# include "Copter.h"
// times in 0.1s units
# define TOY_ACTION_DELAY_MS 200
const AP_Param : : GroupInfo ToyMode : : var_info [ ] = {
// @Param: _ENABLE
// @DisplayName: tmode enable
// @Description: tmode (or "toy" mode) gives a simplified user interface designed for mass market drones. Version1 is for the SkyViper V2450GPS. Version2 is for the F412 based boards
// @Values: 0:Disabled,1:EnableVersion1,2:EnableVersion2
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO_FLAGS ( " _ENABLE " , 1 , ToyMode , enable , 0 , AP_PARAM_FLAG_ENABLE ) ,
// @Param: _MODE1
// @DisplayName: Tmode first mode
// @Description: This is the initial mode when the vehicle is first turned on. This mode is assumed to not require GPS
// @Values: 0:Stabilize,1:Acro,2:AltHold,3:Auto,4:Guided,5:Loiter,6:RTL,7:Circle,9:Land,11:Drift,13:Sport,14:Flip,15:AutoTune,16:PosHold,17:Brake,18:Throw,19:Avoid_ADSB,20:Guided_NoGPS,21:FlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _MODE1 " , 2 , ToyMode , primary_mode [ 0 ] , ALT_HOLD ) ,
// @Param: _MODE2
// @DisplayName: Tmode second mode
// @Description: This is the secondary mode. This mode is assumed to require GPS
// @Values: 0:Stabilize,1:Acro,2:AltHold,3:Auto,4:Guided,5:Loiter,6:RTL,7:Circle,9:Land,11:Drift,13:Sport,14:Flip,15:AutoTune,16:PosHold,17:Brake,18:Throw,19:Avoid_ADSB,20:Guided_NoGPS,21:FlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _MODE2 " , 3 , ToyMode , primary_mode [ 1 ] , LOITER ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION1
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 1
// @Description: This is the action taken for the left action button
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION1 " , 4 , ToyMode , actions [ 0 ] , ACTION_TOGGLE_VIDEO ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION2
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 2
// @Description: This is the action taken for the right action button
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION2 " , 5 , ToyMode , actions [ 1 ] , ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION3
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 3
// @Description: This is the action taken for the power button
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION3 " , 6 , ToyMode , actions [ 2 ] , ACTION_DISARM ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION4
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 4
// @Description: This is the action taken for the left action button while the mode button is pressed
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION4 " , 7 , ToyMode , actions [ 3 ] , ACTION_NONE ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION5
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 5
// @Description: This is the action taken for the right action button while the mode button is pressed
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION5 " , 8 , ToyMode , actions [ 4 ] , ACTION_NONE ) ,
// @Param: _ACTION6
// @DisplayName: Tmode action 6
// @Description: This is the action taken for the power button while the mode button is pressed
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _ACTION6 " , 9 , ToyMode , actions [ 5 ] , ACTION_NONE ) ,
// @Param: _LEFT
// @DisplayName: Tmode left action
// @Description: This is the action taken for the left button (mode button) being pressed
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _LEFT " , 10 , ToyMode , actions [ 6 ] , ACTION_TOGGLE_MODE ) ,
// @Param: _LEFT_LONG
// @DisplayName: Tmode left long action
// @Description: This is the action taken for a long press of the left button (home button)
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest,24:ModeFlowHold
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _LEFT_LONG " , 11 , ToyMode , actions [ 7 ] , ACTION_NONE ) ,
// @Param: _TRIM_AUTO
// @DisplayName: Stick auto trim limit
