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#ifndef AP_DCM_h
#define AP_DCM_h
#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "WProgram.h"
#include <APM_Compass.h>
#include <AP_ADC.h>
#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_IMU.h>
class AP_DCM
// Constructors
AP_DCM(AP_IMU *imu, GPS *gps) :
_dcm_matrix(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1),
AP_DCM(AP_IMU *imu, GPS *gps, APM_Compass_Class *withCompass) :
_dcm_matrix(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1),
// Accessors
Vector3f get_gyro(void);
Vector3f get_accel(void);
Matrix3f get_dcm_matrix(void);
void set_centrifugal(bool b);
// Methods
void update_DCM(float _G_Dt);
long roll_sensor; // Degrees * 100
long pitch_sensor; // Degrees * 100
long yaw_sensor; // Degrees * 100
float roll; // Radians
float pitch; // Radians
float yaw; // Radians
uint8_t gyro_sat_count;
uint8_t renorm_sqrt_count;
uint8_t renorm_blowup_count;
// Methods
void read_adc_raw(void);
void accel_adjust(void);
float read_adc(int select);
void matrix_update(float _G_Dt);
void normalize(void);
Vector3f renorm(Vector3f const &a, int &problem);
void drift_correction(void);
void euler_angles(void);
// members
APM_Compass_Class * _compass;
GPS * _gps;
AP_IMU * _imu;
Matrix3f _dcm_matrix;
Vector3f _accel_vector; // Store the acceleration in a vector
Vector3f _gyro_vector; // Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
Vector3f _omega_P; // Omega Proportional correction
Vector3f _omega_I; // Omega Integrator correction
Vector3f _omega_integ_corr; // Partially corrected Gyro_Vector data - used for centrepetal correction
Vector3f _omega; // Corrected Gyro_Vector data
Vector3f _error_roll_pitch;
Vector3f _error_yaw;
float _errorCourse;
float _course_over_ground_x; // Course overground X axis
float _course_over_ground_y; // Course overground Y axis
bool _centrifugal;