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#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_HAL_SITL.h>
class HALSITL::SITLRCOutput : public AP_HAL::RCOutput {
SITLRCOutput(SITL_State *sitlState) {
_sitlState = sitlState;
_freq_hz = 50;
void init(void* machtnichts);
void set_freq(uint32_t chmask, uint16_t freq_hz);
uint16_t get_freq(uint8_t ch);
void enable_ch(uint8_t ch);
void disable_ch(uint8_t ch);
void write(uint8_t ch, uint16_t period_us);
void write(uint8_t ch, uint16_t* period_us, uint8_t len);
uint16_t read(uint8_t ch);
void read(uint16_t* period_us, uint8_t len);
SITL_State *_sitlState;
uint16_t _freq_hz;
#endif // __AP_HAL_SITL_RCOUTPUT_H__