// @Description: This is the amount of automatic stick trim that can be applied when disarmed with sticks not moving. It is a PWM limit value away from 1500
// @Range: 0 100
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _TRIM_AUTO " , 12 , ToyMode , trim_auto , 50 ) ,
// @Param: _RIGHT
// @DisplayName: Tmode right action
// @Description: This is the action taken for the right button (RTL) being pressed
// @Values: 0:None,1:TakePhoto,2:ToggleVideo,3:ModeAcro,4:ModeAltHold,5:ModeAuto,6:ModeLoiter,7:ModeRTL,8:ModeCircle,9:ModeLand,10:ModeDrift,11:ModeSport,12:ModeAutoTune,13:ModePosHold,14:ModeBrake,15:ModeThrow,16:Flip,17:ModeStabilize,18:Disarm,19:ToggleMode,20:Arm-Land-RTL,21:ToggleSimpleMode,22:ToggleSuperSimpleMode,23:MotorLoadTest
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _RIGHT " , 13 , ToyMode , actions [ 8 ] , ACTION_ARM_LAND_RTL ) ,
// @Param: _FLAGS
// @DisplayName: Tmode flags
// @Description: Bitmask of flags to change the behaviour of tmode. DisarmOnLowThrottle means to disarm if throttle is held down for 1 second when landed. ArmOnHighThrottle means to arm if throttle is above 80% for 1 second. UpgradeToLoiter means to allow takeoff in LOITER mode by switching to ALT_HOLD, then auto-upgrading to LOITER once GPS is available. RTLStickCancel means that on large stick inputs in RTL mode that LOITER mode is engaged
// @Bitmask: 0:DisarmOnLowThrottle,1:ArmOnHighThrottle,2:UpgradeToLoiter,3:RTLStickCancel
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _FLAGS " , 14 , ToyMode , flags , FLAG_THR_DISARM ) ,
// @Param: _VMIN
// @DisplayName: Min voltage for output limiting
// @Description: This is the battery voltage below which no output limiting is done
// @Range: 0 5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _VMIN " , 15 , ToyMode , filter . volt_min , 3.5 ) ,
// @Param: _VMAX
// @DisplayName: Max voltage for output limiting
// @Description: This is the battery voltage above which thrust min is used
// @Range: 0 5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _VMAX " , 16 , ToyMode , filter . volt_max , 3.8 ) ,
// @Param: _TMIN
// @DisplayName: Min thrust multiplier
// @Description: This sets the thrust multiplier when voltage is high
// @Range: 0 1
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _TMIN " , 17 , ToyMode , filter . thrust_min , 1.0 ) ,
// @Param: _TMAX
// @DisplayName: Max thrust multiplier
// @Description: This sets the thrust multiplier when voltage is low
// @Range: 0 1
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _TMAX " , 18 , ToyMode , filter . thrust_max , 1.0 ) ,
// @Param: _LOAD_MUL
// @DisplayName: Load test multiplier
// @Description: This scales the load test output, as a value between 0 and 1
// @Range: 0 1
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _LOAD_MUL " , 19 , ToyMode , load_test . load_mul , 1.0 ) ,
// @Param: _LOAD_FILT
// @DisplayName: Load test filter
// @Description: This filters the load test output. A value of 1 means no filter. 2 means values are repeated once. 3 means values are repeated 3 times, etc
// @Range: 0 100
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _LOAD_FILT " , 20 , ToyMode , load_test . load_filter , 1 ) ,
// @Param: _LOAD_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Load test type
// @Description: This sets the type of load test
// @Values: 0:ConstantThrust,1:LogReplay1,2:LogReplay2
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO ( " _LOAD_TYPE " , 21 , ToyMode , load_test . load_type , LOAD_TYPE_LOG1 ) ,
# endif
} ;
ToyMode : : ToyMode ( )
AP_Param : : setup_object_defaults ( this , var_info ) ;
special mode handling for toys
void ToyMode : : update ( )
if ( ! enable ) {
// not enabled
return ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
load_test . running = false ;
# endif
// keep filtered battery voltage for thrust limiting
