi(yaw_error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%u\t%d\t%d\t", (int)target_angle, (int)error, (int)rate);
#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // cannot use rate control for helicopters
if( ! g.heli_ext_gyro_enabled ) {
// Rate P:
error = rate - (degrees(omega.z) * 100.0);
rate = g.pi_rate_yaw.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
// output control:
return (int)constrain(rate, -4500, 4500);
// Rate P:
error = rate - (degrees(omega.z) * 100.0);
rate = g.pi_rate_yaw.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
//Serial.printf("%d\t%d\n", (int)error, (int)rate);
// output control:
return (int)constrain(rate, -2500, 2500);
#define ALT_ERROR_MAX 300
static int
get_nav_throttle(int32_t z_error)
bool calc_i = (abs(z_error) < ALT_ERROR_MAX);
// limit error to prevent I term run up
z_error = constrain(z_error, -ALT_ERROR_MAX, ALT_ERROR_MAX);
int rate_error = g.pi_alt_hold.get_pi(z_error, .1, calc_i); //_p = .85
rate_error = rate_error - climb_rate;
// limit the rate
return constrain((int)g.pi_throttle.get_pi(rate_error, .1), -120, 180);
static int
get_rate_roll(int32_t target_rate)
int32_t error = (target_rate * 3.5) - (degrees(omega.x) * 100.0);
return g.pi_acro_roll.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
static int
get_rate_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
int32_t error = (target_rate * 3.5) - (degrees(omega.y) * 100.0);
return g.pi_acro_pitch.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
static int
get_rate_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
int32_t error;
error = (target_rate * 4.5) - (degrees(omega.z) * 100.0);
target_rate = g.pi_rate_yaw.get_pi(error, G_Dt);
// output control:
return (int)constrain(target_rate, -2500, 2500);
// Zeros out navigation Integrators if we are changing mode, have passed a waypoint, etc.
// Keeps outdated data out of our calculations
static void reset_hold_I(void)
// Zeros out navigation Integrators if we are changing mode, have passed a waypoint, etc.
// Keeps outdated data out of our calculations
static void reset_nav(void)
nav_throttle = 0;
invalid_throttle = true;
circle_angle = 0;
crosstrack_error = 0;
nav_lat = 0;
nav_lon = 0;
nav_roll = 0;
nav_pitch = 0;
target_bearing = 0;
wp_distance = 0;
wp_totalDistance = 0;
long_error = 0;
lat_error = 0;
throttle control
static long
get_nav_yaw_offset(int yaw_input, int reset)
int32_t _yaw;
if(reset == 0){
// we are on the ground
return dcm.yaw_sensor;
// re-define nav_yaw if we have stick input
if(yaw_input != 0){
// set nav_yaw + or - the current location
_yaw = yaw_input + dcm.yaw_sensor;
// we need to wrap our value so we can be 0 to 360 (*100)
return wrap_360(_yaw);
// no stick input, lets not change nav_yaw
return nav_yaw;
static int get_angle_boost(int value)
float temp = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
temp = 1.0 - constrain(temp, .5, 1.0);
return (int)(temp * value);
// Accelerometer Z dampening by Aurelio R. Ramos
// ---------------------------------------------
// contains G and any other DC offset
static float estimatedAccelOffset = 0;
// state
static float synVelo = 0;
static float synPos = 0;
static float synPosFiltered = 0;
static float posError = 0;
static float prevSensedPos = 0;
// tuning for dead reckoning
static const float dt_50hz = 0.02;
static float synPosP = 10 * dt_50hz;
static float synPosI = 15 * dt_50hz;
static float synVeloP = 1.5 * dt_50hz;
static float maxVeloCorrection = 5 * dt_50hz;
static float maxSensedVelo = 1;
static float synPosFilter = 0.5;
#define NUM_G_SAMPLES 200
// Z damping term.
static float fullDampP = 0.100;
float get_world_Z_accel()
Vector3f accels_rot = dcm.get_dcm_matrix() * imu.get_accel();
return accels_rot.z;
static void init_z_damper()
estimatedAccelOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_G_SAMPLES; i++){
estimatedAccelOffset += get_world_Z_accel();
estimatedAccelOffset /= (float)NUM_G_SAMPLES;
float dead_reckon_Z(float sensedPos, float sensedAccel)
// the following algorithm synthesizes position and velocity from
// a noisy altitude and accelerometer data.
// synthesize uncorrected velocity by integrating acceleration
synVelo += (sensedAccel - estimatedAccelOffset) * dt_50hz;
// synthesize uncorrected position by integrating uncorrected velocity
synPos += synVelo * dt_50hz;
// filter synPos, the better this filter matches the filtering and dead time
// of the sensed position, the less the position estimate will lag.
synPosFiltered = synPosFiltered * (1 - synPosFilter) + synPos * synPosFilter;
// calculate error against sensor position
posError = sensedPos - synPosFiltered;
// correct altitude
synPos += synPosP * posError;
// correct integrated velocity by posError
synVelo = synVelo + constrain(posError, -maxVeloCorrection, maxVeloCorrection) * synPosI;
// correct integrated velocity by the sensed position delta in a small proportion
// (i.e., the low frequency of the delta)
float sensedVelo = (sensedPos - prevSensedPos) / dt_50hz;
synVelo += constrain(sensedVelo - synVelo, -maxSensedVelo, maxSensedVelo) * synVeloP;
prevSensedPos = sensedPos;
return synVelo;
static int get_z_damping()
float sensedAccel = get_world_Z_accel();
float sensedPos = current_loc.alt / 100.0;
float synVelo = dead_reckon_Z(sensedPos, sensedAccel);
return constrain(fullDampP * synVelo * (-1), -300, 300);
static int get_z_damping()
return 0;