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#include "mode.h"
#include "Plane.h"
bool ModeRTL::_enter()
plane.throttle_allows_nudging = true;
plane.auto_throttle_mode = true;
plane.auto_navigation_mode = true;
plane.prev_WP_loc = plane.current_loc;
plane.rtl.done_climb = false;
return true;
void ModeRTL::update()
if (plane.g2.rtl_climb_min > 0) {
when RTL first starts limit bank angle to LEVEL_ROLL_LIMIT
until we have climbed by RTL_CLIMB_MIN meters
if (!plane.rtl.done_climb && (plane.current_loc.alt - plane.prev_WP_loc.alt)*0.01 > plane.g2.rtl_climb_min) {
plane.rtl.done_climb = true;
if (!plane.rtl.done_climb) {
plane.roll_limit_cd = MIN(plane.roll_limit_cd, plane.g.level_roll_limit*100);
plane.nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(plane.nav_roll_cd, -plane.roll_limit_cd, plane.roll_limit_cd);
void ModeRTL::_navigate()
uint16_t qrtl_radius = abs(plane.g.rtl_radius);
if (qrtl_radius == 0) {
qrtl_radius = abs(plane.aparm.loiter_radius);
if (plane.quadplane.available() && plane.quadplane.rtl_mode == 1 &&
(plane.nav_controller->reached_loiter_target() ||
plane.current_loc.past_interval_finish_line(plane.prev_WP_loc, plane.next_WP_loc) ||
plane.auto_state.wp_distance < MAX(qrtl_radius, plane.quadplane.stopping_distance())) &&
AP_HAL::millis() - plane.last_mode_change_ms > 1000) {
for a quadplane in RTL mode we switch to QRTL when we
are within the maximum of the stopping distance and the
plane.set_mode(plane.mode_qrtl, ModeReason::RTL_COMPLETE_SWITCHING_TO_VTOL_LAND_RTL);
if (plane.g.rtl_autoland == 1 &&
!plane.auto_state.checked_for_autoland &&
plane.reached_loiter_target() &&
labs(plane.altitude_error_cm) < 1000) {
// we've reached the RTL point, see if we have a landing sequence
if (plane.mission.jump_to_landing_sequence()) {
// switch from RTL -> AUTO
plane.set_mode(plane.mode_auto, ModeReason::RTL_COMPLETE_SWITCHING_TO_FIXEDWING_AUTOLAND);
// prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
// on every loop
plane.auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
else if (plane.g.rtl_autoland == 2 &&
!plane.auto_state.checked_for_autoland) {
// Go directly to the landing sequence
if (plane.mission.jump_to_landing_sequence()) {
// switch from RTL -> AUTO
plane.set_mode(plane.mode_auto, ModeReason::RTL_COMPLETE_SWITCHING_TO_FIXEDWING_AUTOLAND);
// prevent running the expensive jump_to_landing_sequence
// on every loop
plane.auto_state.checked_for_autoland = true;
uint16_t radius = abs(plane.g.rtl_radius);
if (radius > 0) {
plane.loiter.direction = (plane.g.rtl_radius < 0) ? -1 : 1;