filtered_voltage = 0.99 * filtered_voltage + 0.01 * copter . battery . voltage ( ) ;
// update LEDs
blink_update ( ) ;
if ( ! done_first_update ) {
done_first_update = true ;
copter . set_mode ( control_mode_t ( primary_mode [ 0 ] . get ( ) ) , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
copter . motors - > set_thrust_compensation_callback ( FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER ( & ToyMode : : thrust_limiting , void , float * , uint8_t ) ) ;
// check if we should auto-trim
if ( trim_auto > 0 ) {
trim_update ( ) ;
// set ALT_HOLD as indoors for the EKF (disables GPS vertical velocity fusion)
#if 0
copter . ahrs . set_indoor_mode ( copter . control_mode = = ALT_HOLD | | copter . control_mode = = FLOWHOLD ) ;
# endif
bool left_button = false ;
bool right_button = false ;
bool left_action_button = false ;
bool right_action_button = false ;
bool power_button = false ;
bool left_change = false ;
uint16_t ch5_in = hal . rcin - > read ( CH_5 ) ;
uint16_t ch6_in = hal . rcin - > read ( CH_6 ) ;
uint16_t ch7_in = hal . rcin - > read ( CH_7 ) ;
if ( copter . failsafe . radio | | ch5_in < 900 ) {
// failsafe handling is outside the scope of toy mode, it does
// normal failsafe actions, just setup a blink pattern
green_blink_pattern = BLINK_NO_RX ;
red_blink_pattern = BLINK_NO_RX ;
red_blink_index = green_blink_index ;
return ;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( is_v2450_buttons ( ) ) {
// V2450 button mapping from cypress radio. It maps the
// buttons onto channels 5, 6 and 7 in a complex way, with the
// left button latching
left_change = ( ( ch5_in > 1700 & & last_ch5 < = 1700 ) | | ( ch5_in < = 1700 & & last_ch5 > 1700 ) ) ;
last_ch5 = ch5_in ;
// get buttons from channels
left_button = ( ch5_in > 2050 | | ( ch5_in > 1050 & & ch5_in < 1150 ) ) ;
right_button = ( ch6_in > 1500 ) ;
uint8_t ch7_bits = ( ch7_in > 1000 ) ? uint8_t ( ( ch7_in - 1000 ) / 100 ) : 0 ;
left_action_button = ( ch7_bits & 1 ) ! = 0 ;
right_action_button = ( ch7_bits & 2 ) ! = 0 ;
power_button = ( ch7_bits & 4 ) ! = 0 ;
} else if ( is_f412_buttons ( ) ) {
// F412 button setup for cc2500 radio. This maps the 6 buttons
// onto channels 5 and 6, with no latching
uint8_t ch5_bits = ( ch5_in > 1000 ) ? uint8_t ( ( ch5_in - 1000 ) / 100 ) : 0 ;
uint8_t ch6_bits = ( ch6_in > 1000 ) ? uint8_t ( ( ch6_in - 1000 ) / 100 ) : 0 ;
left_button = ( ch5_bits & 4 ) ! = 0 ;
right_button = ( ch5_bits & 2 ) ! = 0 ;
right_action_button = ( ch6_bits & 1 ) ! = 0 ;
left_action_button = ( ch6_bits & 2 ) ! = 0 ;
power_button = ( ch6_bits & 4 ) ! = 0 ;
left_change = ( left_button ! = last_left_button ) ;
last_left_button = left_button ;
// decode action buttons into an action
uint8_t action_input = 0 ;
if ( left_action_button ) {
action_input = 1 ;
} else if ( right_action_button ) {
action_input = 2 ;
} else if ( power_button ) {
action_input = 3 ;
if ( action_input ! = 0 & & left_button ) {
// combined button actions
action_input + = 3 ;
left_press_counter = 0 ;
} else if ( left_button ) {
left_press_counter + + ;
} else {
left_press_counter = 0 ;
bool reset_combination = left_action_button & & right_action_button ;
if ( reset_combination & & abs ( copter . ahrs . roll_sensor ) > 160 ) {
if both shoulder buttons are pressed at the same time for 5
seconds while the vehicle is inverted then we send a
WIFIRESET message to the sonix to reset SSID and password
if ( reset_turtle_start_ms = = 0 ) {
reset_turtle_start_ms = now ;
if ( now - reset_turtle_start_ms > TOY_RESET_TURTLE_TIME ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: WiFi reset " ) ;
reset_turtle_start_ms = 0 ;
send_named_int ( " WIFIRESET " , 1 ) ;
} else {
reset_turtle_start_ms = 0 ;
if ( reset_combination ) {
// don't act on buttons when combination pressed
action_input = 0 ;
left_press_counter = 0 ;
work out commanded action , if any
enum toy_action action = action_input ? toy_action ( actions [ action_input - 1 ] . get ( ) ) : ACTION_NONE ;
