#!/usr/bin/env python
from aircraft import Aircraft
import euclid, util, time
class QuadCopter(Aircraft):
'''a QuadCopter'''
def __init__(self):
self.motor_speed = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
self.mass = 1.0 # Kg
self.hover_throttle = 0.37
self.terminal_velocity = 30.0
self.terminal_rotation_rate = 4*360.0
self.frame_height = 0.1
# scaling from total motor power to Newtons. Allows the copter
# to hover against gravity when each motor is at hover_throttle
self.thrust_scale = (self.mass * self.gravity) / (4.0 * self.hover_throttle)
self.last_time = time.time()
def update(self, servos):
for i in range(0, 4):
if servos[i] <= 0.0:
self.motor_speed[i] = 0
self.motor_speed[i] = servos[i]
m = self.motor_speed
# how much time has passed?
t = time.time()
delta_time = t - self.last_time
self.last_time = t
# rotational acceleration, in degrees/s/s, in body frame
roll_accel = (m[1] - m[0]) * 5000.0
pitch_accel = (m[2] - m[3]) * 5000.0
yaw_accel = -((m[2]+m[3]) - (m[0]+m[1])) * 400.0
# rotational resistance
roll_accel -= (self.pDeg / self.terminal_rotation_rate) * 5000.0
pitch_accel -= (self.qDeg / self.terminal_rotation_rate) * 5000.0
yaw_accel -= (self.rDeg / self.terminal_rotation_rate) * 400.0
# update rotational rates in body frame
self.pDeg += roll_accel * delta_time
self.qDeg += pitch_accel * delta_time
self.rDeg += yaw_accel * delta_time
# calculate rates in earth frame
self.yaw_rate) = util.BodyRatesToEarthRates(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw,
self.pDeg, self.qDeg, self.rDeg)
# update rotation
self.roll += self.roll_rate * delta_time
self.pitch += self.pitch_rate * delta_time
self.yaw += self.yaw_rate * delta_time
# air resistance
air_resistance = - self.velocity * (self.gravity/self.terminal_velocity)
# normalise rotations
thrust = (m[0] + m[1] + m[2] + m[3]) * self.thrust_scale # Newtons
accel = thrust / self.mass
accel3D = util.RPY_to_XYZ(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw, accel)
accel3D += euclid.Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity)
accel3D += air_resistance
# add in some wind
accel3D += self.wind.accel(self.velocity)
# new velocity vector
self.velocity += accel3D * delta_time
self.accel = accel3D
# new position vector
old_position = self.position.copy()
self.position += self.velocity * delta_time
# constrain height to the ground
if self.position.z + self.home_altitude < self.ground_level + self.frame_height:
if old_position.z + self.home_altitude > self.ground_level + self.frame_height:
print("Hit ground at %f m/s" % (-self.velocity.z))
self.velocity = euclid.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
self.roll_rate = 0
self.pitch_rate = 0
self.yaw_rate = 0
self.roll = 0
self.pitch = 0
self.accel = euclid.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
self.position = euclid.Vector3(self.position.x, self.position.y,
self.ground_level + self.frame_height - self.home_altitude)
# update lat/lon/altitude