// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
/// @file LowPassFilter.h
/// @brief A class to implement a low pass filter without losing precision even for int types
/// the downside being that it's a little slower as it internally uses a float
/// and it consumes an extra 4 bytes of memory to hold the constant gain
#ifndef __LOW_PASS_FILTER_H__
#define __LOW_PASS_FILTER_H__
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include "FilterClass.h"
// 1st parameter <T> is the type of data being filtered.
template <class T>
class LowPassFilter : public Filter<T>
// constructor
virtual void set_cutoff_frequency(float time_step, float cutoff_freq);
virtual void set_time_constant(float time_step, float time_constant);
// apply - Add a new raw value to the filter, retrieve the filtered result
virtual T apply(T sample);
// reset - clear the filter - next sample added will become the new base value
virtual void reset() {
_base_value_set = false;
// reset - clear the filter and provide the new base value
virtual void reset( T new_base_value ) {
_base_value = new_base_value; _base_value_set = true;
float _alpha; // gain value (like 0.02) applied to each new value
bool _base_value_set; // true if the base value has been set
float _base_value; // the number of samples in the filter, maxes out at size of the filter
// Typedef for convenience (1st argument is the data type, 2nd is a larger datatype to handle overflows, 3rd is buffer size)
typedef LowPassFilter<int8_t> LowPassFilterInt8;
typedef LowPassFilter<uint8_t> LowPassFilterUInt8;
typedef LowPassFilter<int16_t> LowPassFilterInt16;
typedef LowPassFilter<uint16_t> LowPassFilterUInt16;
typedef LowPassFilter<int32_t> LowPassFilterInt32;
typedef LowPassFilter<uint32_t> LowPassFilterUInt32;
typedef LowPassFilter<float> LowPassFilterFloat;
// Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <class T>
LowPassFilter<T>::LowPassFilter() :
// F_Cut = 1; % Hz
//RC = 1/(2*pi*F_Cut);
//Alpha = Ts/(Ts + RC);
// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <class T>
void LowPassFilter<T>::set_cutoff_frequency(float time_step, float cutoff_freq)
// calculate alpha
float rc = 1/(2*(float)M_PI*cutoff_freq);
_alpha = time_step / (time_step + rc);
template <class T>
void LowPassFilter<T>::set_time_constant(float time_step, float time_constant)
// calculate alpha
_alpha = time_step / (time_constant + time_step);
template <class T>
T LowPassFilter<T>::apply(T sample)
// initailise _base_value if required
if( !_base_value_set ) {
_base_value = sample;
_base_value_set = true;
// do the filtering
//_base_value = _alpha * (float)sample + (1.0 - _alpha) * _base_value;
_base_value = _base_value + _alpha * ((float)sample - _base_value);
// return the value. Should be no need to check limits
return (T)_base_value;
#endif // __LOW_PASS_FILTER_H__