// check for long left button press
if ( action = = ACTION_NONE & & left_press_counter > TOY_LONG_PRESS_COUNT ) {
left_press_counter = - TOY_COMMAND_DELAY ;
action = toy_action ( actions [ 7 ] . get ( ) ) ;
ignore_left_change = true ;
// cope with long left press triggering a left change
if ( ignore_left_change & & left_change ) {
left_change = false ;
ignore_left_change = false ;
if ( is_v2450_buttons ( ) ) {
// check for left button latching change
if ( action = = ACTION_NONE & & left_change ) {
action = toy_action ( actions [ 6 ] . get ( ) ) ;
} else if ( is_f412_buttons ( ) ) {
if ( action = = ACTION_NONE & & left_change & & ! left_button ) {
// left release
action = toy_action ( actions [ 6 ] . get ( ) ) ;
// check for right button
if ( action = = ACTION_NONE & & right_button ) {
right_press_counter + + ;
if ( right_press_counter > = TOY_RIGHT_PRESS_COUNT ) {
action = toy_action ( actions [ 8 ] . get ( ) ) ;
right_press_counter = - TOY_COMMAND_DELAY ;
} else {
right_press_counter = 0 ;
some actions shouldn ' t repeat too fast
switch ( action ) {
if ( last_action = = action | |
now - last_action_ms < TOY_ACTION_DELAY_MS ) {
// for the above actions, button must be released before
// it will activate again
last_action = action ;
action = ACTION_NONE ;
break ;
// allow photo continuous shooting
if ( now - last_action_ms < TOY_ACTION_DELAY_MS ) {
last_action = action ;
action = ACTION_NONE ;
break ;
default :
last_action = action ;
break ;
if ( action ! = ACTION_NONE ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: action %u " , action ) ;
last_action_ms = now ;
// we use 150 for throttle_at_min to cope with varying stick throws
bool throttle_at_min =
copter . channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) < 150 ;
// throttle threshold for throttle arming
bool throttle_near_max =
copter . channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) > 700 ;
disarm if throttle is low for 1 second when landed
if ( ( flags & FLAG_THR_DISARM ) & & throttle_at_min & & copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & copter . ap . land_complete ) {
throttle_low_counter + + ;
const uint8_t disarm_limit = copter . flightmode - > has_manual_throttle ( ) ? TOY_LAND_MANUAL_DISARM_COUNT : TOY_LAND_DISARM_COUNT ;
if ( throttle_low_counter > = disarm_limit ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: throttle disarm " ) ;
copter . init_disarm_motors ( ) ;
} else {
throttle_low_counter = 0 ;
arm if throttle is high for 1 second when landed
if ( ( flags & FLAG_THR_ARM ) & & throttle_near_max & & ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
throttle_high_counter + + ;
if ( throttle_high_counter > = TOY_LAND_ARM_COUNT ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: throttle arm " ) ;
arm_check_compass ( ) ;
if ( ! copter . init_arm_motors ( true ) & & ( flags & FLAG_UPGRADE_LOITER ) & & copter . control_mode = = LOITER ) {
support auto - switching to ALT_HOLD , then upgrade to LOITER once GPS available
if ( set_and_remember_mode ( ALT_HOLD , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: ALT_HOLD update arm " ) ;
copter . fence . enable ( false ) ;
# endif
if ( ! copter . init_arm_motors ( true ) ) {
// go back to LOITER
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: ALT_HOLD arm failed " ) ;
set_and_remember_mode ( LOITER , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
} else {
upgrade_to_loiter = true ;
#if 0
AP_Notify : : flags . hybrid_loiter = true ;
# endif
} else {
throttle_arm_ms = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
} else {
throttle_high_counter = 0 ;
if ( upgrade_to_loiter ) {
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) | | copter . control_mode ! = ALT_HOLD ) {
upgrade_to_loiter = false ;
#if 0
AP_Notify : : flags . hybrid_loiter = false ;
# endif
} else if ( copter . position_ok ( ) & & set_and_remember_mode ( LOITER , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ) {
copter . fence . enable ( true ) ;
# endif
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: LOITER update " ) ;
if ( copter . control_mode = = RTL & & ( flags & FLAG_RTL_CANCEL ) & & throttle_near_max ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: RTL cancel " ) ;
set_and_remember_mode ( LOITER , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
enum control_mode_t old_mode = copter . control_mode ;
enum control_mode_t new_mode = old_mode ;
implement actions
switch ( action ) {
break ;
send_named_int ( " SNAPSHOT " , 1 ) ;
break ;
send_named_int ( " VIDEOTOG " , 1 ) ;
break ;
new_mode = ACRO ;
break ;
new_mode = ALT_HOLD ;
break ;
new_mode = AUTO ;
break ;
new_mode = LOITER ;
break ;
new_mode = RTL ;
break ;
new_mode = CIRCLE ;
break ;
new_mode = LAND ;
break ;
new_mode = DRIFT ;
break ;
new_mode = SPORT ;
break ;
new_mode = AUTOTUNE ;
break ;
new_mode = POSHOLD ;
break ;
new_mode = BRAKE ;
break ;
new_mode = THROW ;
break ;
new_mode = FLIP ;
break ;
new_mode = STABILIZE ;
break ;
// toggle flow hold
#if 0
if ( old_mode ! = FLOWHOLD ) {
new_mode = FLOWHOLD ;
} else {
new_mode = ALT_HOLD ;
# endif
break ;
if ( copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: Force disarm " ) ;
copter . init_disarm_motors ( ) ;
break ;
last_mode_choice = ( last_mode_choice + 1 ) % 2 ;
new_mode = control_mode_t ( primary_mode [ last_mode_choice ] . get ( ) ) ;
break ;
copter . set_simple_mode ( copter . ap . simple_mode ? 0 : 1 ) ;
break ;
copter . set_simple_mode ( copter . ap . simple_mode ? 0 : 2 ) ;
break ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
action_arm ( ) ;
} else if ( old_mode = = RTL ) {
// switch between RTL and LOITER when in GPS modes
new_mode = LOITER ;
} else if ( old_mode = = LAND ) {
if ( last_set_mode = = LAND | | ! copter . position_ok ( ) ) {
// this is a land that we asked for, or we don't have good positioning
new_mode = ALT_HOLD ;
} else if ( copter . landing_with_GPS ( ) ) {
new_mode = LOITER ;
} else {
new_mode = ALT_HOLD ;
} else if ( copter . flightmode - > requires_GPS ( ) ) {
// if we're in a GPS mode, then RTL
new_mode = RTL ;
} else {
// if we're in a non-GPS mode, then LAND
new_mode = LAND ;
break ;
if ( copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & ! load_test . running ) {
break ;
if ( load_test . running ) {
load_test . running = false ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: load_test off " ) ;
copter . init_disarm_motors ( ) ;
copter . set_mode ( ALT_HOLD , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
} else {
copter . set_mode ( ALT_HOLD , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
copter . fence . enable ( false ) ;
# endif
if ( copter . init_arm_motors ( true ) ) {
load_test . running = true ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: load_test on " ) ;
} else {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: load_test failed " ) ;
# endif
break ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & ( copter . control_mode = = LAND | | copter . control_mode = = RTL ) ) {
// revert back to last primary flight mode if disarmed after landing
new_mode = control_mode_t ( primary_mode [ last_mode_choice ] . get ( ) ) ;
if ( new_mode ! = copter . control_mode ) {
load_test . running = false ;
copter . fence . enable ( false ) ;
if ( set_and_remember_mode ( new_mode , MODE_REASON_TX_COMMAND ) ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: mode %s " , copter . flightmode - > name4 ( ) ) ;
// force fence on in all GPS flight modes
if ( copter . flightmode - > requires_GPS ( ) ) {
copter . fence . enable ( true ) ;
} else {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: %u FAILED " , ( unsigned ) new_mode ) ;
if ( new_mode = = RTL ) {
// if we can't RTL then land
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: LANDING " ) ;
set_and_remember_mode ( LAND , MODE_REASON_TMODE ) ;
if ( copter . landing_with_GPS ( ) ) {
copter . fence . enable ( true ) ;
set a mode , remembering what mode we set , and the previous mode we were in
bool ToyMode : : set_and_remember_mode ( control_mode_t mode , mode_reason_t reason )
if ( copter . control_mode = = mode ) {
return true ;
if ( ! copter . set_mode ( mode , reason ) ) {
return false ;
last_set_mode = mode ;
return true ;
automatic stick trimming . This works while disarmed by looking for
zero rc - input changes for 4 seconds , and assuming sticks are
centered . Trim is saved
void ToyMode : : trim_update ( void )
if ( hal . util - > get_soft_armed ( ) | | copter . failsafe . radio ) {
// only when disarmed and with RC link
trim . start_ms = 0 ;
return ;
// get throttle mid from channel trim
uint16_t throttle_trim = copter . channel_throttle - > get_radio_trim ( ) ;
if ( abs ( throttle_trim - 1500 ) < = trim_auto ) {
RC_Channel * ch = copter . channel_throttle ;
uint16_t ch_min = ch - > get_radio_min ( ) ;
uint16_t ch_max = ch - > get_radio_max ( ) ;
// remember the throttle midpoint
int16_t new_value = 1000UL * ( throttle_trim - ch_min ) / ( ch_max - ch_min ) ;
if ( new_value ! = throttle_mid ) {
throttle_mid = new_value ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: thr mid %d \n " ,
throttle_mid ) ;
uint16_t chan [ 4 ] ;
if ( hal . rcin - > read ( chan , 4 ) ! = 4 ) {
trim . start_ms = 0 ;
return ;
const uint16_t noise_limit = 2 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( abs ( chan [ i ] - 1500 ) > trim_auto ) {
// not within limit
trim . start_ms = 0 ;
return ;
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( trim . start_ms = = 0 ) {
// start timer
memcpy ( trim . chan , chan , 4 * sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
trim . start_ms = now ;
return ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( abs ( trim . chan [ i ] - chan [ i ] ) > noise_limit ) {
// detected stick movement
memcpy ( trim . chan , chan , 4 * sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
trim . start_ms = now ;
return ;
if ( now - trim . start_ms < 4000 ) {
// not steady for long enough yet
return ;
// reset timer so we don't trigger too often
trim . start_ms = 0 ;
uint8_t need_trim = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
RC_Channel * ch = RC_Channels : : rc_channel ( i ) ;
if ( ch & & abs ( chan [ i ] - ch - > get_radio_trim ( ) ) > noise_limit ) {
need_trim | = 1U < < i ;
if ( need_trim = = 0 ) {
return ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( need_trim & ( 1U < < i ) ) {
RC_Channel * ch = RC_Channels : : rc_channel ( i ) ;
ch - > set_and_save_radio_trim ( chan [ i ] ) ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: trim %u %u %u %u \n " ,
chan [ 0 ] , chan [ 1 ] , chan [ 2 ] , chan [ 3 ] ) ;
handle arming action
void ToyMode : : action_arm ( void )
bool needs_gps = copter . flightmode - > requires_GPS ( ) ;
// don't arm if sticks aren't in deadzone, to prevent pot problems
// on TX causing flight control issues
bool sticks_centered =
copter . channel_roll - > get_control_in ( ) = = 0 & &
copter . channel_pitch - > get_control_in ( ) = = 0 & &
copter . channel_yaw - > get_control_in ( ) = = 0 ;
if ( ! sticks_centered ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: sticks not centered \n " ) ;
return ;
arm_check_compass ( ) ;
if ( needs_gps & & copter . arming . gps_checks ( false ) ) {
// we want GPS and checks are passing, arm and enable fence
copter . fence . enable ( true ) ;
# endif
copter . init_arm_motors ( false ) ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
AP_Notify : : events . arming_failed = true ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: GPS arming failed " ) ;
} else {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: GPS armed motors " ) ;
} else if ( needs_gps ) {
// notify of arming fail
AP_Notify : : events . arming_failed = true ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: GPS arming failed " ) ;
} else {
// non-GPS mode
copter . fence . enable ( false ) ;
# endif
copter . init_arm_motors ( false ) ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
AP_Notify : : events . arming_failed = true ;
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: non-GPS arming failed " ) ;
} else {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR , " Tmode: non-GPS armed motors " ) ;
adjust throttle for throttle takeoff
This prevents sudden climbs when using throttle for arming
void ToyMode : : throttle_adjust ( float & throttle_control )
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
const uint32_t soft_start_ms = 5000 ;
const uint16_t throttle_start = 600 + copter . g . throttle_deadzone ;
if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & ( flags & FLAG_THR_ARM ) ) {
throttle_control = MIN ( throttle_control , 500 ) ;
} else if ( now - throttle_arm_ms < soft_start_ms ) {
float p = ( now - throttle_arm_ms ) / float ( soft_start_ms ) ;
throttle_control = MIN ( throttle_control , throttle_start + p * ( 1000 - throttle_start ) ) ;
// limit descent rate close to the ground
float height = copter . inertial_nav . get_altitude ( ) * 0.01 - copter . arming_altitude_m ;
if ( throttle_control < 500 & &
copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & ! copter . ap . land_complete ) {
float limit = linear_interpolate ( TOY_DESCENT_SLOW_MIN , 0 , height ,
if ( throttle_control < limit ) {
// limit descent rate close to the ground
throttle_control = limit ;
update blinking . Blinking is done with a 16 bit pattern for each
LED . A count can be set for a pattern , which makes the pattern
persist until the count is zero . When it is zero the normal pattern
settings based on system status are used
void ToyMode : : blink_update ( void )
if ( red_blink_pattern & ( 1U < < red_blink_index ) ) {
copter . relay . on ( 1 ) ;
} else {
copter . relay . off ( 1 ) ;
if ( green_blink_pattern & ( 1U < < green_blink_index ) ) {
copter . relay . on ( 0 ) ;
} else {
copter . relay . off ( 0 ) ;
green_blink_index = ( green_blink_index + 1 ) % 16 ;
red_blink_index = ( red_blink_index + 1 ) % 16 ;
if ( green_blink_index = = 0 & & green_blink_count > 0 ) {
green_blink_count - - ;
if ( red_blink_index = = 0 & & red_blink_count > 0 ) {
red_blink_count - - ;
// let the TX know we are recording video
uint32_t now = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
if ( now - last_video_ms < 1000 ) {
AP_Notify : : flags . video_recording = 1 ;
} else {
AP_Notify : : flags . video_recording = 0 ;
if ( red_blink_count > 0 & & green_blink_count > 0 ) {
return ;
// setup normal patterns based on flight mode and arming
uint16_t pattern = 0 ;
// full on when we can see the TX, except for battery failsafe,
// when we blink rapidly
if ( copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & AP_Notify : : flags . failsafe_battery ) {
pattern = BLINK_8 ;
} else if ( ! copter . motors - > armed ( ) & & ( blink_disarm > 0 ) ) {
pattern = BLINK_8 ;
blink_disarm - - ;
} else {
pattern = BLINK_FULL ;
if ( copter . motors - > armed ( ) ) {
blink_disarm = 4 ;
if ( red_blink_count = = 0 ) {
red_blink_pattern = pattern ;
if ( green_blink_count = = 0 ) {
green_blink_pattern = pattern ;
if ( red_blink_count = = 0 & & green_blink_count = = 0 ) {
// get LEDs in sync
red_blink_index = green_blink_index ;
// handle a mavlink message
void ToyMode : : handle_message ( mavlink_message_t * msg )
if ( msg - > msgid ! = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_NAMED_VALUE_INT ) {
return ;
mavlink_named_value_int_t m ;
mavlink_msg_named_value_int_decode ( msg , & m ) ;
if ( strncmp ( m . name , " BLINKR " , 10 ) = = 0 ) {
red_blink_pattern = ( uint16_t ) m . value ;
red_blink_count = m . value > > 16 ;
red_blink_index = 0 ;
} else if ( strncmp ( m . name , " BLINKG " , 10 ) = = 0 ) {
green_blink_pattern = ( uint16_t ) m . value ;
green_blink_count = m . value > > 16 ;
green_blink_index = 0 ;
} else if ( strncmp ( m . name , " VNOTIFY " , 10 ) = = 0 ) {
// taking photos or video
if ( green_blink_pattern ! = BLINK_2 ) {
green_blink_index = 0 ;
green_blink_pattern = BLINK_2 ;
green_blink_count = 1 ;
last_video_ms = AP_HAL : : millis ( ) ;
// immediately update AP_Notify recording flag
AP_Notify : : flags . video_recording = 1 ;
} else if ( strncmp ( m . name , " WIFICHAN " , 10 ) = = 0 ) {
AP_Radio * radio = AP_Radio : : instance ( ) ;
if ( radio ) {
radio - > set_wifi_channel ( m . value ) ;
# endif
} else if ( strncmp ( m . name , " LOGDISARM " , 10 ) = = 0 ) {
enum ap_var_type vtype ;
AP_Int8 * log_disarmed = ( AP_Int8 * ) AP_Param : : find ( " LOG_DISARMED " , & vtype ) ;
if ( log_disarmed ) {
log_disarmed - > set ( int8_t ( m . value ) ) ;
send a named int to primary telem channel
void ToyMode : : send_named_int ( const char * name , int32_t value )
mavlink_msg_named_value_int_send ( MAVLINK_COMM_1 , AP_HAL : : millis ( ) , name , value ) ;
limit maximum thrust based on voltage
void ToyMode : : thrust_limiting ( float * thrust , uint8_t num_motors )
float thrust_mul = linear_interpolate ( filter . thrust_max , filter . thrust_min , filtered_voltage , filter . volt_min , filter . volt_max ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
thrust [ i ] * = thrust_mul ;
uint16_t pwm [ 4 ] ;
hal . rcout - > read ( pwm , 4 ) ;
if ( motor_log_counter + + % 10 = = 0 ) {
DataFlash_Class : : instance ( ) - > Log_Write ( " THST " , " TimeUS,Vol,Mul,M1,M2,M3,M4 " , " QffHHHH " ,
AP_HAL : : micros64 ( ) ,
( double ) filtered_voltage ,
( double ) thrust_mul ,
pwm [ 0 ] , pwm [ 1 ] , pwm [ 2 ] , pwm [ 3 ] ) ;
run a motor load test - used for endurance checking in factory tests
void ToyMode : : load_test_run ( void )
uint16_t pwm [ 4 ] { } ;
switch ( ( enum load_type ) load_test . load_type . get ( ) ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
pwm [ i ] = load_data1 [ load_test . row ] . m [ i ] ;
load_test . filter_counter + + ;
if ( load_test . filter_counter > = load_test . load_filter . get ( ) ) {
load_test . filter_counter = 0 ;
load_test . row = ( load_test . row + 1 ) % ARRAY_SIZE ( load_data1 ) ;
break ;
// like log1, but all the same
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
pwm [ i ] = load_data1 [ load_test . row ] . m [ 0 ] ;
load_test . filter_counter + + ;
if ( load_test . filter_counter > = load_test . load_filter . get ( ) ) {
load_test . filter_counter = 0 ;
load_test . row = ( load_test . row + 1 ) % ARRAY_SIZE ( load_data1 ) ;
break ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
pwm [ i ] = 500 ;
break ;
default :
return ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
pwm [ i ] * = load_test . load_mul ;
// write, with conversion to 1000 to 2000 range
hal . rcout - > write ( i , 1000 + pwm [ i ] * 2 ) ;
if ( copter . failsafe . battery ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: load_test off (battery) " ) ;
copter . init_disarm_motors ( ) ;
load_test . running = false ;
if we try to arm and the compass is out of range then we enable
inflight compass learning
void ToyMode : : arm_check_compass ( void )
// check for unreasonable compass offsets
Vector3f offsets = copter . compass . get_offsets ( ) ;
float field = copter . compass . get_field ( ) . length ( ) ;
if ( offsets . length ( ) > copter . compass . get_offsets_max ( ) | |
field < 200 | | field > 800 | |
! copter . compass . configured ( ) ) {
if ( copter . compass . get_learn_type ( ) ! = Compass : : LEARN_INFLIGHT ) {
gcs ( ) . send_text ( MAV_SEVERITY_INFO , " Tmode: enable compass learning " ) ;
copter . compass . set_learn_type ( Compass : : LEARN_INFLIGHT , false ) ;